Beginners - October 2016 (Page 34)

LOST, PLEASE HELP! - thankyou
Hi, this is my tic tac toe game disaster.I've restarted twice already & I'm what one would call "lost in the trees." I'm having trouble with my functions, the...
[4 replies] Last: For checking if somebody won, it is probably a good idea to tell that ... (by Nico)
Random Selection from a Vector
How would it be possible to take a random number of elements from a vector and store them in string? #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime...
[5 replies] Last: This is the latest version of my code: #include <iostream> #include ... (by CelestialX)
C++ structure homework's questions
Hi everyone, Thanks for your time to read my post. I am having problem with my program and until now it is the set up function. I tried to pass the parameter i...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you so much. I did fixed my program successfully. (by phamminhphuong)
by rantiv
I need help with formatting. I cant get my winnings from path of a single drop get .00, and also i think my whole loop condition isnt doing what i want it to do...
[7 replies] Last: You might want to check out some of the std::ios manipulators like std... (by jlb)
C++ Program Repetition Homework
Need help with this assignment, thank you!! :) Objectives: To learn to code, compile and run a program containing REPETITION structures Assignment: ...
[1 reply] : This is not a homework site. We won't do your homework for you. Howeve... (by AbstractionAnon)
Singleton class having problem define the definition for singleton private method.
Hi, this singleton class has a private method that I'm having trouble defining in the definition source code. I have the header file as: class Type { publ...
[1 reply] : Line 8 of your header and line 1 of your definition do not agree. You... (by AbstractionAnon)
Searching Vectors
Hello, I'm currently practicing with vectors and I'm trying to properly display the element position when I search for a number in a vector of {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. ...
[4 replies] Last: That definitely fixed it, the help is very much appreciated! (by spacemind)
Declaring varibles
My teacher asked why I declare my varibles like: int x(0) and I told him I liked the way it looked over int x = 0 . He told me it was good I did it this ...
[7 replies] Last: Thank You everyone! (by BMW330i)
Overloading functions, manipulating shape points
I have an assignment at school, and the first portion of it is to overload the << function to print out a defined point, then overload + and - to add and subtra...
[8 replies] Last: AbstractionAnon's 2nd post made it a lot more clear, I am pretty new a... (by kigoral)
variable of another class type
how to initilize a private member of a class which is an object pointer of another class... **************this code is for pair.h******************************...
[6 replies] Last: Undefined reference to 'Box::Box(int) You do have: class Box { // ... (by keskiverto)
reading CSV file
Hi, I have a CSV file and I want to read the CSV file in .dat format. I have done the code and it managed to show data however, it only shows one data and the d...
[4 replies] Last: Hi, there are some changes to my code. However, currently I need some ... (by justin1202)
classes and assignment operators
A newbie learning C++. After learning about classes and assuming had a good understanding of operators, I wrote a program. I'm stumped at this point. I w...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you very much. As flawed as my code is, I was just trying to see... (by avillageofbigheads)
by atamo
XOR problem
Hy! I understand how working XOR with Boolean type dates, but how can I use integer type? In C++ all data that !=0 are considered true, but with int type I ...
[2 replies] Last: Here's a functional form of XOR which does what you want. Perhaps some... (by commandline)
Triangle using for loop
I am currently trying to get my code to do this. If user enters 3: ----1 //Space = dash --1-2 1-2-3 #include <iostream> #include <iomanip>...
[7 replies] Last: Whoops - my mistake entirely! Apologies! Go back to outputting a sing... (by commandline)
Hello, I'm learning c++ now, and now I have homework to make a game of tic tac toe. But unfortunately i confused how to make source code from this game.Can you ...
[9 replies] Last: Have a look at: and co... (by Nico)
Custom Window Frame and GUİ
hi I wanted a crate game engine like Frostbite Unreal Engine Cryengine adj.But all this game engines have custom frames not the typical window frame not the big...
[no replies]
pointer tricky problem
I cannot figure out what is happening in the background and the code breaks. I was hoping that ++(*p) would print the next character which is 'b' ('a'+1 yields...
[2 replies] Last: [quote=boost lexical cast]You cannot initialize a pointer with a strin... (by coder777)
issue with array
I am trying to get this gradebook to give me the average/low/high score for three assignments from three different students which i have to get their first/last...
[4 replies] Last: "should" - up to you: this is xismn's first suggestion. His second su... (by commandline)
Using pointers as a function to reverse an array
This is what I currently have, the assignment is to reverse an array. We are learning pointers and are required to use them in this assignment, although persona...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks you so much, I spent too much extra time on this assignment pra... (by vessel91)
Unknown syntax error in one dimensional array loop
Hello beautiful people! I hope you are all having a great day/night. I am taking a C++ class and I am stuck. It is a simple program that asks you to input a 4 d...
[7 replies] Last: OMG I think I was just missing a bracket. I swear that was the first t... (by Ropopop)
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