Beginners - September 2010 (Page 20)

by shiki
cannot debug this programming
hi..i new at here..i had a problem with c++ proggraming and i don't how to fixed it..when i debug it, it cannot run and not responding..i dont know why.. i hope...
[1 reply] : The warning you can ignore but the description is quite clear. t... (by sohguanh)
virtual functions.. why??
I've just been reading about virtual functions, and whilst i understand how they work , i'm struggling to see a use??.I've read they are more useful on larger p...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks Disch for providing me new info. So C++ STL uses BOTH templates... (by sohguanh)
by wtf
Am I good enough to be a programmer? (1,2,3)
I was reading this article in the articles section about interview questions and it got me to thinking about this brain teaser that i've seen on the internet an...
[48 replies] Last: Actually it depend on the employer core business. If the employer is d... (by sohguanh)
by endik
Hi Folks, I am new here. Trying to read three columns of doubles from a file. Unluckily, a file can contain strings instead of doubles and I want to make my co...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you guys for all the replies. (by endik)
Using Memory
How can I create a program that will save someone's score/highscore for example? I've managed to write a very simple game where you can move aorund and some ene...
[5 replies] Last: Perfecto!!! thank you pablo!! (by garunas)
Displaying a simple image
How can I get a program to open a paint file or some other simple file like a notepad file? Do I have to use windows.h to do this??
[6 replies] Last: Right ok to answer Disch questions. Basically before initially posting... (by garunas)
by Dukaim
Dice Game - Ending loop trouble
Hey, im trying to fix this code I wrote, its a simple dice rolling game but im having a problem trying to end the loop. I want it to end if balance = 0 or if us...
[5 replies] Last: You shouldn't compare floats for equality because in the representatio... (by ne555)
creating a project that isn't a console program
So i want to create a simple project that is able to embed or at least open an external file which i already know how to do.. soo the part i dont know how to do...
[2 replies] Last: alright ill look into that... thanks alot!.. (by one3five)
static member variables
Hello again , i have a question about static variables... i have a class called circle and a class called cylinder( which inherirates circle). i think i've a g...
[5 replies] Last: What exactly is your question? Is it the syntax? Here: struct S{ ... (by hamsterman)
Array Values As Histogram
How do I set up my code to call a class object from another class? I'm supposed to have it roll a die, get the face value, then use that portion to roll 3 dice...
[5 replies] Last: Well, I went ahead and kept working on my problems, and have most of t... (by RFID46616c73)
Switch problems
Is it possible to use a string as the variable checked in a switch statement? I want to use it to check the command entered by a user and then call the appropr...
[4 replies] Last: you can use the insertion operator to test. It's a little bit more com... (by gcampton)
problem with sradom instance in our game
We have built a randomized area of our game. We used a swtich, but it still is looking for input instead of choosing one on its own #include <time.h> bool ...
[19 replies] Last: Bringing the entire standard library to the global namespace doesn't s... (by filipe)
return class value I have virtually the same code as this old post, but the solution suggested does not work for me. Debugging ...
[3 replies] Last: Hint: If you need to write an assignment operator, then you also ne... (by jsmith)
how can i get the last bit of a double
how can i get the last bit of a double? i want to take a "or" operation with it.
[3 replies] Last: char lastbit = d & 0x1; Nice try but it won't work :P You can't u... (by m4ster r0shi)
end of file was matched??
hey guys, im working on a game and i'm getting this error.. its very strange i dont understand it Error 2 fatal error C1075: end of file found before the le...
[1 reply] : Please post playerr.cpp. From the error message it seems to be beca... (by spaggy)
by kat
Display the square value of all odd numbers
hi guys, new member here.. how can i do this? Displaying the square value of all odd numbers from -1 to -25 using (pow) our topic is user defined fun...
[4 replies] Last: This is not a homework service it's a programming forum. What do ... (by gcampton)
how to store and read bynary string
Hello! In text-file storing we write fscanf(fp1, "%s ", str); fprintf(fp2, "%s ", str); to read and write a string from and to a file... now, thi...
[2 replies] Last: so obvious that I didn't think to it! thanks :) (by harmodrew)
stuck how to use class/struct
i have project where im suppose to do this i can get it work fine if i put all the student stuff in on...
[3 replies] Last: Pen and paper are my best friends when it comes to planning. I write ... (by gcampton)
Multidimensional array not printing out.
Just playing around with multidimensional arrays and noted the "bh" in the code below doesn't get printed. (the twoDstringArray ) Wondering why not? Thank-y...
[3 replies] Last: Also I'm pretty sure (could be wrong): char* twoDstringArray ; Is ... (by gcampton)
Trouble allocating memory to Dynamic Array
To regather my knowledge of dynamic memory (after 2 weeks without a computer), I'm doing a small sorting program where the user enters the number of elements in...
[7 replies] Last: Actually it is able but on certain circumstances. This isn't an abil... (by Sinkureness)
September 2010 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 32
  Archived months: [aug2010] [oct2010]

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