by drucifer
#define versus const dataType dataName [= initial value];
[6 replies] Last: The preprocessor only does text substitutions. This could potentially... (by moorecm)
by xander333
no match for operator<< in std::cout
[2 replies] Last: Omg I'm making so silly mistakes lately... Thanks! (by xander333)
by rassilon256
Representing a power
[7 replies] Last: Are beginners often this strange or is it just me? Happens all th... (by firedraco)
by dragonbane
Union of sets
[4 replies] Last: I'm clueless as to what your first paragraph means. STL refers to t... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Randolan
Alas, I cannot get these types to agree...
[2 replies] Last: I think I figured it out. You are awesomely fast, though. I was not in... (by Randolan)
by bergeronn
College Residency
[1 reply] : If the residency can only accept N or R, that should be in the constru... (by ne555)
by dlugo
Exporting info from int main(argc, char*argv[])
[2 replies] Last: OK... well I understand the example: int func2(int p , int width) {... (by dlugo)
by Kajankow
Reading data from file to one-dimensional array
[6 replies] Last: I think the problem is that you declare your array as local to your fu... (by Galik)
by Gyula
Program closes
[9 replies] Last: ok.. y now that bad habits are not be honest y have no clue w... (by Mihay07)
by im abcd
how to make a ticking clock
[no replies]
by mozly
0xC0000005 error
[5 replies] Last: Yes. (by helios)
by Snaef98
Cleaning Up Code - Question
[9 replies] Last: Lol this wasn't exactly what my subject was about but feel free to hav... (by Snaef98)
by Mike200
programming exercises
[5 replies] Last: Look at this: #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << ... (by Bazzy)
by Errratic
data structure
[1 reply] : struct { short hi; short lo; } s; declares a single instan... (by jsmith)
by manasij7479
What to put in which file?
[1 reply] : <-- see section 4 (by Disch)
Checking the state of the input stream |
[2 replies] Last: it's the peek that I can use, thanks. I will peek, and if I see what I... (by closed account Lv0f92yv)
by vlad61
[11 replies] Last: Alternatively, you could use SFML, it has Audio-support too. (by Kyon)
by mikaton89
What am i doing wrong?
[3 replies] Last: Alright, that clears it up. Thanks alot! (by mikaton89)
by Briandb1222
[6 replies] Last: A good structure of your program could look like this: void get_input(... (by hamsterman)
by Snaef98
Advanced Color Text in console (1,2)
[21 replies] Last: I found an easier way to do it, i tried the array method and it didn't... (by Snaef98)