How do I make multiple random number generators? |
[11 replies] Last: That's basically the idea. random number generators are basically j... (by Disch)
by Mazd
Find prime number
[18 replies] Last: I have a similar problem with my program but i need it to list the div... (by geko)
by Arisaitou
Hello, I've a question
[5 replies] Last: is there any program specialized in C++? If you simply mean somet... (by MottMan)
by geko
problems with loop program to work with intergers
[no replies]
by AnthonyF
Managing an array using typedef
[1 reply] : #include <stdexcept> ... else throw std::out_of_range( ... (by Duthomhas)
by ItchyElbow
Question about displaying content in a 2D array of pointers
[3 replies] Last: Wow I never thought of calling a function within the nested loops. ... (by Disch)
by louarnold
OpenCV: WinXP vs Linux
[1 reply] : What are the advantages and disadvantages of developing OpenCV applic... (by hamsterman)
by Arisaitou
My program appears like this..instead of that..
[2 replies] Last: cout << "Hello BLah blaH!" << endl; cout << "Bblah blah blabla... (by daveD)
by Arisaitou
My first program just exits?
[4 replies] Last: thanks, you're quiet but helpful :) (by Arisaitou)
by khouser
User Assigned Array/Function
[6 replies] Last: Indeed, I made a typo. Desh is correct. (by Zhuge)
by pauyon
Entering 5 names into a 2D Array
[12 replies] Last: Ooh... I see now... thanks for the clarification! Looks like they aren... (by pauyon)
by darkbritt265
Newbie - Honest Questions (I think... Hahaha)
[3 replies] Last: - What is the difference between C# and C++? Is it much of a differen... (by Athar)
by elvis0288
i have big problem rand() (1,2)
[22 replies] Last: Really? I thought the problem was because time() returns a time_t and ... (by Zhuge)
by juvan
ttmath UInt to string?
[13 replies] Last: Just do a few range tests and see what has a larger range than that. ... (by jsmith)
I'm thinking loop trouble any ideas |
[4 replies] Last: As has been stated before, line 23 is going out of bounds on the area.... (by Zhuge)
by badass
[3 replies] Last: Pretty much all will have the same performance. C# will likely have t... (by PanGalactic)
by juvan
Dynamic mem alloc inside function
[6 replies] Last: what I get back in my string (in this case in sStr) is giberish No,... (by Athar)
by HitCode337
What's wrong with my "Hello World" source code?
[11 replies] Last: @L B - Thank you, your method worked. (by HitCode337)
by tblake3
More searching a text file questions
[4 replies] Last: As a help, I'm searching a .gpx file, which is a text file for Garmin... (by tblake3)
by liamwithers
Else if problems! Noob question!
[7 replies] Last: [quote=spaggy]The most straight forward and less error prone way is pr... (by Disch)