Beginners - September 2009 (Page 11)

structure with textfile
im currently busy with a lil asignment but need sum help i need to input data from a textfile into a structure... the textfile looks as follows: hexag...
[2 replies] Last: parts.part_name = split(line); The 'parts' is a type, you can... (by screw)
by sajis
Generate Ordered Subset of "k" elements from a set of "n" elements
Hello forum, I have found in the STL algorithm; next_permutation(..) that i can generate the following permutation of the elements {1,2,3} as: 1 2 3...
[5 replies] Last: If all you want to do is generate k(2) and not k(n), then I suggest ju... (by jsmith)
if else statements
Im having trouble figuring out how to write a statement that performs one condition if the impute number is 1 >= x < 100, another condition if the number is 100...
[2 replies] Last: Notice how you are using < and > anyway: Does 1 >= x < 100 mean 'if... (by Bazzy)
Beginner Lost With Program
I'm a total beginner with only traces of memory from C language class. Right now I'm working on a calender project and I don't know what is wrong with it becaus...
[3 replies] Last: You need to change the header file and the source file in which you de... (by Bazzy)
by privs
finding differnce in minutes from two dates from ini file and sysdate
Hi folks. I inherited an FTP program from a colleague that left the team so i have to do C++ programming now. The problem is that the FTP program throws up win...
[no replies]
by privs
finding differnce in minutes from two dates from ini file and sysdate
Hi folks. I inherited an FTP program from a colleague that left the team so i have to do C++ programming now. The problem is that the FTP program throws up...
[no replies]
trouble with division and operator precednce rules
ok, so I'm a new programmer and I'm having trouble with my project, here are my instructions: "Write a program that asks the user to input a number between 1 ...
[11 replies] Last: Your variables are horribly named. Since your four digits are in th... (by jsmith)
i need assistance with this.. im a newbie in c++
i dont know how to save questions that is made by admin in the program.. please help me with this.. tnx! i have project to do, and i proposed a maze that is ...
[12 replies] Last: Why did you propose this if you knew you had no idea how to do this? A... (by firedraco)
programming with a different cmd prompt?
well heres the deal my teacher lets me code at school sometimes at during computer class,(i use dev c++) but the command prompt is disabled. is there a way t...
[no replies]
by privs
date comparison
I am using c++ 2006 by borland delphi I have two dates that i want compared , basically i want to find out how may minutes between them I am a novice when ...
[1 reply] : That is not standard C++. C doesn't have a date library but you can u... (by Bazzy)
Copying a segment of a string into another string.
Lets say I have a string with someone's whole name in it, and i wanted to extract each name into seperate strings. For example, "John William Dubois" into thre...
[3 replies] Last: Also look up string::find, which will help you find the spaces without... (by jsmith)
by luq
Removing quotes from a string
Hi, I'm new at C++ and I with some source I've found online I was able to copy a textfile to a string. But the textfile consists out of words with (double) ...
[3 replies] Last: Ok thank you very much! I will test it this afternoon, I think (and ho... (by luq)
Flow control
I'm writing a simple app that, quite honestly, would probably be better done in another language, but I figured I would take the opportunity to learn a little C...
[2 replies] Last: Awesome! Thank you for the prompt response. (by minuszero)
This following code comes from the tutorial, Classes (I) chapter. It calls the constructor function for the CRectangle class which provides two values pointed b...
[4 replies] Last: Yes I got it, thank you !! (by kebabacool)
file handling example not working
I got this code out of "The Complete Idiot's Guide to C++". I'm on chapter 18, which is about file handling. bAll the other code in the book needed slight modif...
[5 replies] Last: Enclose your code inside code tags. [co de] without the space. Al... (by Chewbob)
by hannes
hey, i've a question about the tolower function. this function takes an integer as input parameter, why is that?
[7 replies] Last: An int is defined to be the machine word size. (by jsmith)
tutorial level
I would like to know how complete is the tutorial on this website. Does it reach a good level or is it just the basic of C++ ??
[4 replies] Last: Yes, you don't really need to 'know' much more than the tutorial, you ... (by Bazzy)
Adding art and syles to programs?
Are there any good tutorials here or anywhere else anyone knows about on adding your own art to your programs?
[2 replies] Last: Google SDL... (by Return 0)
my class function says that I have an undeclared variable
#include "stdafx.h" #include "amfluid.h" amfluid::amfluid(int gall, int quar, int pin) { gallon = gall; quart = quar; pint = pin; reduce(); }...
[3 replies] Last: Wow, now I feel like an idiot. How did I not see that? thanks guys (by Scythe37)
by eiba
How to ask for temperature for x number of days?
I need to make a program that asks for how many days there are in a particular month, and then ask for the minimum and maximum temperature for each of the days....
[8 replies] Last: Here's a part of my program now. Is this very bad code? int days... (by eiba)
September 2009 Pages: 1... 910111213... 23
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