Beginners - October 2016 (Page 15)

Split String Array using empty line
Write your question here. Hello I need guidence how to split a string Array into two arrays using an empty line from the source text file: I have successful...
[no replies]
Almost there
I need to write a program: write a program to display a hexadecimal multiplication table for the number 1 to 16.  The first row and first column numbers should...
[3 replies] Last: You might want to adjust your output to display your hex in upper case... (by lyle)
by rantiv
Text analyzer and modifier
Im having troubles getting my function to work. (2) Complete the GetNumOfSpaces() function, which returns the number of spaces in the user's string. (2 pts) ...
[4 replies] Last: You are right, warnings. Thanks, that worked! (by rantiv)
by rantiv
Functions: Authoring assistant
In having trouble making this program. Here are the instructions and this is what i have so far. (1) Prompt the user to enter a string of their choosing. Sto...
[2 replies] Last: Yea i dont want you to just code it but help walk me through what i ne... (by rantiv)
by hjf
Statements and Flow--range-based for loop
Line 8 does not compile for me. string str {"Hello!"}; I tried changing the curly brackets to parentheses and it compiled but then the next line didn't....
[4 replies] Last: Okay. I click on compiler every time and that is what gives me the red... (by hjf)
What is wrong in this code please help!! #include <iostream> #include <ctime> using namespace std; void FillOddArray(int a , int size); void OutputArray(int...
[2 replies] Last: In my last function it says void cannot out put a value which makes se... (by MichaelBhattacharya)
Need help on assignment
So i have an assignment with the instructions: Implement a program that verifies if character '!' exists within N provided characters. The program must read t...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int askValues(char cArrBoxes... (by cplusguy)
Need help
Help please! I'm working in this program - battleship. Now, my problem is, when I hit all of enemy ships, the program doesn't print out the winner. So, I do...
[2 replies] Last: another problem is you can place ships right on top of each other exa... (by SamuelAdams)
writing multiple arrays to a new array in a funciton
Like the question says, I am trying to write 2 to 3 arrays to a new array. I am currently writing a function where I am wanting to get new input from the user, ...
[no replies]
i need help making this program work
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void compTurn(int & totalTp, int userTp, string & turn) { if (totalTp > 4) { totalTp = 4 - userTp; turn = "...
[no replies]
by jeg19
functions and counters assignment help
Write a program that computes the total cost of a chocolate sale. The default cost per chocolate is $8,however, when a user buys more than 10 chocolates the sho...
[no replies]
I need a tutor or help
I need a free tutor or some help with an assignment. I'm not asking for someone to go and do it for me, because it's my job to get it done. I just need someone ...
[1 reply] : I recommend a tutor all the time but not many people have time to teac... (by SamuelAdams)
For loop help!!
I am writing a program where I need a for loop to run a certain amount of times, depending on user input. int num will be entered by the user. Everything i...
[2 replies] Last: At Line 6, try cout<<"counter : "<< i + 1 << endl; (by DesmondLee)
by louser
Quiz Program
Hey All, I created my first program to ask a user to write questions and answers and output it to a text file to give as a test to students. I have everythin...
[no replies]
Preventing the same Random Number from generating
I am trying to write a program that uses a random number to pick a monster object pointer from an array and place it into an allied monster array. (i am basical...
[1 reply] : Your problem is similar to card games: Take a deck of cards (a list o... (by keskiverto)
Exchanging Elements between Class-based Vectors based on Lowest Occurrences of Same Elements
I am trying to make a card game with the following protocol: 1) A group of players (you and then computer generated players) 2) Each player has 7 cards 3) Each ...
[no replies]
Help with for loop
Hey Everyone, I'm new to this forum and I have a problem I can't seem to find the answer to anywhere. I have the following loop in a program for school and ...
[2 replies] Last: Oh wow thank you. I can't believe that's what was causing it. length... (by MikeLarry777)
by elay
c style array to std::array
how can i assign c style array to std::array? int cstyle = { 3,3,3 }; std::array<int,3> test = cstyle;
[8 replies] Last: OK, if you want to be splitting hairs that's your problem but where ex... (by gunnerfunner)
Program almost working correctly
Write a program that reads several dates, and for each one tells if it is correct or not according to the Gregorian calendar. Remember leap years. Each date co...
[4 replies] Last: > the use of the words "and" and "or" are incorrect they should be && ... (by ne555)
file i/o get pointer is allways -1
i am writing a simple compiler for a language called "brainfuck" which consists of 8 signs (commands) and the problem i encounter as following: -i open a file ...
[8 replies] Last: nvm i solved it (by globaltourist)
October 2016 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 51
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