Beginners - October 2016 (Page 12)

How to close multiple Forms in VC++ 2010
I know that Windows Forms is old, but it's what we have to use... I had an assignment today in my class, I had to open a form that opens more forms, but when...
[1 reply] : You need to keep a reference to the form you open, then you can use th... (by Thomas1965)
help with making a historgram
hi everyone, im tasked with making a program that allows you input a number (cant accept a negative #) and displays a histogram. you should be able to keep inp...
[6 replies] Last: I know how to allow the user to exit by inputing a value or until a v... (by lastchance)
by EmC88
Trouble with Menus
I am trying to sort out a menu where the user gives the program some input then has five options to select from. Three (A/B/C) do a thing with calculations ...
[1 reply] : GAH! I figured out a solution. Instead of using a while loop I used s... (by EmC88)
Help with people sorter
I need a bit of guidance to know if I am on the right track. [code ]#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <cstring> using namespace std; s...
[6 replies] Last: All the instructions are listed. We can use structs or classes I am re... (by channing0411)
by cpp82
boost bitset to unsigned integers
I am using boost dynamic bites for the first time and I am kind of stuck with something. There is a variable boost::dynamic_bitset<> bs(200) in my program and t...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks again @JLBorges !! The number of bits is not constant, so I ha... (by cpp82)
by ncaver
Stacks. Help !!
Write your question here. Ask user to enter 5 values for pop I have three different files . One for stackmain.cpp, the header file, and just the regular ...
[2 replies] Last: stacknumbers.h line 4: You declare MAX as a const int stacknumber... (by AbstractionAnon)
Accumulate data with switch Statement
Can i know how to i accumulate data. **REQUIRE TO USE SWITCH STATEMENT use 0 to quit the program and show the vote accumulated. sample output: Out of the fol...
[6 replies] Last: @keskiverto Thank you for the reply and the mistake you pointed out fo... (by DesmondLee)
by rantiv
Hot Plate simulation
So my part three wont show up for the output in my online textbook. Part 3: Repeat update until Stable After printing the results from the first iteration, c...
[4 replies] Last: As lastchance told you: void exportHotPlate(double(&plate) , int di... (by coder777)
Product of only Positive Numbers
I need to write a program that asks a user to input 5 numbers and prints out a product of only positive  numbers. Can anyone revise my code? I c...
[1 reply] : Unless you have actually been told to loop this repeatedly you don't n... (by lastchance)
Beginners coding help?
When a ball is thrown with a speed U m/s at an angle of T radians with the horizontal, the horizontal distance travelled or range, R metres, is given by:- R...
[9 replies] Last: You EVENTUALLY carried out Nico and my suggestion and converted degree... (by lastchance)
Use the Concept of vector and string to do the following question
Use the Concept of vector and string to do the following question 1) Write a program that creates a vector of string called V. Vector V grows and shrinks...
[4 replies] Last: @gunam12 Send me a private message. (by SakurasouBusters)
Radix Sort Using Queues
My program involves populating an array of size 37 with empty queues, then sorting elements into the array based on their respective ASCII code (any special cha...
[1 reply] : With radixSortAsc, you sort with the first character of every item fir... (by skiian12)
output stuck after first cycle
Hello, i need help with a class assignment: I need to read a data file and use the data from it while separating it in to functions. It needs to be able to i...
[5 replies] Last: May be simpler to read each field as a string and then try to extract ... (by JLBorges)
by joeyk
What does it mean in array
Hello all, I'm a beginner of learning c++, I'm creating a 2-d array printing 8x8 board. What does this line of declaration mean? it doesn't seems like init...
[4 replies] Last: @integralfx THANK YOU SO MUCH! (by joeyk)
can someone help me put all of this together in my main.cpp
So I wrote this in three different parts but now I don't know how to put it all together just so that it is in just one main.cpp and not three different ones. c...
[7 replies] Last: Awesome! Thank you both! (by ajtorres)
help inverting a right triangle
Hey everyone, i am tasked with modifying this code to invert the right triangle to make it look like this if i enter a height of 5 ***** **** *** ** * I t...
[1 reply] : for (c = 1; c <= b; c++) { { for (d = 1; d <= c; d++) cout << a; ... (by SakurasouBusters)
If branch when comparing 'yes'
Hi everyone. I'm very very new to programing. I am trying to write a simple program in attempts to test a few things, namely comparing user input text, and the ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for you help! i figured it out, the problem was i was line 4 i... (by Shifty189)
How to ignore certain characters?
Hi, so this program is basically a menu, and it asks the user to input an option of either calculating distance between two points, calculating the midpoint bet...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, I did what you said, and it looks like it is working properly! I ... (by pizzapieman3)
Help with running total, functions and mod (HW Assignment)
I'm trying to display the average of the running total of tickets issued. I'm not sure if its a logic error or not. #include <iostream> #include <string>...
[no replies]
instead of typing roll i would like to just press a button. how would i do that #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namesp...
[1 reply] : If you want to press any key and then enter you could just have cin >... (by ninjachachi)
October 2016 Pages: 1... 1011121314... 51
  Archived months: [sep2016] [nov2016]

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