by BrianD
Strings and chars
[7 replies] Last: @Andy "B" will work as answer = "You pressed the" + keypress;, but wh... (by seeplus)
by lukakap
Using current value
[2 replies] Last: It's certainly possible in C++. Audio/signal processing isn't a part o... (by Ganado)
by briancb2004
Holding Variable
[7 replies] Last: @Ganado, Thank you. I see your point now and realize I was looking at... (by Handy Andy)
by hbcpp
concept(std::bidirectional_iterator) not working
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, I will take a look at them and get back to you (by hbcpp)
by Swaggywhale
Struggling to understand what I would need to create a program with these requirements
[3 replies] Last: Hello Swaggywhale, I found this useful for understanding how to use t... (by Handy Andy)
by leander g
Dynamically create N objects of a class based on user input?
[4 replies] Last: (When I first read "vector", I was still thinking about "euclidean ve... (by mbozzi)
by jax16
[5 replies] Last: jax16, do NOT delete your posts. That is RUDE and trollishly selfish.... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by rovert456
Telephone digit program
[10 replies] Last: @rovert456, I used your original code as a "template" for what I wrot... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by lost110
Writing functions with respect to its growth rate
[6 replies] Last: [quote=lost110]What if i have been given 10 functions and then I have ... (by lastchance)
by jax16
Vector & Array
[12 replies] Last: Thank yall, this helps (by jax16)
by MaxGreen
[5 replies] Last: ad() can be simplified. Consider: #include <iostream> #include <cst... (by seeplus)
Function issue |
[5 replies] Last: What exactly do you mean by "doesn't work"? Look at this snippet: v... (by jlb)
by Leonardo797
adding a loop into a function and checking numbers
[5 replies] Last: Your code and solution is great!! , how ever I need to have a function... (by Leonardo797)
by Conno72
Function issues
[2 replies] Last: Hello Conno72, PLEASE ALWAYS USE CODE TAGS (the <> formatting butto... (by Handy Andy)
getting last input |
[4 replies] Last: A more useful question would have been to ask what you actually wanted... (by Repeater)
by Daerk
Difficulty applying exception classes
[2 replies] Last: For a simple example of defining and using an exception class, conside... (by seeplus)
by DonnaPin
streams - text stream
[2 replies] Last: CR/LF codes are an anachronism. The first terminals were teletype mac... (by mbozzi)
by kianarahma
no match for operator++ error in struct
[1 reply] : you do not have operator ++ on your 'time' struct, but you attempt ++T... (by jonnin)
by maulk
Tic tac toe
[4 replies] Last: here's one I prepared earlier (about 8 years..): #include <unordere... (by seeplus)
New to coding but Geany is isn’t compiling this what do I do wrong? |
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> int main() { for (std::strin... (by seeplus)