by jamesfarrow
Qt Snake game model/view/controller
[2 replies] Last: sorry forgot to add original game #ifndef SNAKE_H #define SNAKE_H ... (by jamesfarrow)
by Mif
How to break an input statement with KEY_ESCAPE ? in 'C'
[12 replies] Last: I've now developed this into a fairly fully featured line editor. The ... (by seeplus)
by propvgvnda
Split main.cpp into a header file and main.cpp
[5 replies] Last: std::size(msg) includes the terminating \0 (by seeplus)
by RxIsCritical
Am I making this function correctly?
[2 replies] Last: If the queue head is position 0 - which is to be removed, then somethi... (by seeplus)
by konoza
Exam Revision
[1 reply] : Making the constructor protected, means that this class cannot be inst... (by konoza)
by soulworld05
difference question
[4 replies] Last: for simple things like integers, it does not make a lot of difference ... (by jonnin)
by Horror
How do I make it go in diagonal directions?
[1 reply] : just go there. to go north west, its row-1 and col-1 from where you ... (by jonnin)
by BrianD
weird error
[12 replies] Last: Your use of comments as a beginner is fine, since it's just helping yo... (by Ganado)
having a formatting problem |
[4 replies] Last: for completeness here is the fixed function. Thank you again. templa... (by closed account oivD8vqX)
by Shruthi LS
Vector of Vectors
[4 replies] Last: How to access the vector of vectors in cpp A 'vector of vectors' is ... (by deleted account xyzzy)
by kmcfall
Why don't I get an output?
[1 reply] : The for loop increments firstNum until it is greater than secondNum. W... (by seeplus)
by soulworld05
tutorial request problem
[9 replies] Last: IF you do install VS you need to do a custom install. The C++ packages... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Is there a way to change a cast off a const |
[5 replies] Last: Thank you, I think I understand but I'm going to have to do some more ... (by closed account oivD8vqX)
by cloudwolf
Counting the number of times a number appears
[6 replies] Last: I got it figured out guys. Part of the problem was that I had the file... (by cloudwolf)
by Rlabee
requesting help with uniqueness
[5 replies] Last: Thanks a lot again seeplus. Im going to compare our programs and loo... (by Rlabee)
by kramsuiluj
Check if the input is integer
[4 replies] Last: #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; string getN... (by lastchance)
by eagerissac
C++ - incrementing integer variable does not work
[13 replies] Last: @OP FWIW, I reckon you data model and naming could do with a 're-spray... (by againtry)
by samyulg
Program will not compile
[8 replies] Last: What about entering windspeed of 0 to exit? void readIn(double& T, ... (by seeplus)
by felloz
Finished the basic tutorial, whats next?
[8 replies] Last: Now that you have learned the basics it's a good time to learn about t... (by Thomas1965)
by ebz
Hopefully a quick question regarding class functions
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for replying jlb, very sorry, I noticed I was doing this in my ... (by ebz)