Beginners - October 2016 (Page 26)

Need help with Codeblock
Hello guys! As our teacher uses Codeblock, I also use it. My question is when I have a string in Visual Studio and write playerName. <- then it shows possib...
[1 reply] : The feature you're referring to is commonly called "autocomplete". You... (by Moschops)
Can someone explain me pass by reference please
Hello. I need someone to explain me how to write this code by using pass by reference. I managed to understand how to do it through pass by value but the pass b...
[1 reply] : Pass by value just copies the variables passed in. While pass by refen... (by TarikNeaj)
creating a template for quick sort algorithm
Hello, I am trying to create a template for the quicksort algorithm so I can use it for any data type(such as int). Whenever I run it I get these errors on line...
[2 replies] Last: Wow, I can't believe I didn't see that. I understand what I did wrong ... (by neekforjesusmir)
Help on writing a code.
I'm VERY new at C++, and I have to write an application program that utilizes a car object. The void start should be called at the beginning to set private da...
[no replies]
operator overloading
hello every one ; I have a little problem // englconv.cpp // conversions: Distance to meters, meters to Distance #include <iostream> using namespace std; ////...
[1 reply] : this is a small question! (by EgyptianCoder)
I need help with a cipher assignment where the default map is set to zywvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba any help will be appreciated cout << " Encryption Cipher\...
[2 replies] Last: Pull some ideas out of this, perhaps. #include <iostream> #include <... (by Moschops)
Adding in while loops
Hi, I need help with a program. I am new to programing. I need to read from a file and output to a file. I am able to do that. But I am having trouble when it c...
[2 replies] Last: can you please clarify, i have no idea what you mean. (by Ibra ovic)
I need help with pass by value
The goal here is to use pass by value to calculate sum of (1/n)^2 aka: (1/1)^2 + (1/2)^2 +... (1/n)^2. Im a beginner and so far i cannot understand what is wron...
[4 replies] Last: I understood it all. What was bugging me was that I was not getting it... (by babamublabla)
Help on making a code
Create a program that displays a table consisting of four rows and five columns. The first column should display the numbers 1 through 4. The second column and ...
[6 replies] Last: You certainly don't have to write completely new code. (i) Put the bra... (by lastchance)
c++/ writing to file / isupper / IO
Having trouble trying to inspect each character read...if the character is not a Lower Case letter, write the character to a file called upper.txt . If the ch...
[10 replies] Last: Works great. Thanks a ton ! Here's the final code #include<iostrea... (by milzticket)
by nbro
Delete the node at index i from its current position and insert it after node at index j
I was trying to create a function to delete the node at index i from its current position and insert it after node at index j from a std::vector<Node> node...
[no replies]
My c++ program won't open a file
Hi, I'm trying to open a file and store its data into a string to be processed and do some things, but that (still) doesn't matter now. I've been reading lots ...
[5 replies] Last: Now I know what happened, and it's very stupid, but I'll leave this po... (by Shishka)
source with <string> header compiles but program will not run
The error is... the procedure entry point _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringcSt11char_traitsESalcEEC1Ev could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Users\Mar...
[no replies]
by fg350
Add a loop to read each line of the file, and read the entire line into one string
Hello, so I'm new to dealing with files, and I have a text file with data that I need the program to read each line and then output that string into the termina...
[no replies]
Problems reading from a file with a loop
Hi, I want to do a function that reads info from a txt file writed in one column that haves a termination string that is "/". I want this "/" to be the end of t...
[10 replies] Last: How can I stop it? I know, but I changed the txt file so now it not c... (by incandenza)
Project Help
I need a way to compare a number to the amount of times a string was entered. In my project i need to make sure that when a category for a bunch is selected lik...
[no replies]
find Duplicate numbers in array
how i can find Duplicate numbers in array? (c++).
[1 reply] : There are multiple ways. First, you surely know how to find a value f... (by keskiverto)
While Loop problem
So I'm trying to make this program loop that the initial total number of cars is 0, and the number of cars that will be left on the lot each day will be the tot...
[2 replies] Last: that was actually a mistake it should've been 100*. I understand the c... (by umraugh)
trouble with else-if statement
When I execute the code below, it will execute which ever option you enter once. It will ask for another option as it is supposed to, but when you enter the sec...
[1 reply] : (option =! 5) // is same as ( option = ! 5 ) // is same as ( option =... (by keskiverto)
How to iterate through a list within an object
I am having trouble trying to write a function that takes in an object, and iterates through the list within that object, to print out the list. It is a diction...
[5 replies] Last: I was forgetting the :: in there, whoops. After adding that and #incl... (by mlaspina519)
October 2016 Pages: 1... 2425262728... 51
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