by debergerack
Need help with the for loop
[4 replies] Last: bool foo = false; foo; A name of variable alone in a statement, lik... (by keskiverto)
by ethancodes
help with creating a loop
[1 reply] : If you want to make a variable increment up to a certain maximum and t... (by Nico)
by CelestialX
Randomization and Vectors
[3 replies] Last: I am also having trouble displaying out random shuffle (by CelestialX)
Need help getting started with arrays |
[8 replies] Last: Yes, I used the same code... EDIT: Nevermind, I rewrote the code. ... (by iseehealthbars)
by jonnieb12
Gradebook program
[6 replies] Last: It is okay! In fact, it is the best way to do this problem. Although... (by Hirokachi)
by raiiiny
Returning Data from a Struct Array Back to Main
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much for your help, xismn! I removed the pointers from my... (by raiiiny)
by Nelson108
How to stop a for loop from incrementing but not stopping the loop entirely?
[5 replies] Last: Something like this maybe? #include <iostream> #include <string> in... (by xismn)
by Lado
Error while tranposing a dynamic array
[3 replies] Last: Why didn't it work? If you got error messages post them. (by jlb)
How would you make each line a certain amount of characters? |
[no replies]
by bunny16
acos output does not match correct result
[4 replies] Last: Radio4, Okay thanks! I'll take a closer look (by bunny16)
Sorting integers from lowest to highest |
[6 replies] Last: Thank you everyone. Its at these moments that I hate this course. Some... (by needhelpplease)
by mattybraps98
Making a simple multiplication table with four variables.
[2 replies] Last: The main thing I am having trouble with is how to add that weird ----|... (by mattybraps98)
by TeeWee
recursive cstido help
[2 replies] Last: Please note: don't forget to mark this topic complete. Thanks, ~Hiro... (by Hirokachi)
by Elerobo
Converting into a function help
[no replies]
by AndyGator
Linked List
[9 replies] Last: ||In instantiation of 'MyStack<T>::MyStack() [with T = char]':| |6|req... (by AndyGator)
by nessuno27
Help with GPA Calculator
[1 reply] : You have been given a lovely pseudo-code, whats the problem now? Try t... (by shadder)
Output question |
[1 reply] : How about you compile it and see for yourself? (by shadder)
by D3strya
beginner 2d vector errors
[3 replies] Last: There is nothing in your code snippets to tell us what a Grid is, so... (by cire)
Output? |
[no replies]
by rootuser
C++ check if array contains all array values from another array
[6 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int p = 5;... (by theturk1234)