Beginners - September 2010 (Page 16)

Basic for loop problem ):
Hey I'm doing an exercise and I was wondering if anyone can help me out? The question : Write a program that requests the user to enter two integers. The pro...
[2 replies] Last: i'm not sure i understand my approach either.. i just kind of pulled i... (by georgewashere)
C++ Question how do I use fixed point notation
Hello, I am new to C++ but so far I love it! I've never programmed before but I am a computer science major and I am enjoying it so far. I had one question th...
[4 replies] Last: Okay cool thank you Kaduuk have not had a chance to try it out yet bee... (by goodeggs84)
by Dko
LNK1169 error
Hello, I've been reading the book "Game Programming All In One. Third Edition" and have been loving the book. But I know C++ better then I know C, so I though...
[1 reply] : heh, I just responded to a post with similar troubles. The problem ... (by Disch)
declaring three double variables
Hello! I need help writing a program for a class, im having a lot of trouble comprehending with this because this is all new to me, the two main objectives are ...
[9 replies] Last: Try '\b' at the end of your cout statement right before grabbing input... (by deems)
what does #include <iostream> mean? (better definition pls)
What does #include <iostream> mean? (better definition pls)
[3 replies] Last: +1 moorecm. [quote=kaduuk]and to be able to use the namespace std::... (by filipe)
by deems
Templated function pointer as function argument
I'm having an issue with sending a function pointer to a non-static member function as an argument using templates. Here are a two scenarios that don't gener...
[13 replies] Last: Thanks everyone for your help on my Template issues. Worked like a cha... (by deems)
my instructor posted on his handout void resetFormat() { cout<<resetiosflags(ios::fixed|ios::showpoint); cout<<setprecision(6); } I thought i would ...
[2 replies] Last: If you always want 6 decimals after the decimal point, you should no... (by Athar)
by KJtan
Speed Performance - declaring variables
Hi, I don't know if this question was ask before on this forum but I think it's a pretty easy one. I have many double variables to declare (they could als...
[3 replies] Last: thank you very much. that fully answers my question (by KJtan)
Segmentation Faults Using C-Style Strings and Functions
I have an assignment for my Programming class that is meant to provide an understanding of pointers, and c-style strings by the end of it. #include <ios...
[1 reply] : I'd say class is providing a very valuable lesson in the use of pointe... (by PanGalactic)
3D graphic/game engine, basics questions
im familiar with C# and java, and on the web side im good with HTML and PHP. but for C++ i was wondering... fine you have plenty of codes including the IF, ...
[4 replies] Last: Ok. Thanks. (by JimNewbie)
The Makefile should look in specific folders
Hi, I am using a Meinberg GPS Card and trying to compile a program which should interact with the Card. The GPS Card is properly installed, I can use all th...
[10 replies] Last: Also do try to diagnose you could modify the last few lines of the Mak... (by Galik)
Overloading operator '<' problem
Hi, First time posting here. I have gained a lot from this website. I need a little help with a homework assignment. I have created a String class to ha...
[2 replies] Last: Thank You m4sterr0shi! I understood the problem, but not the soluti... (by mcelgiraffe)
Problem with a pointer
Hello, I'm making a little program that checks for palindromes. Here's the code: #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE...
[3 replies] Last: You could avoid the C style code and make things a lot simpler: bo... (by filipe)
physics engine
Can anyone post a site where i could find physics engine tutorials or a source code example of a physics engine. please
[1 reply] : whats wrong with google? search for; havok bullet physX ODE... (by cholasimmons)
by dardar
questions b4 job interview....
Hi all..... i'm studying for a job interview and i have a few questions: 1.Should a refrence be initialized ? i'm not sure if the answer is YES, or NOT ...
[4 replies] Last: got it. ty very much (by dardar)
Prevent DLL causing segmenataion fault
I have a DLL that I need to call. It's written in Pascal and although I have the source, I don't have pascal so I'm stuck with using the compiled DLL. The probl...
[5 replies] Last: How odd. I'm in the UK and have no problem on that page. I have howeve... (by mjaggard)
Are Two Loops allowed?
I'm having a problem getting two For loops to excute correctly. Is it posssible to have For, Do while and while loops (3) in the same code, or 3 For Loops o...
[2 replies] Last: In your case you may not want return statement. You should look at br... (by sohguanh)
using strncmp with current time
Hi I was writing a program to run the code at every noon #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> int main(void...
[1 reply] : You are doing an infinite while loop and hope that you are able to cap... (by sohguanh)
how to sscanf multiple times
Hi I have this string that has multi-line float values and when i printf("%s\n", string) it will show me 50.11 33.22 22.44 and so on what ...
[no replies]
input/output file
Write a program that takes its input from a file (stored in Hard Disk) of numbers of type double and outputs the average of the numbers in the file to the scree...
[1 reply] : ^Here ya go. -Albatross (by Albatross)
September 2010 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 32
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