Beginners - September 2011 (Page 11)

Need help finding a few bugs
I have a program that I'm writing that has at least one bug in it, if someone could maybe point out a flaw in my code, that would be great, and also, I'm not th...
[7 replies] Last: ok, I found the bug, somehow a line of code got in there that changed ... (by c0d3Man15)
Help with project
#include <Windows.h> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; ofstream outf; DWORD WINAPI Prime(LPVOID Input) { int a = reinte...
[4 replies] Last: thanks that did the trick ^ (by imgregduh)
Sorting Names Alphabetically
Hello, I am having a little trouble writing this program that lets the user enter an amount of names equal to the number of students in the class. I got up to t...
[no replies]
coding C++ for class, need help on code error
im doing the box office question. my question thus far is why is the code skipping past my cin statements after the forst movie=cin.get(); line. it lets you ent...
[1 reply] : Firstly, use string rather than char for a word, as char is one 8-bit ... (by GisleAune)
by pooshi
Doubly Linked List
Hey Everyone, it's been a while but I am back and needs some assistance. I have a linked list and I want to take it to a doubly linked list so I can print the a...
[4 replies] Last: Alright, I will give it a go. You will be hearing form me again, I'm s... (by pooshi)
cin with std::string crashing
Hello all, I'm sort of mystified (and embarrassed) by this. I'm trying to simply cin a std::string, and when I do, regardless of whether I use cin >> mySt...
[3 replies] Last: Ah-ha, indeed! Yeesh *embarrassed*. I'm aware of the differences; I ... (by patricio2626)
by jalfor
Draw Pixel
I know that there are lots of ways you can draw a single pixel, though none of them seem to be fast. I'm trying to make an electronics simulator. (I want it to ...
[9 replies] Last: And display lists are deprecated (or removed, depending on the OpenGL... (by ultifinitus)
by dugeen
new char(10) is wrong, but what was it doing?
I spent a long time puzzling over a crashing program and realised that I'd put ptr = new char(10); where I should have had ptr = new char ; But I no...
[4 replies] Last: Stupid me. Yeah sorry disch, I got stuff like that sometimes. I should... (by hanst99)
C++ Card Class?
I am supposed to write a Card class for my C++ class and have it display a single card. It builds with no errors, but when I go to run it, it does not display t...
[8 replies] Last: This picture may help illustrate what the problem is and how to solve ... (by closed account DSLq5Di1)
Trying to create a summation program
I'm trying to make some sort of program that would assign some values to an array and then create a sum and perform some math on it that corresponds to the ener...
[1 reply] : Never mind, I finally figured out what the problem was. I didn't decla... (by thespiesman)
counting no. of new lines in input file
Hi everyone, I am trying to count the number new lines, '\n', in an input file that i am reading using getline(). I think that when you use getline(), the new...
[1 reply] : getline( ) stops at a newline, right? So why not count every success... (by closed account zb0S216C)
what is the to practice to learn C++, i prefered self study
Guys, Im rowell, guys what is the best way to learn c++, i have a book here dr. bjarne a c++ 3rd edition..i self study.
[13 replies] Last: azeesmile : interesting. Should work, although I think it's unnecessa... (by Mathhead200)
Area of Triangle using 2 Functions in Header
[16 replies] Last: That's it! WOOOOO! Geeze you guys are great. Ya'll really helped out. ... (by Golden0907)
sorting alghorithm
i need a good book to understand sorting alghorithm ,please help me
[4 replies] Last: Ben Duncan is right. The quicksort algorithm contains vectors but this... (by CosminNTG)
printing data in class pointers
i am having trouble printing data got thru dynamic mem alloc in c++... this is the code please help......please note that if i declare both power and coeff as i...
[5 replies] Last: can somebody help me pls.... (by gk77777)
How do I make iterator point to random object in a standard list?
[18 replies] Last: One more tiny problem: One bunny infects everyone in single turn. No d... (by closed account 10oTURfi)
.h and .cpp files in VS 2008
Hi all, sorry for bothering with very trivial questions, but I spent some times trying to fix this without success.. I have some problems in building projects ...
[3 replies] Last: You were 100% right, just copied files and now it works...many thanks! (by araculsa)
Issues with the do-while looping
So I've found a new problem with my program. what i want to know is, is there a way to do a 'do-while' loop with two whiles referring to the same do, for exa...
[4 replies] Last: So, I found out what the issue is ^_^, no its just a matter of solving... (by Ssturges)
What is going on here?
I was set a challenge, and I thought that I had done well, but it appears not. The challenge was this: "Write a program that repeatedly asks the user to input...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! Yeah, the loop did sound a bit weird in my head to... (by Ben Duncan)
delete heap vector of heap vectors
hi, i've made the following vectors, vector< vector<TreeElement*>* >* tempDirList = new vector< vector<TreeElement*>* >; //vector that holds pointers to othe...
[3 replies] Last: Modern compilers should allow you to return a vector<> efficiently, th... (by andywestken)
September 2011 Pages: 1... 910111213... 48
  Archived months: [aug2011] [oct2011]

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