Beginners - September 2011 (Page 15)

Undefined reference to class::function
hi, i have a building error problem : "Undefined reference to class::function", i've searched the internet but haven't found a real solution to the problem. m...
[5 replies] Last: now i will make a make file so i won't have to do it by hand every ti... (by Disch)
Algorithm books
I am currently preparing for the national high school competition in programming. Because the task are all about designing algorithms to solve problems, I would...
[3 replies] Last: Just use an algorithm for solving problems: 1) You have a problem a 2... (by hanst99)
Simple Question
Hey guys, I'm working on a program, and I'm at a situation where I would like to have the user press "Enter" to continue. cout <<"Press Enter to Continue.....
[8 replies] Last: cin is standard, getch is not. Point invalid. (by hanst99)
by fuse
Reading from a text filed and doing operations
Okay, so as a side project Im making a program that will keep track of standings in a league. It keeps track of the wins/loss/tiebreaker of every player and sa...
[no replies]
by tonnot
How to write a compare function for lowerbound ?
I have a vector of objects. The object has an int 'id' prop, and the vector is ordered by id's I want to find a lower_bound for 33 (in example). And I dont k...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks ultifinitus. Ths stackoverflow proposition is what I'm looking ... (by tonnot)
Unnormal problem
Hey guys, thx for reading this. So, i got a problem that are driving me crazy >.< The code is: {//comment if(entrada_usuario == SAVE_GAME) { save_game(); ...
[1 reply] : line 8. get rid of that semicolon (by Disch)
by Kase
Cannot call member function without object
Hi, I'm having problem calling a function from a class in the main.cpp. Could someone tell me how to fix this please? //main.cpp #include <iostream> #...
[3 replies] Last: Objects are just like normal variables (like ints, doubles, etc). Dec... (by Disch)
Error in File Management Section while find and replace function
Dear Sir, I am just briefing my program to you The program basic is like I have one input file inpt.txt Shri 600001 600003 Proactive 600004 600006...
[1 reply] : Dear Sir, Can anyone check my problem inpt.txt is a user defined nam... (by somshridhar)
Mortgage Chart
I'm trying to print out a mortgage chart that loops through and keeps on outputting the payments, total principal and interest paid and such. I'm going brain d...
[no replies]
printing arrays or pointers
Hi guys I this assignment for a C++ course in University The assignment says Write a program that asks user to enter a number then draws that many x characte...
[3 replies] Last: #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" void main() { int ... (by mak4rds)
Bitwise operators
I have a basic idea of using them and how to do so (very very basic idea). But what I can't get is what is actually the point of using them? The only one I hav...
[5 replies] Last: That concept gave me a lot of trouble when I was first learning too. I... (by ddwinters45)
Simple Inches to Feet/inches Problem
I'm not exactly sure what to do here. I've tried to write code for it but here's the actual problem. Say I have 89 inches and I want it to show as 7 feet 5 i...
[3 replies] Last: Although mdulus would be a much better way to solve this problem you'v... (by ddwinters45)
Dynamic Array Memory Not allocating properly
This code is supposed to iterate through a dynamically allocated array of 5 elements in size and store the user's input into the array in the next slot. But whe...
[2 replies] Last: I caught that, but I am having another issue now. The dynamic array th... (by ddwinters45)
"function" not found in Xcode
I am porting a program from VS to Xcode and I ran into a problem. Xcode can't find the function class. I have included <functional> (I think where it is in VS) ...
[1 reply] : You probably have to activate some C++0x switch or something. Other th... (by hanst99)
why won't this program work?
I would pls like to know why this program doesn't work, I've been trying to figure this one out for a while now and I just don't know why it doesn't work pls he...
[1 reply] : Because "something" is a const char* and std::string("something")... (by hanst99)
by wafaa
output problem
I write this code cout << "Enter one integer and one real number: "; cin >> IntegerVar >> RealVar; cout.setf(ios::fixed); cout.setf(ios::showpoint); cout.p...
[2 replies] Last: Usually you would use stream manipulators (<iomanip>) for this, but if... (by hanst99)
Whats wrong with my If OR function?
I can't seem to figure out why this wont work. if (course_select == "ACC 225" || "acc 225" || "acc 225"|| "Acc 225"|| "225") course_select is a string...
[2 replies] Last: You were right it worked, Thanks ^_^ (by Ssturges)
Anyone can tell me where the heck is going wrong??
#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Student { protected: int Studentid; char Stud...
[1 reply] : A C++ programme has only one main function as the start point. You hav... (by Moschops)
by wafaa
string proplem
Hello I m Just begin to write my first program in c++ and I have problem string StringVar; cin >> StringVar; getline(cin, StringVar,'\n'); cout << "You ...
[2 replies] Last: It is work now Thank you for help (by wafaa)
Trying to figure out if there's a problem with my queue
Part of my assignment is to implement various container types, and my queue is giving me some weird memory errors. I won't post my entire code since it's pretty...
[1 reply] : Hello, well I am not sure I can help but as a third person seeing you... (by eypros)
September 2011 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 48
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