Beginners - September 2009 (Page 18)

How to find size of array
so I have an array size 10 and I need to find out how many spaces are open and then fill those spaces with information from another array and count how many spa...
[2 replies] Last: it is c++ and the empty are just set to 0 the function is suppost to ... (by cannsyl)
thoughts on my project
Hello kind souls, I am a student studying C++, I have been tasked to create a program that at run-time displays the size of it's source file, list all use...
[6 replies] Last: It appears that what you posted above is simply a set of disjoint note... (by jsmith)
by Bv202
Exercise question (1,2)
Hi, I'm trying to make an exercise on polymorphism. I'm not going to ask you to write the code for me, just to give me some clues how to do this. The exer...
[37 replies] Last: That seems to work! I don't have time to mess with it right now, it... (by Bv202)
Problem Sorting a Really Long Array (1,2)
I have a problem which seems difficult to solve. This is my code for a program which sorts a list of words and then removes the duplicates. The program uses...
[25 replies] Last: helios, thak you, that was fantastic. In essence 1) remove duplicate... (by anilpanicker)
by CD4
writting packet sniffing tools..
hello, i m planning to learn writing packet sniffing tools. I want the header file or library to write the program in windows.I have winpcap that comes with wir...
[1 reply] : winpcap is the library you need to do it in Windows. What do you thin... (by kbw)
by Null
What is <setjmp.h>?
What is setjmp.h? Where to use it? How to use setjmp.h functions? As far as i understood, it's some kind of goto but nothing more. So i hope someone will expla...
[4 replies] Last: Nor should you use it in C. setjump/longjump implement non-local gotos... (by kbw)
by gpht
debug assertion failed
//// assgn2.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "blepo.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG...
[1 reply] : Please give a line number relative to the example you provided. How a... (by kempofighter)
Slot Machine
Hello everybody. I am trying to make a basic slot machine program that generates three(3) random numbers when the "spin" is typed and entered, and ends when all...
[5 replies] Last: And it works perfect! Thank you everybody who contributed. And here's ... (by DeadH34d)
If I write a function i visual. I can hide all information in that function by clicking on the minus symbol next to the return definition. I know that you can a...
[3 replies] Last: Welcome :) (by Lodger)
by CD4
writting packet sniffing tools..
hello, i m planning to learn writing packet sniffing tools. I want the header file or library to write the program in windows.I have winpcap that comes with wir...
[no replies]
C++ IDE needed
I need a C++ IDE (Freeware )that capable of programing Win32 programs and good debugging help me please
[8 replies] Last: Any IDE running on Windows should be able of compiling to Windows nati... (by Bazzy)
Could you tell me something about 'static'?
// A program based single document // CMainFrame.CPP IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CMainFrame, CFrameWnd) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMainFrame, CFrameWnd) ON_WM_CREATE()...
[2 replies] Last: I see, Thanks! (by HawkOfWinter)
the value of a varaiable in a function
This is the simplest problem from a bigger question. The simplified question is finding the size of a dividing chain from a 4-number chain, starting by the firs...
[2 replies] Last: Line 35 return result( a, count, start ); (by jsmith)
toupper problem
//i want to convert a string in to uppercase // but it gives me an error: //could not find a match for 'toupper(charT)(string)' in function main() //could so...
[14 replies] Last: tnx garob (by rave003)
Operator & , &&
hi i use this simple code but i don't undrstand why integer variable x=16 ?? can you explain me? thanks! #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using ...
[10 replies] Last: i must thank everyone for the help and quick response. thank you very ... (by newdomingo)
istream function that inputs character w/out return
Hi I'm new. I hope I make an intelligent post. I'm trying to create a more command in C++. The more command is like the Unix more command where you write: ...
[4 replies] Last: Thankyou guys, Your advice made me go on an internet scavenger hunt, ... (by dunsondog109)
by joshky
Linux compiler
Hey, just starting to play around with Linux. Can anyone suggest or link me to a good (free) Linux compiler?
[2 replies] Last: GCC is the standard for all Linux users. You may of course use any com... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
Function to reverse string output as read from text file
So here's my function, but no matter how I reference it in another function to output this plus plus other output (mainly the line forward, the line backwards (...
[3 replies] Last: He is trying to iterate over and empty line. You are better off jus... (by Duthomhas)
Parallel Arrays--Frustrated
Ok so I know what I want to do, I just don't know how to do it. I need to establish a parallel array. I need one array to accept a integer and check to see if...
[4 replies] Last: UPDATED: Yeah I think I have the logic part, but its the code part ... (by cannsyl)
difference between sin and fin?
can someone explain what sin means and does in this code? thank you. // get line getline(fin,line); istringstream sin(line); // get all answ...
[3 replies] Last: f ile in put s tringstream in put... (by Duthomhas)
September 2009 Pages: 1... 1617181920... 23
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