Beginners - October 2016 (Page 50)

Void Functions
Hi guys, I just want to know that when using a void function is it okay to use the type of the parameter's value as double or should it always be a int? //c...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the tips. (Y) (by LahiRulZ)
string comparison in if statement help
I am trying to write a program that can take two different kind of inputs for units but the output must always be in kg. I am able to run the code but the if st...
[1 reply] : if (UNITS == "g") Weight / 1000; cout << "your weight is " << Weight ... (by chicofeo)
[1 reply] : Could you be a little specific on what issues are you having? Do you k... (by chicofeo)
Nested Branches
Hey! Complete beginner here. Working on this lab for class. When I run the below code, it jumps to "I like animation too! Think of the endless possibilities!". ...
[2 replies] Last: Oh! I see. Thank you very much for your reply. (by jaketheguy)
parameterised constructor
Hi i am currently studying constructors. I am trying to implement a parameterised constructor that receives three arguments that mainly represent the values...
[8 replies] Last: > I wonder if what you code is similar to this ? Yes. while(cm>=100... (by JLBorges)
Hello I am a total newbie here can someone explain to me what I am doing wrong when I try to debug I get the information below I don't know If i am doing it cor...
[2 replies] Last: Hello elanor, Consider changing ticketPrice and ticketSold to eithe... (by Handy Andy)
Password Check Problem
I need help with this problem I am working on that essentially asks the user to input a password with a few guidelines: 1: at least 8 characters 2: at least ...
[10 replies] Last: Nvm, just got it. (by salomonthesav)
by kmce
Take input as char
So I am trying to write a program that determains if a student has passed a class or not. I have to have the user input exam marks, course work marks, whether t...
[1 reply] : withdrawn != 'y' || exempt == 'y' (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
recursive function to count the sum of digits
i made an attempt at making a recursive function to count the digits of an integer number with a recursive function and have a few question: 1)is it faster or ...
[5 replies] Last: > is it faster or same as a do while loop that will do the same thing ... (by mpark4656)
Changing boolean parameter in a function
Why is this not working? I get error:statement has no effect for "fullscreen == true;" void SimpleHandler::OnFullscreenModeChange(CefRefPtr<CefBrow...
[3 replies] Last: This compiles and run but does not change the behavior. I thnk I may b... (by wrightpt)
by stav
problems when reading from a text file
im trying to learn about the fstream in c++ and so i tried to make a program that read from and printed it out on the console but something very wired happened....
[no replies]
Implementing Stack on Array
Hello everyone so I have a quick question, my code is supposed to only take 6 character values so I used an array to limit it to 6 but whenever I run it, it giv...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you I found out the problem! (by ziggypiggy)
by stav
how to split a string up in to multiple
so i have a string that looks like this: ("food", "color", "ect", "ect") how do i go about getting just the specific parts of the string like food and color...
[1 reply] : If I was doing it, I'd remove the non-alpha chars and then look for th... (by SamuelAdams)
if else if syntax
So what this porgram should do is the following: ask for a number between 50 and 100, if the input is not between the 2, an error message wil show up and it wil...
[2 replies] Last: well i'm dumb. thanks for the help anyways! (by devor110)
return for void*?
What do I return from a void* function? my compiler has a warning that I do not have a return, but it produces another warning if I leave return null.
[1 reply] : Post your code and the warnings generated by your compiler. (by jlb)
by Mak3
Having issues with my bool selectionSortType::equalList(const selectionSortType& otherList) const section and can't figure out what is wrong //Implementat...
[no replies]
I need help with dialog constructor
This is my first C++ project, I'm learning C++ by writing code. I am using Code::Blocks 13.12 running on Linux Mint 17.3 with the Mate desktop. It's a wxWidge...
[no replies]
Passing vector to function by pointer
I've been struggling with a simple program to help me understand the vector-pointer relationship; so far so good, but I've hit a snag. As seen below, I'm passi...
[4 replies] Last: mpark, thanks for that. I had been plugging away at pointers all day,... (by pharoah0110)
by eqis
Class Implementation Conundrum (cpp and h files)
Hello, I have tried to create a new class and implement it as a cpp file and a header. All of my attempts at using the tutorials yield the same problem, I get a...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you, that worked. (by eqis)
Initialize superclass with subclass
Hi! I'm new to C++, but I have programmed a bit in Java before. I was wondering about polymorphism in C++. I know you can initialize a superclass with a subclas...
[1 reply] : Rectangle() creates a temporary object that will be destroyed at the... (by Peter87)
October 2016 Pages: 1... 48495051
  Archived months: [sep2016] [nov2016]

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