by syeare
Vector Not Printing
[10 replies] Last: Hello syeare, constexpt started with the C++ 2011 standards. It is ... (by Handy Andy)
Equip Item (attach one class-instance to another) |
[7 replies] Last: Well, I'm really fairly new to programming. So while of course my goal... (by theoneandonlyboiler)
by josh84
C++ patterns
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys. This is the code I ended with. It works well... #inc... (by josh84)
by samyulg
Calc standard deviation
[3 replies] Last: You are never using the return value of your calcMean function. The me... (by Ganado)
by jelani
Why can't I type std::cout in std::cout?
[3 replies] Last: Thanks! I changed the line of code. It turns out that there was anothe... (by jelani)
by ChesterPlus
Monty Hall Calculations
[9 replies] Last: coder777, THANK YOU. I was looking in the wrong place. (by ChesterPlus)
Reading file into 2D array, separated by comma |
[7 replies] Last: string langArray ; Unfortunately, this is not standard C++ - al... (by seeplus)
How can I demangle names without running c++filt |
[5 replies] Last: @Ganado Thank you very much -- it is exactly what I was looking for. (by closed account oivD8vqX)
by jnxmm
How can I change a character inside a string?
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! (by jnxmm)
by Leonardo797
Add error checking to this program
[3 replies] Last: You don't need to use an array/vector. You can read a line from each a... (by seeplus)
by ngb123
* or & ?
[2 replies] Last: In pass-by-value, a clone is made and passed into the function. ... (by againtry)
by rainpiggy21
What did I do wrong?
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, I'm still new to coding and I did change some stuff you hav... (by rainpiggy21)
by syeare
Array Parameter Changed Into Vector Parameter (Passed by Reference)
[1 reply] : Vectors keep track of their size, so you don't need to pass that separ... (by dutch)
time and wrong input message |
[11 replies] Last: fidarova, forget your initial attempt at using time_t or localtime, et... (by Ganado)
by Vendetto
Exception code: 0xc0000409
[14 replies] Last: Another weird thing I noticed is that if I let everything sit for seve... (by Vendetto)
by leolawaltz
using get line to enter a strings into a dynamic array
[5 replies] Last: Good idea to check and an alternative while loop arrangement: #inclu... (by againtry)
by mickydint
Base class pointer accessing derived class method
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. There is so much to remember about inheritance and polym... (by mickydint)
by DonnaPin
ofstream open?
[4 replies] Last: This part of the prototype is a 'default value' ios::openmode mode = ... (by mickydint)
Convert an array, so that odd numbers are in the first half, even numbers on the second half. |
[4 replies] Last: if you use a vector you can use the Standard Template Library partitio... (by mickydint)
by Brainspell
"clock" object
[12 replies] Last: Try this. It's adapted from cppreference and can be run in a separate ... (by againtry)