Beginners - September 2010 (Page 18)

String format
hy..i have a question about how to format the text in a console application.using printf(); for example if i wanted to write like this(let's say the that is th...
[8 replies] Last: For the precision, #include<iomanip>: cout << fixed << setprecision(... (by einlanzer)
Understanding Arrays
Hey, I am currently studying arrays and understand the basic principle of accessing and initialising them but I am stuck on the example code given. I am try...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both I was just curious for what the For statement was used ... (by dthomas86)
Dynamic Matrix Class not Functioning Properly
Hello, I am a Computer Engineering student and am in a data structures class. We recently had an assignment to create a matrix class and implement our own ove...
[2 replies] Last: // matrixMain.cpp //Used to implement matrix class and describe /... (by jglawrence)
by nevero
Array and pointer problem
I'm trying to debug a piece of code I was given and I'm uneasy with this: Object** objects; (Object being a user-defined class) I wanted to know if it wa...
[1 reply] : That depends very much on how you reserve the space for your objects a... (by Albatross)
read two strings into a text file
Hello! I've to read two strings into a text file. the two strings can contain spaces... How can I read these strings? I tried: fscanf("%s %s", str1...
[6 replies] Last: yes. ok, I'll try binary files then :) (by harmodrew)
by ChrisC
Functions - Compiler doesn't recognize
So I've been working on an array workout program for class. It involves several different functions and for some reason when I compile the code it only wants to...
[5 replies] Last: I didn't currently have any projects running at the time I tried to re... (by ChrisC)
Polymorphism makes no sense?
I've trying to understand this concept for the past week, I just can't get it. Not even a bit of it :( Can someone explain it to me in the easiest way possible ...
[6 replies] Last: Wasn't there just a thread like this? Heh. Anyway, here was my rep... (by Disch)
Problem including a.h in b.h when b.h is included in a.h
Hi there, I'm trying to construct two classes that need each other to work but am getting errors when compiling. I need to include settings.h in blocks.h and...
[6 replies] Last: don't forget the inline keyword or else you'll get linker errors when ... (by Disch)
Constructive Criticism Appreciated
Me Again! This program is for exercise 5) of chapter 9 in Stroustrup's book. It was a challenge for me. I gave up on trying to use getline() because it requ...
[3 replies] Last: A struct is exactly the same as a class, except that it has public as ... (by Kyon)
how to get the length of string in struct
Hi I am trying to get the length of string in struct as follows struct string { char *test size_t len; }; --- a couple of functions --- int ...
[2 replies] Last: Or, from his structure, string.len (by LB)
constructors/destructors into UML
Hello! Should I put the Constructor/destructor functions into my UML classes diagram? Thanks
[2 replies] Last: ok, thanks. this is what I wanted :) (by harmodrew)
by L4nce0
Pipe in a string to a program with special characters
Hi I need some help >< I finally figured out how to read in a pipeline from say echo. However I toss in a few newlines and it does to garbage! string in; ...
[3 replies] Last: Seem the other topic on feof is haunting us again. For your observatio... (by sohguanh)
Is there an open file GUI ready for C++?
Hi guys. In my program, I might need to give the program the path to a csv file which contains the starting position of the molecules. Is there a GUI librar...
[no replies]
by guru91
i've tried to sum and display two right angle triangles
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int a ,s=0,k=1,r,c,i=0,j=0,ch,t; clrscr(); cout<<"ENTER NO OF ROWS AND COLUMNS\n\n"; cin>>r>>c;...
[3 replies] Last: my question is whether this is an efficient one r not..pls suggest (by guru91)
What is the best way to imlement link list of numbers?
What is the best way to imlement link list of numbers? I am new to C++ so please go easy on the technical jargon. Have a question about linked list - or may ...
[2 replies] Last: Why do you need to decompose them into digits and reference them relat... (by closed account Lv0f92yv)
C++ and Python
What is the most simple way to use C++ and Python code in the same project (without going into too much difficulty)?
[3 replies] Last: How do I make gcc search the python folder for the header file? -I<yo... (by helios)
by Geroy
possible compiler issue
Hey guys, I need help trying to set up a compiler on my computer. I am fairly sure the code is not the problem. I downloaded microsoft visual studio earl...
[3 replies] Last: 1: It shouldn't. The compiler was made by Microsoft for a Microsoft pl... (by Albatross)
by khris
multidimensional array with random numbers
Hello everyone, I am having a bit of a problem with this program. I want it to ask the user for a number of rows and number of columns. I then want the progra...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for the advice, Zhuge. I will research dynamic memory and a... (by khris)
which notation do you use for pointers?
Which notation do you use or prefer to use to define pointers? int* x; or int *x; I have heard that the former one makes more sense since we are...
[12 replies] Last: +1 PiMaster, I don't really like multiple declarations like this: int... (by Galik)
accessing members when they're stored in lists
hello again, i've started looking at STL lists for the first time. I'm starting an exercise i found on this web site about mutant bunnies that breed(good exerci...
[4 replies] Last: (*iElementLocator)->printSummary(); this works.. thanks (by Mike200)
September 2010 Pages: 1... 1617181920... 32
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