Beginners - October 2016 (Page 33)

codeblocks configuration help needed
Hi I'm trying to do self study and see if I get the basics right to know I can subscribe for a course. I've worked with visual studio but it is to much defenda...
[3 replies] Last: It depends on which download you selected. Code::Blocks provides downl... (by Nico)
Problem having in the output
Problem Statement Write a program that repeatedly asks the user to enter two money amounts expressed in old-style British currency: pounds, shillings, and pen...
[1 reply] : This if(panny>>11) should be if(panny>11) . Note that the >> is ... (by coder777)
Help Me , please
Hi .. At this point I'm making a game of tic tac toe. Now I am confused about how to change the character at the void currentposition previously * be X or O, bu...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry about that,but now i learn C before c++ , and i have problem abo... (by redborn201)
by rantiv
I cant get my output to be 1000.00 instead of 1000 #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cmath> #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> #include <ioman...
[10 replies] Last: bless you! honestly you are the #1 in my book!!! THANKS THANKS! (by rantiv)
by zakk
error C2371: 'DATE' : redefinition; different basic types
I have an error is Class DATE .. Redefinition; different basic type anyone please help me . Thank you class DATE { public: void extend_...
[no replies]
What is a C data structure?
I was told to define destructors, copy constructors, assignment operators in all classes that have pointers except where the code may be used by only c code or ...
[3 replies] Last: If you need C code to directly manipulate objects defined in C++ code,... (by mbozzi)
Write the definitions of member functions
Given a class String that has the data members int length_; and char* str_;. I want to write the definitions of the following two member functions: in...
[no replies]
printing retangle
I am trying to print a rectangle which allow the user to input width and height. And it should composed of 0 and 1. In the i-th row of the rectangle, the first ...
[5 replies] Last: int i, j; int width, height; cout << "Enter width : "; cin >> widt... (by SakurasouBusters)
Suffix Project Help
Im tryng to make a print the suffix that goes with the input. When i enter 12 or 11, It prints out the number with the correct suffix but then it will print two...
[3 replies] Last: That worked. Thanks (by fivestar)
Reading data into a linked list
How do I make this code read from the file contributors.csv and start assigning values to my Person (which is a class in a header file)? int main() { str...
[no replies]
What does this warnig mean?
This warning comes up when I try to compile. The lines of code are: static TextureManager* TextureManager::s_pInstance = 0; static TextureManager* TextureMan...
[5 replies] Last: Using a newer compiler or a lint tool might help you catch typos like ... (by mbozzi)
What is wrong with my loop/calculations?
I'm not getting the right output, I'm getting integers instead of a dollar amount when my loop fully executes. My output is showing how many items I'm entering ...
[2 replies] Last: Can you give me any other hints? I took out the calculation on line 13... (by boordman29)
Sorting with Arrays and Vectors help
So, for my current class we currently need to write two programs, both for sorting in different ways, one with Arrays and one with Vectors. I've been fighting i...
[8 replies] Last: Okay, I'll see what I can do with all of this. I will say that even w... (by SharperThanC)
help with in/ou files
Write your question here. I am stuck with this program this is the problem: Write a program that will ask user to enter in the temperature in Celsius and wri...
[1 reply] : Hey we have the same program form my ENG 120C class, have you figured ... (by jofelgrepo)
c++ function prototype vs without prototype
I have a small question with function. when do you use prototype and when do you not use it? i'm really confuse with the idea. could someone provide an exam...
[2 replies] Last: @nico Thank you so much!! thats really helped alot!! i get it now!!!! ... (by gunam12)
assignment airline reservation
i am new to programming. i was given an assignment where we had to write a code in which we had to make an airline reservation system where a user could choose ...
[no replies]
Can I run a C++ program when the Pc is on sleep mode
Hey there i have that question that i think it could help also some others (who knows!?) so i have a laptop and i want to run a specific program at a specific t...
[2 replies] Last: When your laptop enters sleep / hibernation mode, all threads / proces... (by xismn)
Palindrone (
the question is write a C++ string function that takes a string and returns true if It is a palindrome. Improve the function to make it have an option to make i...
[2 replies] Last: Thanx for the reply bu no its not case sensitive. I tried upper to low... (by rockey13)
How can I go about writing this loop?
I'm just learning C++ so bare with me. How can I loop the input by the user to handle multiple packages until a weight of zero is entered? The loop should also ...
[3 replies] Last: I fixed the loop although once I enter zero for kilograms and distance... (by boordman29)
cant figure this program out. please help!
Write your question here. Can't seem to figure out the output of this code. thought it was 14, but it came out 101. Please explain this to me. int i = 11;...
[1 reply] : Here is your code in words: You start off with i equal to 11. Your co... (by joe864864)
October 2016 Pages: 1... 3132333435... 51
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