Beginners - September 2008

Assistance needed finding the result!
I’m taking a basic course in logical programming and the instructor asked us to find the result of the following routine: int a; int b; int c; ...
[4 replies] Last: The messagebox is outside the loop because it comes after the {} But ... (by int main)
Classes, and structs
Is there some one who can explain classes and structs to me a little better? nobody explains any of this in lamens terms. along with one other thing i dont qui...
[13 replies] Last: Though a bit late, I just want to throw a couple of sents. First, t... (by satm2008)
Basic Math coding
I am new to C++, self-teaching myself, I am trying to get a simple calculation to work but it isn't doing what I set up. . .am I missing something?? __________...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks soo much. . .using your advice I played around and finally rede... (by rcharlie27)
Determinant in c++
I'm writing a menu driven program in c++ that can prompt the user to enter a size of a Matrix, enter the elements of the Matrix, enter a second Matrix if the us...
[3 replies] Last: Thanx jsmith, your reply helped. Still have to put it in c++ though. H... (by CAIA)
iostream problem
Hi We have a problem with an exersize with Matrices. We're supposed to write the functions to make a given main() function work. Here's a copy of the main()...
[1 reply] : friend ostream& operator<<( ostream& os, Matrix& mx ); friend istr... (by jsmith)
by jorhen
problem with for loop
hi!! can anybody explain what does this loop does,, for(!cin) break; thanks..
[2 replies] Last: Please note that all for loops begin with the keyword for After the... (by CAIA)
uninitialized local variable
Hello I am a beginner in C++ computer programming and have a program with the program. In a brief description I am taking an employee's of a fake company and co...
[1 reply] : There are some problems/misunderstandings here. int main () { c... (by guestgulkan)
1st Q; be nice. Dont know topic for sure
I have been studying c++ for a long while I understand many of the concepts. My biggest problem is more seeing the wasted time in advance of my programing base...
[1 reply] : 1. You mean like a spreadsheet instead of an INI or some other kind of... (by helios)
Parameters and arguments...
Hey! I am new to C++ and I do not understand what parameters or arguments are. It would help if you could explain each one to me in terms where I could underst...
[1 reply] : Im using C++ for Dummies and i ran across a few sections that could he... (by LovestoCpp)
by moses5
Arguments error
Hi, i've been writing a simple code for a school project but when i have tried to compile it i am getting an error that says, expected arguments 3, 1 provided, ...
[2 replies] Last: o thanks /ends sarcasm no but i figured out anyway (by moses5)
Reading files with ifstream
I am making a simple program which gives you the option of either writing some text and saving it to SAVEDATA.txt, or loading text from SAVEDATA.txt. However I'...
[1 reply] : You can't just change the type of a variable in the middle of the code... (by firedraco)
Opening PowerPoint Through a Button.
My boss has told me to write him an extension onto a program that he has already written, he wants me to make it like a help section or information part. He gav...
[no replies]
Whats gone wrong?
when running this programm i get the error: c:\documents and settings\daniel\my documents\visual studio 2008\projects\learn c++\learn c++\main.cpp(21) : er...
[6 replies] Last: @firedraco i misunderstood his question thats so rude dude. (by LovestoCpp)
Complex Numbers
I found this code online and for some reason can't get it to compile. #include <cmath> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; ...
[8 replies] Last: Yes, a constructor is a copy constructor if and only iff it takes exac... (by jsmith)
functions method of operation
Hi volks, could anyone tell me how do these functions exactly work? void setmax() { unsigned l=-1; if(!max) while (max++, l >>=1) ; } and ...
[3 replies] Last: l >>= 1; is equivalent to l = l >> 1; which is a bit shift right ... (by jsmith)
by wela
Delete 1st node in a linked list
Hello, I'm relatively new to C++ and I'm writing a program that includes a delete function which will allow the user to delete any node by selecting the student...
[6 replies] Last: Probably a dumb question, but just to be sure. You are creating ALL of... (by jpeg)
by erico
Don't know how to read data from data file and transfer data to output file
The data file “Fines.dat”, contains license numbers (7-chars) and ticket fines (double, formatted to 2 decimal places) separated by a tab character, one car...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. I think that will help :-) (by erico)
new to programming advice on HW Please
let me start with the assignment so you can see what I am suposed to do. 1. Use sentinel, nested and EOF loops to do file I/O. 2. Create a program file to rea...
[2 replies] Last: ok this is what I have now after taking the weekend to work on it. an... (by madgravity)
Open a txt file from C++ program.
Hey guyz, what C++ code shud i give to open a help.txt file on end users demand? thnx.
[1 reply] : end users demand? Here's the file I/O tutorial. You may be able to fi... (by jpeg)
set compiler error In function ‘void print_primes(const std::set<int, std::less<int>, std::allocator<int> >&)’: error: expected primary-expression befo...
[3 replies] Last: That did it thanks! (by bluegray)
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