Beginners - October 2016 (Page 41)

modifying the code
Hello all!! i need help modifying this code to print out these exact outputs using nested loops. i = 1 j = 2 i = 1 j = 3 i = 1 j = 4 i = 2 j = 3 i = 2 j = 4 i =...
[1 reply] : Line 5 needs a comma, not a period. Line 8 is redundant as your i valu... (by closed account iN6fizwU)
by NICE8x
Error- 'determineDay' : local function definitions are illegal
I have no idea what this error means. This is a snippet of code from my larger program which includes other functions and a main. I just rewrote this code aga...
[no replies]
Creating a 2d array matrix from getting the row and column from a file
I am trying to create a 2d array matrix, but I don't get the row and column until I open a file. I was curious as to how I could do it and still make the array ...
[1 reply] : Is TOTAL really allowed to be 'const'? Surely it depends on your input... (by closed account iN6fizwU)
Don't know how to set up range
Thanking anyone in advance who might be able to help. This code is supposed to count matching records, a given filename, a low score, and a high score and retur...
[2 replies] Last: Note: Your three functions should return an int value (lines 6, 25, ... (by keskiverto)
strlen, help
Please, i would like to understand the following syntax: char[strlen(buffer)+1] (look at the code for details). I know what strlen() does,but i do not understa...
[3 replies] Last: my silly mistake the buffer size. it should be 21 the buffer size. m... (by mynicks)
Any help counting lines in an if stream file
In advance, I would like to thank any contributor for their help. I have a question that asks me to write a C++ code introducing us to reading from files. We ar...
[3 replies] Last: it worked! thanks a lot, i was a little confused on how to call the fu... (by fancyfanz)
Algorothm for finding the main element of the list
I have written algorithm, called function of Joseph. Sense such that N = 9, M = 5. Let's say there are 9 people in the circle, and after each 5 are brought toge...
[1 reply] : The program is using command line arguments to pass the desired values... (by jlb)
Trying to convert code from Java to C++ Struggling with some homework :( Please help
Question: Task 1 - Menu system. (7 points) The first task is to create a menu system that will drive the program. The user will be able to create an arithmeti...
[4 replies] Last: Hello unknown3112, Do not double post. I left you a response in messa... (by Handy Andy)
Need a little help with my Homework :(
Def need some help with this code :( The goal of this assignment is to create several arithmetic tables for the user. This will be separated into several segme...
[2 replies] Last: Hello unknown3112, As it is now your code will not even compile. Ther... (by Handy Andy)
Code isnt coming up with proper results :(
Write your question here. Tasks: Task 1 - Menu system. (7 points) The first task is to create a menu system that will drive the program. The user will be abl...
[1 reply] : Please don't post the same question multiple times. It's confusing an... (by AbstractionAnon)
C++ Code Help
These are the tasks: Task 1 - Menu system. (7 points) The first task is to create a menu system that will drive the program. The user will be able to create...
[8 replies] Last: Lines 50,63,76,89: printf() expects a simple C-string for the format ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Error Messages When Compiling Card Game (Red Dog)
I've been trying to compile my code for the card Game "RED DOG" and I've been getting the same two error messages. 1. expected ';' before '{' token for line 28 ...
[2 replies] Last: Line 27: Needs a ; as pointed out previously. Line 28: Extraneous ... (by AbstractionAnon)
new to programming
hey everybody I'm new to programming and I need help knowing which commands to type so that I can get the results that I need. This is for a school assignment y...
[13 replies] Last: Yes. You're on the right track now. Just try to finish it--you'll lear... (by theturk1234)
Undefined reference to Widget(double)
I'm attempting to test a FIFO/LIFO sorting program, but I keep getting this error that stumps me. I've tried looking it up, but none of the answers seem to fit ...
[5 replies] Last: My apologies. Thanks. (by AtticusOmundson)
Trigonometry Function Table
Hello, this is my 2nd time posting here. My prof said that in order to use trigonometric function, I need to convert the angle from degrees to radian. My idea i...
[3 replies] Last: What does the round() do? Check its documentation. (by keskiverto)
how to input numbers with commas and then read it as a integer or double..
so im having trouble inputting a number with commas and then reading the whole value.. the program will believe that the comma is an operator and therefore does...
[1 reply] : Read it in as a string and convert to a int. You have to do the same t... (by SamuelAdams)
by Aizaia
Input Validation
I'm writing a program for a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. I've written it and it works and now I'm doing the extra credit for it which is Adding validating ...
[11 replies] Last: Sure, no problem! (by theturk1234)
by egio
How to make first lowest value not interfere with average calculation?
Hello! I wrote a program that when a user inputs all their test scores, it outputs some information including the average of their scores after dropping the hig...
[5 replies] Last: No problem! :) (by theturk1234)
Can Someone edit this for me? but with the same function thankss #include<iostream> #include <windows.h> #include<conio.h> #include<cstring> #include<...
[3 replies] Last: Not a problem! Well, the best thing is to get into the right habits. ... (by theturk1234)
Checking for a string in another string
I am wondering what I need to do next for my code to check if there is a string in another string. My code below right now checks to see if the the first letter...
[1 reply] : Just use string::find() Like this: string s1 = "apple"; string s2 =... (by theturk1234)
October 2016 Pages: 1... 3940414243... 51
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