Beginners - October 2016 (Page 7)

How to return array inside a function?
I have written this simple algorithm to return an array from a function when and array is add as the input #include<stdio.h> int** add(int A ,int ...
[2 replies] Last: Please forgive a layman, but, although it works, I do not understand h... (by RobiBue)
Strings Question
So in this program I'm writing, I ask for firstName, lastName, and date. I would like to output data to a file with the filename format of: firstName_lastName...
[2 replies] Last: I was really overcomplicating it... Thanks! (by deadmittens)
#define macro
So I know using #define replaces the identifier by whatever you defined it as. So if this is true why don't people use #define macros to make everything simple...
[7 replies] Last: You could have in a header (visible to all): struct My { const stat... (by keskiverto)
I'm just getting into the Taylor Series in Calculus, and it's the first thing as a programmer that's made me sit up and think, "Yes, I can use this!" So I'll a...
[no replies]
Lighter program
I have done this program but i do not think that it is the best way to do it. I have the idea that if i do it with the ASCII code it would be more effective (if...
[6 replies] Last: Whew, did not know about that switch thing, neither auto... I have and... (by Ciplas Plas)
While loops help!!
Writing a code to increase by 10% with each iteration. I can't figure out how to though. Also after 5 iterations I need to display a message. I'm at a loss. ...
[4 replies] Last: Wow that wording it is difficult to understand. The 10% step is done, ... (by Ciplas Plas)
program plz help
how would I fix this for it to run? #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <cma...
[1 reply] : /** * Pre-condition: * Post-condition: */ void calcLowest(StudentD... (by razz123)
For Loop Boolean Problem
Hi all, I am writing a program that deals with a maze. I need to allow for the possibility that the maze may or may not have any walls. In the for loop below...
[1 reply] : size() is a function that returns the size of something, for example a... (by Nico)
Sum of even values in fibonacci series < 4000000
I have to sum all of the even numbers in the fibonacci series less than 4000000. I wrote this program but I don't think it works. int main() { int...
[3 replies] Last: And It doesn't give me the correct answer when I limit the interval t... (by keskiverto)
New OS anyone?
So basically, I'm new to C++, and I was wondering if anybody is interested in creating a new operating system from scratch? If so please email me at fakkle78...
[15 replies] Last: iv actually wanted to for a couple of years now although i wouldnt do ... (by Paelias)
Need pointers on how to write to a file
Hi! I am having issues with the text file overwriting the last input from the first time it runs. Let's say that I have three students with three different stu...
[2 replies] Last: I think I understand! Thanks for the tips! I need to think more logic... (by jahkyah)
I'm working on a program and this is my first time using arrays. This part of the code is fairly self explanatory. I've been trying to play around with data typ...
[3 replies] Last: Using 20 is fine if you edit check that z is no bigger than 20. The p... (by AbstractionAnon)
2 languages at once
How easy (or difficult) is it to learn 2 languages at the same time. So like I already know a fair bit of Python, will I be able to get a firm grip on C++ as We...
[6 replies] Last: Well I'm fairly good at python, definitely more than English for sure (by FirasHafiz)
Letter Frequency Analysis Help!
I have no idea on how to go about solving this! Help would you appreciated :( Letter frequency analysis. Write a function or series of function that when us...
[1 reply] : Think how you would do it by hand. You would probably keep a tally for... (by lastchance)
Runtime Error in basic OpenGL/SDL shader program
Hi, I'm using C++ to try and create a basic shader program with OpenGL and SDL. So far I've been able to create a window and render a multi-colored box on scree...
[3 replies] Last: Does your program have an associated console window? There is nothing... (by cire)
Palindrome char array function
I need to create a program that allows user to define size of a char array in the main function. Then call a function createArray to create a user input char ar...
[no replies]
for loop help
hello I'm working on an assessment where I have to implement Russian arithmetic into a programme outputting the result of each step as it is completed. what I a...
[3 replies] Last: nvm you were right I have made the changes and it is now outputting th... (by rdunning98)
by Xieni
Game Entrance Help!
Hey homies, Im having game entrance trouble. Where it says 'Press X' if you press any other letter it skips to the end of the game... How can I keep that from...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys. (by Xieni)
changing the value of an attribute of a vector after calculating
hi i am doing a assignment on polymorphism and i am stuck, i can calculate the area but i cannot set the value of the area. How do i get and set certain values ...
[7 replies] Last: The vector contains pointers to objects of type ShapeTwoD, so you can ... (by Nico)
October 2016 Pages: 1... 56789... 51
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