Beginners - October 2016 (Page 21)

Need help drawing a flowchart
How I can Draw a flowchart for printing even numbers between 9 and 100?
[no replies]
Void Function
[1 reply] : You can just put it above your main, and then use the function call in... (by muffsez)
Generate All Permutations of 0s and 1s
Hi, I have a basic knowledge of C++ programming (from a first year engineering course) and I'm trying to write some code for personal use. In order to do so, I'...
[1 reply] : Your question is a bit hard to understand: n 0s and (n-k) 1s - is that... (by lastchance)
function not doing all the math
so i need to have two times calculated into minutes and find the difference my code only ignores the hours and just does the minutes if someone could find my er...
[1 reply] : Please don't cross-post the same content to multiple forums in the fut... (by cire)
by hollup
Help need asap plz
Have to writing a c++ program, using loop to calculate the average of 3 score And display, each exam score should be from 0 to 100.
[15 replies] Last: thanks for the help, it woks great (by hollup)
Homework Help!!
Nevermind about my homework help. Apparently to many people want to judge for asking for help in the right direction if the answers I chose were wrong. Instead ...
[5 replies] Last: To everyone that is saying that I should not be posting this apparentl... (by Unisaurus)
Needed Help w/This? Im a beginner...
Thank u!
[2 replies] Last: Think about the TYPES of variable you are using. If A is a double ... (by lastchance)
[Help] Why doesnt this work?
Had a hard time getting this to work when I think it should be easy.. guess im just that bad. The code try to generate 7 numbers and a number cant be generet...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you kind sir (by NotAWizard)
cout doens't work after operation break
Hello guys. I've got a question. I need to program with C++ language and have the following output: Enter an integer greater than 1 to check if it is a prim...
[6 replies] Last: jlb, please teach me the ways to use more meaningful and understandab... (by jlb)
by Anlity
Check a race track
So our teacher gave us the task to wirte a programm which checks for a given input if a race track can be completed. The chars used are "/" for going uphill...
[3 replies] Last: You must store two levels in order to do the comparison. I'm sorry t... (by Anlity)
Pointer to Array or direct access to array
Hi CPlusPlus community! :) I'm begin in C++ and I have a question about pointers and array. If I write this : string myArray ; string* myPointer = myAr...
[2 replies] Last: keskiverto, Thanks! It was very helpful! :) (by SurveyVisual)
Hello! i'm new to C++ programming and i'm trying my best to figure this out. But this is driving me insane. I'm getting an expected ')' error maybe my program i...
[2 replies] Last: yes, it worked. Thank you so much :D (by Aenix73)
I need to know WHY this works?
So this simple solution reads the file "level1.lbh" and prints out the frst two lines of text in that file. My questiuon is WHY? I am totally new to programming...
[1 reply] : Now you have to read a bit. On line 5 it says that "inFile is a std:... (by keskiverto)
Transfer character array in linked list to an integer array
I'm having trouble trying to understand a practice question. The program is suppose to do a arithmetic calculation no matter how long an integer is. So firstl...
[no replies]
New to Vector
I have this code that my professor put up in class. if someone don't mind explain it i would appreciate it a lot! Thank you... New to vector! #include<...
[1 reply] : Think of a vector as a more advanced array. I hope you are more famili... (by lastchance)
Why does this program not generate error when the output is not created?
Here is the simple program. using namespace std; #include <fstream> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(void) { std::ofstream myfile; cons...
[3 replies] Last: #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <string> int main() ... (by JLBorges)
example of course exercises
For helping beginners, here some exercises to learnig a bit more of c++ Realizar una funciĆ³n que reciba: 1) por referencia constante un vector de enteros. 2) ...
[1 reply] : You might get more responses if you provide the English translation of... (by Nico)
creating global constant using strcat
I need to have some global constants that represent directory paths. In this way some constants are actually built by concatenating other constants. I have ther...
[2 replies] Last: For starters: str3 = strcat(str3, str1); is undefined, because you tr... (by Nico)
by hollup
could someone plz help me
How could you loop the program so that it prompt the user by display for the different score 3 score 2 score 1 as now i only able to display one how cud ...
[2 replies] Last: yeah i tried it works tankz a million handy andy (by hollup)
Split string with two comma separated numbers.
I have a two strings holding two integer Cartesian coordinate points, which could potentially be negative. What is the simplest way to extract them into four in...
[1 reply] : I don't know if this is the most "elegant" solution, but I did get the... (by nbritton)
October 2016 Pages: 1... 1920212223... 51
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