Why does this function allocating memory in a function not work correctly? |
[2 replies] Last: "Correct"? Debatable. Here is one: #include <iostream> #include <stri... (by keskiverto)
by Zorai
Help with this C++ exercise please?
[7 replies] Last: how much money they’ve won/lost If you do have $50 at start and en... (by keskiverto)
Adventure Game With Classes and Arrays |
[no replies]
by Rododendron
Names - Reverse order - pointers
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much for your help skaa ! I know how it works now. (by Rododendron)
by Nelson108
Having trouble using range-based for loop in my code, won't compile?
[6 replies] Last: Never mind, I finally found a solution, downloaded a new compiler wit... (by Nelson108)
by Guzfraba
Bubble sort optimization - or not ?
[3 replies] Last: I did the test with 10 times more numbers and get now 19(no optim.), 1... (by Guzfraba)
by danasass
Dungeon crawl
[7 replies] Last: you would have to check every location maze and check the value. ... (by SamuelAdams)
How do I change the color of texts?
[13 replies] Last: I agree, a lot of bad code is written every day. But if he stays in p... (by SamuelAdams)
by mmgh
linking problem with xml2
[2 replies] Last: It does not add xml2 library into build.cmake while other libraries ar... (by mmgh)
by mozza123
Reading in Data from a file, printing it then calculating the sum/ave/sc
[1 reply] : These and others may need to be outside your loop. double total = ... (by SamuelAdams)
by rantiv
HotPlate simulation
[1 reply] : I do not see any question. You cannot update array right after comp... (by keskiverto)
by AterVulpes
Map not properly identifing elements
[8 replies] Last: in general, is there a ball-park file size number beyond which would ... (by jlb)
by bamboojack
Switch Class names
[4 replies] Last: A masochist would: void currF() { Tempature which; float inte... (by keskiverto)
by mk92595
How do I add polynomials and print them? [List]
[3 replies] Last: Not enough information. You need to show your declarations for PolyT... (by AbstractionAnon)
by om4r97
store data in arrays of struct
[4 replies] Last: Line 52: Do not loop on ! stream.eof(). This does not work the way yo... (by AbstractionAnon)
by amkir100
Selection Sort/Bubble Sort/Insertion Sort
[no replies]
by archidit
Accessing nested class function through Base classs Object
[3 replies] Last: Make a variable: #ifndef CBROS_H #define CBROS_H #include <iostream> ... (by coder777)
by ihatemylife
Hangman Help
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> it main() { std::string se... (by boost lexical cast)
by rantiv
Modify a vector parameter
[3 replies] Last: You can condense the above answer by simply calling std::swap on fro... (by Arslan7041)
by witchking96
Bank Queue Simulation
[no replies]