Beginners - October 2016 (Page 25)

class help
Hi. I have been asked as an exercise to create an integerset class using a vector of bool to store the numberes - initilise to false and make that elemnt true f...
[14 replies] Last: Cheers I've managed to work it out.. The code below does what I want. ... (by jamesfarrow)
by lendcs
find the total amount of frabjous numbers (any number containing a "7") within the specified range.
Any tips on how to add up the total frabjous numbers in my code? #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; const int FRABJOUS_NUMBER = ...
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <sstream> using namespace std; bool isF... (by lastchance)
by rolen
help finding a gui lib for cpp [solved!]
hello im kinda new to c++ but i am a programmer in other languages like java and scripting languages like python,php,js (i work as a webdeveloper). c++ wa...
[18 replies] Last: solved ! wxwidgets had to run minimal sample in (my_wx_dir)/sampe... (by rolen)
Move a character in arrays
Right here I'm trying to create a game style map where the integer p represents my character. My issue right here is I tried various ways to make my character m...
[3 replies] Last: I tried using values this time but still not sure how to properly code... (by clerkolleseum)
Question on Arrays
When you enter data into an array via prompt, will it overwrite the data within the array if u call the function again, eventhough u never close the program ?
[2 replies] Last: I'm not sure I completely understand your question, but it sounds the ... (by Yawzheek)
Help with functions
Iam trying to turn my code into a functin but i keep getting errors that say im redefinig parameters. I think im messing up when by defining within the paramete...
[3 replies] Last: @fivestar When you forward declare a function your telling the compil... (by boost lexical cast)
Not sure what the question is asking
So the code I have right now shows the counter going from 1-30 and at 30 it says that it has a multiple of 2, 3, and 5. But now I have to modify the problem so ...
[2 replies] Last: You have additional tests, so there will be more OR (||) conditions. ... (by lastchance)
Code will not compile
[17 replies] Last: No worries. Just make sure you use code tags in the future. Have a gre... (by integralfx)
Column bar chart on the console.
I'm looking for a way to make a column bar chart on the console like this: 12000 ** 11000 ...
[4 replies] Last: Here is the final version I turned in. // Author: Nikolas Britton;... (by nbritton)
Need help with my code
So my code works, but I want to break out of my loop when the counter is a multiple of 2, 3, and 5, which is when it equals to 30. However when I compile it I w...
[7 replies] Last: ok thank you (by AchillesO23)
compile problem
[3 replies] Last: May I ask which way? (by lWilliamCl)
Vector displaying blanks?
So im writing a program ( a "game" if you will) for fun and I ran into this issue. The program compiles, but it seems like everyone is surviving. Im not sure if...
[2 replies] Last: ahhhh I did not even think of two randomly generated number being the ... (by kingkush)
Compiler error on survey program
Hi, I'n nearly done this program. It's a survey that tallys all the votes from multiple entries and produces winners as well as ties. I'm getting a compiler err...
[1 reply] : Try putting one big parenthesis on all the if and else if statements b... (by AchillesO23)
by king16
TotalUp Array
Hey, guys, I got this code written but I don't know how to following things: a. Total up the numbers in each row and print the total at the end of the row b. To...
[1 reply] : Please don't double post. (by integralfx)
Help with reverse file strings
So I have to write a program where it gets the name of an input file and output file (if they're identical I am to get an error message) and pass them as argume...
[5 replies] Last: Could you explain what each line or lines are doing? I'm having troubl... (by iseehealthbars)
Parallel Arrays
I'm having problems with my homework and my professor is not responding. How do I get my arrays to return the string name of the month for the getHighest and g...
[7 replies] Last: Oh, ok. Do I call the function after the array then? Sorry, these ar... (by beverlyras)
switch statement problem
So, I needed to make a program where you enlarge the digits' 0-9. For some reason, I can't seem to output the larger version of the digit. The program works, i...
[4 replies] Last: You can always pass by reference to access digit directly: choice... (by boost lexical cast)
Survey program help
My program is not displaying the amount of votes correctly and I have no idea why. Any help would be nice! #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...
[7 replies] Last: I've done that and it compiles but the program doesnt recognise a tie ... (by Benjidude)
Code will not compile
[1 reply] : int main(); This is not how to start a function. http://www.cplusp... (by Moschops)
What did I do wrong
[3 replies] Last: You can't make void menu() a global variable. It's a function. Don'... (by Moschops)
October 2016 Pages: 1... 2324252627... 51
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