Beginners - October 2016 (Page 20)

subscript requires array or pointer type
Hello. I'm confused on this error I keep receiving in my function. Any help would be much appreciated. This is my error: 1>c:\users\beverly\onedrive\schoo...
[2 replies] Last: Ah!! Originally I had fcrow as an array, but changed it down the road... (by beverlyras)
What is causing my syntax error?
Hello, whenever I try to call an array in a function, I get a syntax error for my brackets. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance! ...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you!! I knew there was something easy I was missing. (by beverlyras)
Program skipping part of loop
I was working on this program for my class assignment and a guy in my class suggested using a nested for loop to improve my code though he didn't explain how to...
[2 replies] Last: Line 12: Truncation of character constant left_arm and left_leg. '//... (by AbstractionAnon)
Problem with solving This Question.
Sample output : Enter employee's grade(A,B,C or D):f Enter employee's grade(A,B,C or D):a Enter the total number of working hour : 198 Normal pay 1683.00 OT ...
[2 replies] Last: Okay. THANKS! i solved it :D (by DesmondLee)
Getting rubbish result when adding integer pointer array
I'm trying to do a simple arithmetic calculation with integer pointer array. Firstly, the user will input a 2 string to add and reverse them. int main() { ...
[5 replies] Last: Sorry, i noticed it and i forgotten to change it accordingly. (by amoureux)
Hard code packet inside function instead of using variable.
I've been trying to find a solution for that, but nothing worked so far, so I will ask here. This is the code I have: #include "Source\ClientCore.cpp" BYTE...
[1 reply] : bump~ (by Edelweise)
Input on loop
I'm trying to make a loop that will allow a user to enter in as many numbers as they would want to, until they enter in a key word like done or -1. The end goal...
[2 replies] Last: I was actually just playing around with vectors right now, I haven't u... (by muffsez)
Printing values from a pointer array
Here i have is a arithmetic addition calculator that has no value boundaries. Firstly, i used a string to read in 2 values, then i store them into an integer a...
[1 reply] : intPtr intArray; intPtr intArray2; intArray = new int ; intArr... (by integralfx)
by slex04
Reversing STRING
I'm trying to reverse any entered String and then proof if its a palindrome ( " madam" ) i'm running into some errors: #include <iostream> #include <s...
[2 replies] Last: Line 11 : void printReverse(string str ); This is defining a func... (by integralfx)
Need help with understanding pointer
I was reading my codes and i really have a hard time understand pointer because they are so confusing to me. I would like to ask, for example i have this...
[2 replies] Last: Agree with Andy. Best way to see this would be to print out 'ip' and... (by Tr33)
by Givi
Why isn't my array printing the correct output?(even numbers from 0-50)
I'm using a function to find all the even numbers from an array, ranging from 0-50. Without using a function, it's very simpple. However, using size = 50; I'm n...
[1 reply] : You don't initialize your array so it just contains random numbers. Yo... (by Thomas1965)
How can I write this please!! A function that will fill an integer array of any size with only the odd random numbers in 1-500 range. A function that will prin...
[6 replies] Last: When passing an array as a parameter... void print_array(int a ) is... (by closed account ybf3AqkS)
assistance please
every time I build the solution it tells me there are multiple errors. anyone help?? #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<string> using namesp...
[3 replies] Last: how do I fix that, I'm still learning I'm new to this. (by ajtorres)
Convert a letter into ASCII code
Hi, so I have this programming assignment and I've been stuck on this problem for quite some time, this is what I have so far. The question was to create a bar ...
[3 replies] Last: I'd recommend you use an array, so that way you can easily loop throug... (by integralfx)
Addition in function
First, I need to write a function to print out all the factors of a number, and I did it. Then, I need to write one more function to add up all the numbers in ...
[1 reply] : This is the video you nee... (by muffsez)
Room c++ programing game
need help with a program that read in from a file. the program is for a room game. there are 15 rooms and when you enter a room you can only access certain room...
[1 reply] : Are you asking what your GameFile.txt should look like ? (by SamuelAdams)
Bingo Help!
Bingo is a game of chance. Each player takes a Bingo card. Each card has 25 spaces organized into 5 columns and 5 rows under the "BINGO" header, as follows: ...
[2 replies] Last: Sadly I have not, no one else has posted on this, and I was not really... (by Unisaurus)
Error checking
I'm looking to error check some code based off of user input, the code uses user input to calculate the distance according to user input. The only error checkin...
[6 replies] Last: Hm, that's a lot better than what I came up with. And while mine does ... (by muffsez)
Struggling with functions
Hello I'm struggling with a function. My goal is to rite a program that reads a string and outputs the number of times each lowercase vowel appears in it. The ...
[no replies]
GCD (greatest common divisor) and LCM (least common multiple)
I have been trying to make a program that given "n" which is followed by n positive natural numbers has to output the LCM greater than zero. I have been given ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for your explanation, it worked (by Oriol Serrabassa)
October 2016 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 51
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