by Mihay07
String format
[8 replies] Last: For the precision, #include<iomanip>: cout << fixed << setprecision(... (by einlanzer)
by dthomas86
Understanding Arrays
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both I was just curious for what the For statement was used ... (by dthomas86)
by jglawrence
Dynamic Matrix Class not Functioning Properly
[2 replies] Last: // matrixMain.cpp //Used to implement matrix class and describe /... (by jglawrence)
by nevero
Array and pointer problem
[1 reply] : That depends very much on how you reserve the space for your objects a... (by Albatross)
by harmodrew
read two strings into a text file
[6 replies] Last: yes. ok, I'll try binary files then :) (by harmodrew)
by ChrisC
Functions - Compiler doesn't recognize
[5 replies] Last: I didn't currently have any projects running at the time I tried to re... (by ChrisC)
by Soap360
Polymorphism makes no sense?
[6 replies] Last: Wasn't there just a thread like this? Heh. Anyway, here was my rep... (by Disch)
by lilactiger89
Problem including a.h in b.h when b.h is included in a.h
[6 replies] Last: don't forget the inline keyword or else you'll get linker errors when ... (by Disch)
by nathan10
Constructive Criticism Appreciated
[3 replies] Last: A struct is exactly the same as a class, except that it has public as ... (by Kyon)
by rlagksquf
how to get the length of string in struct
[2 replies] Last: Or, from his structure, string.len (by LB)
by harmodrew
constructors/destructors into UML
[2 replies] Last: ok, thanks. this is what I wanted :) (by harmodrew)
by L4nce0
Pipe in a string to a program with special characters
[3 replies] Last: Seem the other topic on feof is haunting us again. For your observatio... (by sohguanh)
by yotama9
Is there an open file GUI ready for C++?
[no replies]
by guru91
i've tried to sum and display two right angle triangles
[3 replies] Last: my question is whether this is an efficient one r not..pls suggest (by guru91)
What is the best way to imlement link list of numbers? |
[2 replies] Last: Why do you need to decompose them into digits and reference them relat... (by closed account Lv0f92yv)
by manasij7479
C++ and Python
[3 replies] Last: How do I make gcc search the python folder for the header file? -I<yo... (by helios)
by Geroy
possible compiler issue
[3 replies] Last: 1: It shouldn't. The compiler was made by Microsoft for a Microsoft pl... (by Albatross)
by khris
multidimensional array with random numbers
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for the advice, Zhuge. I will research dynamic memory and a... (by khris)
by cmdcenter
which notation do you use for pointers?
[12 replies] Last: +1 PiMaster, I don't really like multiple declarations like this: int... (by Galik)
by Mike200
accessing members when they're stored in lists
[4 replies] Last: (*iElementLocator)->printSummary(); this works.. thanks (by Mike200)