by bmargoat
Wrong variable is changed
[2 replies] Last: Knew I was forgetting something basic, been awhile since I read my c++... (by bmargoat)
Dev-C++ Portable doesn't compile anymore |
[no replies]
by petergrwl
string to decimal
[2 replies] Last: #include <cstdlib> int strtol( const char* nptr, char **endptr, ... (by jsmith)
by petergrwl
String to different types
[6 replies] Last: Please read this. If you are already using std::string why not use st... (by kempofighter)
by petergrwl
use of atoi
[5 replies] Last: Please read this. Consider some of the other alternatives before usin... (by kempofighter)
by award982
Beeping in the background
[6 replies] Last: I really need to learn how to do this (by award982)
by aliens112
using namespace std
[10 replies] Last: I personally never use using namespace xxx; in the global scope, I e... (by R0mai)
by annelisse
how to display odd number?
[15 replies] Last: bah.. too early in the morning.. I'm not thinking. a is correct. sor... (by Aakanaar)
for loop |
[5 replies] Last: You can debug your own program by placing printf statements (or std::c... (by kbw)
Strings Confusion |
[4 replies] Last: Post the code you wrote which created that error above, if you still h... (by mcleano)
by aliens112
cin>>problem again :)
[8 replies] Last: 'Why fflush(stdin) does not work' :P... (by Incubbus)
by joshky
first real program
[2 replies] Last: Google around SetWindowsHookEx (). (by Duthomhas)
by trac15
convert a static array into a dynamic one?<using pointers> how do i modify?
[1 reply] : You're expecting us to decipher this to find out what you're asking? (by helios)
by turdie
Replacing part of String
[6 replies] Last: <-- title The title gives no indication as to whether you're talkin... (by mcleano)
by ztein
How to approach this program?
[2 replies] Last: The formula to find the resulting degrees from user's input, and how t... (by ztein)
Overwhelmed & Confused with homework... |
[6 replies] Last: Also, endl is approximately equal to this: std::cout << "\n" << std::... (by chrisname)
by mr zdeis
errors with logical operators
[2 replies] Last: oh thank you very much, hehe this is an example how some stupid error ... (by mr zdeis)
Please show me how to make a global const object construct only once. |
[4 replies] Last: a.cpp includes Utils.hpp and b.cpp includes Utils.hpp. include guar... (by jsmith)
by SMuzzlim4
Typecasting to a SubClass
[5 replies] Last: @SMuzzlim4: You have to be careful about object slicing . Card:... (by jsmith)
by Deathscreton
Varible looses it's content
[5 replies] Last: That is the best fugging answer I have ever seen and I thank you grea... (by chrisname)