Beginners - October 2016 (Page 29)

Delete a particular record from a binary file?
I've been googling many links on how to delete a record from a binary file. However, all the examples i came across have to use classes which i'm not taught ...
[no replies]
by Arios
Homework #7 Due Wednesday, October 26 Write a program that outputs the following shapes in user-specified sizes: ***** * ***** * ***** ***** * ***...
[2 replies] Last: Awesome, much easier to read, but I forgot the question. What problem ... (by SamuelAdams)
adding two data arrays to produce higher price increment/range
My challenge is to take basic data at the lowest increment and process it into a larger increment. The basic data can be increasing/decreasing in price. Eg hig...
[1 reply] : Please do not double post. (by AbstractionAnon)
by Arkadi
PPP exercise, failing to read input with cin
I'm new to programming, and I'm working through Programming - Principles and Practice Using C++ and I'm having some trouble with one of the exercises in chapter...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks! Adding cin.clear() fixed it. The book shows that using cin ... (by Arkadi)
Enumerative input from users
How can I get an input from a user that will place the input value into the type that I defined? For example, enum bloodtypes = { A,B,AB,O }; How can I ge...
[5 replies] Last: is it possible to get an input from the user that will accept it as ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Muscle building on c++ forum? lol
[1 reply] : @switchy - do not reply to spam. Once you've replied to it, it can no... (by AbstractionAnon)
Check my code?
I have no way of compiling this to check, can someone check the code by compiling and executing it? It should ask your name and number, then what the shape is,...
[3 replies] Last: I have no way of compiling this There is an "Edit & Run" button to ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by egio
Need help correcting loop and function
Hello! I have an assignment where I'm supposed to reuse code from my last assignment (what's inside find_average()) and make the average return as a double. fin...
[2 replies] Last: Line 9-10: What's the point of these variables? They're not used. ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Word and Letter counter
Hi guys, beginner here looking for help, the program is supposed to open a file and count the occurrences of each character as well as count the number of words...
[1 reply] : Hello LastSeen, It is hard to find a starting place since there are s... (by Handy Andy)
Expected primary-expression before ')'
I am new to C++ and GTKMM. I copied the code from a GTKMM for Beginners PDF and this 'Hello World' program requires a header file and 2 source code file which ...
[1 reply] : Gtk::Main::run( H elloWorld); Capital H in the error, but lower ... (by Moschops)
by ll1234
count out the number of the odd numbers and even numbers respectively
cin several numbers,cout the number of the odd numbers and even numbers respectively. c++ please.
[1 reply] : Send me a private message. (by SakurasouBusters)
by ll1234
how to transform a Decimal integer to a binary using function
Write your question here. Using function ,and cin a positive decimal integer,cout a binary.c++ please.
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <bitset> int main() { int x; std... (by Moschops)
Code error help please
Create a program that allows the user to enter the gender (either F or M) and GPA (0.0 through 4.0) for any number of students. The program should calculate and...
[6 replies] Last: @integralfx.... you can use 'f' or 'F' or any other character. But for... (by oowee8811)
throwing an instance of error ..? help
Okay so i made a program to create an 2-dimensional array however everytime i run it, it happens to throw an instance of 'ARRAY ERRRORS'. Im not sure why it has...
[1 reply] : From your code it is not possible to tell what the problem is. How do ... (by coder777)
How to print increments vertically
I'm stuck at this part of the program where I have to print the principal vertically and its rates as shown in this output. My program's output only prints out ...
[1 reply] : The loop on line 22 should be encompassed with another loop whose inde... (by coder777)
How do linked lists work?
I looked at many sites, but it is still confusing. Can you explain to me in very simple terms linked lists and how to use them and how to make sure it will not ...
[1 reply] : Perhaps these tutorials would help: Linked List Basics: http://cslibra... (by JLBorges)
Find all matching nodes in linked list.
I'm writing a function to find all occurrences of a node in a linked list, the function will return the number of occurrences to the main function which will th...
[1 reply] : You have an infinite loop in list::findall . (by cire)
Functions overload
This is my code and it is not working properly so can any one help me in figuring out what is wrong. Thank you. #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int Average(long int input1... (by SakurasouBusters)
while loop
Thanks I figure it out
[2 replies] Last: char input; cout << "Would you like to enter another test sc... (by integralfx)
Sorting Names With Commas From File
I'm having trouble trying to importing the names from my text file and displaying them correctly. Every time I do, they display in the order, but they display i...
[4 replies] Last: Nevermind I figured it out using this as a reference http://www.cpl... (by Rolando93)
October 2016 Pages: 1... 2728293031... 51
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