by tiger
linked list problem
[2 replies] Last: comments included void linklist::add(int d) { link* newlink... (by anilpanicker)
by Gammler
Strange ostream problem
[2 replies] Last: aaah i knew it was that easy thank you very much (by Gammler)
by mr zdeis
few questions to explain
[3 replies] Last: 1: - scroll down to ... (by Bazzy)
by lythedan
how to pass reference of a string
[2 replies] Last: Also, DON'T use: main() or void main() Please use: int ... (by firedraco)
by DrChill
function fun
[4 replies] Last: If you don't need functions to return anything, make their return type... (by helios)
by wtf
Uncontrolable flowing of screen when wrong input (char instead of int)
[6 replies] Last: You must always check against bad input. Using cin.clear() won't ch... (by chrisname)
by iissungmin
I'm supposed to print 15... but it keeps giving me 19... why?
[3 replies] Last: Arrays are zero-based. You start at 1 and read beyond the bounds of a.... (by paoloricardo)
by paoloricardo
getline()/eof problem
[4 replies] Last: Agreed - checking status is sensible. Thx. (by paoloricardo)
by hannes
3-dimensional array
[3 replies] Last: I don't understand what you're asking. Did I tell to get rid of it? (by helios)
by pino
default constructor
[15 replies] Last: the default value to store the new allocate memory is oxcc No, that's... (by helios)
by imusa007
ofstream Problem
[3 replies] Last: Here is a suggestion but it is up to you to rewrite the program. Sinc... (by kempofighter)
by chrisname
Regular expressions
[5 replies] Last: I'm calling mine cedit. Given that the second letter of what the c ... (by chrisname)
by brokenbot
very simple program with string manipulation not working
[3 replies] Last: Indentation is your friend. Also hip = check(hip); Or take a st... (by Chewbob)
by chrisname
Ugh, segmentation fault.
[9 replies] Last: SIGSEGV. Sorry, helios, you've been terminated. You need ring 0 acc... (by chrisname)
by sikac
[2 replies] Last: it means that you probably messed up somewhere in your code because 1.... (by mspy2plus)
by Dorian
Extracting specific characters from a string.
[4 replies] Last: I didn't get it properly, is this you want at line 33 you got the num... (by anilpanicker)
by pkiskool
Using pow();
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, I changed the capA and capB to double, and it works now. Than... (by pkiskool)
by jmarcos
Stop a loop with a button - I need threads?
[9 replies] Last: Many thanks for your reply, webJose. In fact I have tried to follow ... (by jmarcos)
by rave003
for loop and using char as a variable
[12 replies] Last: You can see this tutorial for a long explanation of new and delete ... (by Bazzy)
by sydegil
create and open text file
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a million for the advise. :)) (by sydegil)