Beginners - October 2016 (Page 17)

Call of a structure inside a function
Structure: struct yes { int row,column; }stack ; Function: void check(int v ,int i,int j,int k,struct stack ,int &size) Call: check(v,i,j...
[1 reply] : You don't have a type name stack, stack is a variable not a type. Your... (by jlb)
Do While Loop unknown behavior
Hi guys, I have two questions: I'm trying to run this code in Codeblocks, and whenever I try to modify the length of the initial array to 100, it stops after t...
[2 replies] Last: As written (with +=) you are, in line 18, .... taking the current v... (by lastchance)
Need help fixing problem!
I am still relatively new to c++ and I need help fixing my code so it will work properly. The problem given: Input a number then make an X in the following ...
[2 replies] Last: //Odd numbers if(num%2==1){ for(int rows=num; rows>=1... (by vin)
by Geeman
Hi how to get into industry..
Write your question here. Hi new here, I am looking to become a c++ programmer But unsure which path to go down learning and to acquire industry recognis...
[2 replies] Last: Hi yes. (by Geeman)
my loop is looping one less time
I wrote a code to find the lcm of multiple numbers, but the loop is looping one less time. The first line of the input contains a positive integer N, and each o...
[3 replies] Last: let me see if I understand. The second loop was working fine, but you ... (by ne555)
Help with vectors with multiple CPP files
I've just stepped into the realm of using multiple files; so far, all has gone well...until... I'm having a boatload of trouble trying to figure out a solid wa...
[1 reply] : You don't want to "spread". You don't want global variables. You shoul... (by keskiverto)
by TeeWee
fuction calling need help in cstdio
having problem understanding the int main() how to connect the functions to gather. working on a program i need two functions to call to each other. i want ...
[1 reply] : (getting error message to few argument) Function void help(int a, i... (by Chervil)
by DolanC
removal of highest and lowest number
Okay, I have a problem that requires the user to input scores for contestants for five judges (working), maintain an input validation (working), and make usage ...
[4 replies] Last: don't know if this what you asking. But i would find the lowest like ... (by morlok)
Good C++ Interview Question
Do you think this is a good C++ interview question (for beginners)? What is true regarding the following code snippet? if (ComplicatedFunctionCall() || An...
[1 reply] : Its a good question I would say. You might also add the "whats wrong... (by Arslan7041)
by lendcs
How can I loop the following code add to the totalFrabjous_numbers
I am trying to find a way to add to the totalFrabjous_numbers if the numbers between a desired range are equal to my constant. I am only allowed to use (for,whi...
[3 replies] Last: thanks for the tips guys, as of now I am informed of this so called "p... (by lendcs)
string reverse
could someone explains what is line[line.size() - 1 - i] ? i'm kinda confuse with that. also why line.size()/2 is divide by 2? if i input : i love chicke...
[6 replies] Last: @Sakurawhatever: You are missing the point. The OP is clearly trying t... (by Arslan7041)
I need help pointing to a function/loop
Hey all! Still learning here and I think that is the right terminology. So, basically, I am creating a fishing game/dice roller for my CS215 class. I am ...
[1 reply] : To generate a random number do this: srand( time( NULL ) ); int rand... (by integralfx)
some exercise
Hi, I was trying to do a beginner's exercise from here and needed some help. the user puts like how many pancakes he ate, and as usual i took the index of t...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! (by Necro77)
typename is not allowed
I am just trying to practice my C++ since I got visual studio again and I wanted to make a program where you can just a state of a person aka Humanoid in my cas...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. It is working now. (by nynex n)
i need help with user input text file using pointer.
Hello everybody, 1. in case adding : I have a vector and a pointer that store data from input user from a class student. But I found difficult to store data in...
[2 replies] Last: keskiverto, my bad , i make a wrong coding by using pointer in this ca... (by Superman99)
Help!!! It keeps saying input file did not open in my program output!
Here is the program... I need the output to decode a message but it keeps saying input file did not open when I run my program. I use MAC and Xcode to compile! ...
[6 replies] Last: I know what I need to change!! Okay I need to get special out after ... (by tlowe285)
Help with a beginner prog! :/
Thank you!
[4 replies] Last: else if (income > 15000) There is no need for this line, else alon... (by N1nJa)
Two set of codes in one program
I don't know how to put this style into words. I put two set of { } and the output is the exact as what my prof expect me to do. Can you guys tell me what is th...
[no replies]
by N1nJa
Absolute beginner, how to implement graphics/user input.
Hi all, I have been learning c++ from Michael Dawsons C++ Through Game Programming book, I'm about half way through it so far and learning alot. I have n...
[no replies]
by Bunjo
Problem entering numbers into an array
I am trying to make a program that asks for the size of an array, prompts the user to enter numbers into the array, and finally displays the numbers back to the...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you! I used vectors and it works now. (by Bunjo)
October 2016 Pages: 1... 1516171819... 51
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