Beginners - September 2010 (Page 23)

by dlugo
Issues compiling. Many an issue with ostream?
Hi- I'm having issues with classes. In my main function I have something like this: #include <iostream> #include "ComplexNumber.h" int main() { ...
[9 replies] Last: It was when I was beginning programming. I didn't have to go public ab... (by Albatross)
Searching Array of structs
In C++, I have to read zip codes from a file. While there are zip codes in the file, I need to search the array (of Structs) until either a matching zip code or...
[3 replies] Last: Oh, that's easy. Just feed all the elements into a set. http://cplu... (by Albatross)
by ToniAz
Hello Everyone. I've been practicing some "useful" C++ syntax in a way I can interact with windows. I've learned ShellExecute, I've tried using it to start u...
[4 replies] Last: yeah but / works on Windows too. (by Disch)
by Mupp
std::ifstream text(how to change this);
Hello! std::ifstream text( "./text1.txt" ); How do I change "text" to something else like "./text55.txt" ?
[1 reply] : Like with a variable? You can build the file name using a stringstrea... (by Bazzy)
Running programs on other computers
I like to let my friends try out my programs, but when they start the program, they always get "The application has failed to start because its side-by-side con...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! That helped. So the computer that was trying to run it didn't... (by Thumper)
Else statement
Sorry if I sound stupid but this project is generating an error in my compiler. I want the end statement to be displayed when x is equal to 100. But an e...
[4 replies] Last: That is correct, Mihay. Those conditions would have a higher priori... (by Disch)
by meca
ARray= determine highest and lowest number
Hello guys, anyone here will try to correct my code in determining the highest and lowest value when entering 12 integers..I already have the code but the ...
[4 replies] Last: hmm..interesting thing,because there is only one instruction in the fo... (by Mihay07)
Question about while
Need some help with this problem: You are given a 10000, how long would it take for you to become a millionaire?(Assume you could make 8% yearly interest on yo...
[7 replies] Last: Or if you desperately want to give the solution, write a really hard c... (by kaduuk)
by sambo
making different number ranges execute unique tasks.
hi everybody. Im really new to programming and had a real quick question thats been baffling me. The program I am working on involves giving different responses...
[3 replies] Last: It should actually be neither of those. You might notice that a val... (by Disch)
by sambo
can not find the specified file.
I don't mean to be a bother to anyone but I'm brand new to C++ and am having some difficulty running this first program. I downloaded the new 2010 C++ from the ...
[2 replies] Last: dont worry man i figured it out. thanks for the help though. (by sambo)
by Ikaron
Methods to insure your app is safe?
First I would like to apologize if this isn't in the correct sub forum. I've been self-learning C++ for roughly a month, so I'm not sure I would consider myself...
[2 replies] Last: That's what I was beginning to figure. I've got a relatively large pro... (by Ikaron)
Compiler Error C2106 when trying to simulate a vector
I'm trying to write a fake vector for my class assignment, and I currently get an error in the member function pushBack . The compiler doesn't seem to like i...
[4 replies] Last: @ thumper Oh okay, Thanks Thumper. I don't know what i was thinking. I... (by Hirokachi)
by juvan
calculating Really big numbers
Ahoy, I've got question concerning really big numbers. How do you calculate them?? How do those libraries GMP and BigInt calculate the values. The way I do them...
[6 replies] Last: GMP under cygwin (can't find a way to get it under Windows) I had th... (by LB)
by xyzt
Crash when deleting object
I can not understand why does this code crashes. I know it should be delete , but why is this code crashes when I just give the pointer? #include <iostream>...
[3 replies] Last: You can't delete just one element like that. It's all or nothing. (by Disch)
by firix
C and C++
hello, I want to improve on.C and C++ on. What can I do for it. I know C and C + + language.sentax level. I'll be very happy if you share with me your id...
[15 replies] Last: Another thing to check out on this site if you haven't already is: htt... (by closed account Lv0f92yv)
Not sure how to just submit Source code
I'm in a programming class at my university, and in my recent assignment my teacher asked us to submit our assignment as a source code. To my understanding a co...
[8 replies] Last: .cpp, .C, .c, .cc, .c++, .h are all source code extensions. If you h... (by closed account Lv0f92yv)
A problem with ifstream/ofstream
I do not have much experience with c++, but I am trying to learn. My current project is a scheduler, something that stores data to a file and reteives it based ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the help, sorry about not posting the code, I was in a hurr... (by Some new cpp programmer)
Appropriate library to use
Hey everyone, I am not sure if it is write to state this but I have seen many different ways of coding on the documentation here it states to use: #includ...
[3 replies] Last: I used that book. std_lib_facilities.h is a file available in Stroustr... (by filipe)
How to call C++ function taking UDT object as argument with inline assembler ?
Hello, I am facing a problem related Inline assembler in c++ in order calling C++ functions at runtime. Suppose the function to which I need to call is j...
[no replies]
Rectangle Problem
Need help with the following problem: Create a class that represents a geometric rectangle shape. The shape should be defined by a point for the upper left c...
[12 replies] Last: Read the tutorial. Create a ... (by moorecm)
September 2010 Pages: 1... 2122232425... 32
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