Beginners - October 2016 (Page 9)

referencing an Enum in a class
In my VS Toolbox I keep a ready-to-use screen control class that I can easily insert into any console program, to give me a quick (translate: lazy) way to chang...
[1 reply] : Instead of the enum you could have: map<string, int> Hues {("BLACK... (by gunnerfunner)
Nearly finished Tic Tac Toe board
This tic tac toe board I have made functions perfectly except for some reason I cannot get the 'X' and 'O' to switch, it always marks the spot 'O'. Even though ...
[8 replies] Last: Should be : No, it shouldn't. There is no reason for xTurn to ha... (by cire)
by Aizaia
Miles per gallon project
So I'm doing a project and having to write a program. I've written it mostly and I'm really just asking for some peer review. I don't find any problems with it ...
[12 replies] Last: Thanks for all your help guys! (by Aizaia)
Need help with cin.clear and cin.ignore
This is what we were asked to: Write a program which asks you to enter a name in the form of first middle initial last. So you might enter for example samuel...
[5 replies] Last: You could also think along the following lines, it doesn't need cin.ig... (by gunnerfunner)
Need help figuring out how to write certain program!
In a class that I am in, we are supposed to write a program that can 1) List the schools and the tuition of the schools in Cincinnati with tuition below 20000....
[no replies]
Not getting the right output for a program that uses Composition
Hello, the output for my program is not displaying the names and addresses that are read in from a textfile. Instead, it displays the initialized values from th...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much. I figured out what the problem was. (by shugo405)
I need help with c++ homework for school.
I need help with homework due tomorrow morning at 7 am. This is my first coding class I have ever taken and it seems way above my head. I will post everything...
[6 replies] Last: If you need that much help you need a tutor. Ask your teacher to help ... (by SamuelAdams)
New to Functions
New to C++ I just need some help better understanding what I am doing wrong inside the int main() and functions /* The user will input 3 numbers and the progr...
[5 replies] Last: Functions can be a little tricky at first. I was on here about a month... (by TofferP)
by Beez
Linked Set Implementation
I'm trying to Implement a LinkedSet and will then read in files to make a function that spell checks another file that the user inputs. I'm having a problem ins...
[3 replies] Last: Might be a bit late but purely abstract classes can only be used as a ... (by Izink)
I am having trouble figuring out how to display the number of moves the mergeSort algorithm completed in order to sort the array. I believe the count variab...
[3 replies] Last: ahh I figured it out. Was unable to wrap my head around setting the re... (by neverStopLearning)
by HHV234
Find The Nth Prime Number
Hi - I am brand new to C++ and am just learning about functions and passing arguments between functions. Below is my program. In the function int Prime (int...
[1 reply] : I am brand new to C++ and am just learning about functions and passin... (by cire)
Race Program
Hello, simple question here. When I compile my program, it seems to fall through and not prompt the user for the names of the second and third runners. Lines 25...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you Tarik, that is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you! (by muffsez)
by Eduji
Open an image in C++
I have recently been trying to learn C++, and I have some of the basics down, but I cannot for the life of me find out how to open an image. I am trying to make...
[2 replies] Last: ISO standard C++ doesn't understand anything dealing with graphics, th... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
mpg and mpd calculator
I am a beginner to c++ and i need to write a miles per gallon and miles per dollar code. i wrote one but my professor said i need to use functions and arrays. c...
[1 reply] : I can help you but a few things first, make sure you use the code brac... (by muffsez)
Help with program
I need help writing a program that displays all the palindrome numbers between 1 and a user inputted number, n. The entire code is below, it's for an assignment...
[1 reply] : The entire code is below ... The program works I have to say, I beg... (by lastchance)
Too many entries in vector
I am writing a function that looks for a word in the vector, if it appears, I add a new appearance with the score. If not I push back the word with a score. My ...
[3 replies] Last: Just didnt think of doing a return. As they say, there's more than ... (by cire)
How to fix some of these problems?
Hi, so in my code, whenever I try to input something, it keeps looping for some reason, and I don't know how to fix it. Is there some things that I should elimi...
[1 reply] : You're calling your washdecision() and carwashdecision() multiple time... (by jlb)
help with a program
I'm new to this and i dont know why this does not work, thanks. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { cout.setf(ios::fi...
[9 replies] Last: Ok, i'll take that. Thanks then. (by Ciplas Plas)
If I wanted to create a small kernel without any real drivers, where should I start??
[1 reply] : (by SamuelAdams)
Help with calculating how many words are in an array
Hi, I need help counting the number of words in a sentence. Here's the thing, I have a user input a sentence and the program places each word into an array and ...
[8 replies] Last: Sweet, thanks for the help guys! Can't believe I couldn't see that sim... (by NathanLong)
October 2016 Pages: 1... 7891011... 51
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