Beginners - October 2016 (Page 11)

Assigning in console
I'm relatively new to programming. I have to create a calculator by parsing in user input. I managed to get that down. The catch is that users can create and as...
[4 replies] Last: I'm going to try. I understand it and its open source so I thought abo... (by protater)
Dereferencing a non returned function ?
What happens if I have a pointer variable = pointer -> function(); where function() didn't return anything? would it cause a crash?
[5 replies] Last: Does it terminate the program if there is nothing catching the error o... (by bubbleshere)
i cannt fill string variable after int variable
when i want to fill a string variable after int variable the code wont let me fill the string string name; int age; for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { cout<<"i...
[3 replies] Last: The problem was caused by the newline character being consumed by std... (by Arslan7041)
Random Letter help
I found this code in a different topic and i was a little confused on how it works. How does it create random letters when the only letter involved is 'a'. I th...
[6 replies] Last: That is called type-cast. It casts a value from an (int) to a (char). ... (by SakurasouBusters)
const and function
string test (const string &hey) //what dose const do here { return hey; } string t (string &hey) { return hey; } int main () { string h = test("hi...
[1 reply] : "doesn't work" is inaccurate. A compiler says: In function 'int mai... (by keskiverto)
Help !!!!
Write your question here. Define amatrix of size 10x10 of type integer then print the row that has the first prime number ..i need 2 & 3 solution !! ...
[1 reply] : Hello lxme123, I do not mean to be curt, but what have you done? What... (by Handy Andy)
monkey code
I'm pretty new to C++, and I think my code looks ok to run, but I can't figure out why it won't compile on X-Code without errors. I saw a message on the first s...
[5 replies] Last: It looks like your averages are adding up. Curly's average is 66 + Lar... (by jlb)
Reading the ASCII code from a series of chars
My program involves populating an array of size 37 with empty queues, then sorting elements into the array based on their respective ASCII code (any special cha...
[7 replies] Last: I believe we are working of the same project. (by skiian12)
Multiple File Compilation Problem
I was trying to create a simple AI based on some tutorial (the code is not mine, so it should be working), but it won't compile. Here are my files: voice.h ...
[1 reply] : (You forgot to link the... (by ne555)
rootTable help
My task is to write a program which reads in the number of roots, a value increment, and a precision and outputs a table of roots x1/2, x1/3, … for the given ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by buckeyefan64)
Realted classes
Which would be the base class? Book? If you are asked to write three classes : class Person, BookAuthor, and Book.  The class Person involves with a person'...
[no replies]
User deletion
I need to allow the user to delete a name from my array and I do not know how to do that. Any suggestions?
[4 replies] Last: Based on your other thread: struct People { std::string lname; ... (by AbstractionAnon)
clrscr() in ubuntu?
how i can use the clrscr() in ubuntu? ( IDE : code Blocks )
[1 reply] : IDE or OS are not part of the issue. You want terminal emulator to d... (by keskiverto)
Slope calculator with multiple functions
Hi, I'm having some difficulties getting this program to run. I don't think I'm using the functions correctly. Any help or hints would be much appreciated! ...
[3 replies] Last: Lines 5, 7: Your function prototypes do not agree with the implementa... (by AbstractionAnon)
my array for Celsius is working, but I can't figure out how to do the array to show the correct Fahrenheit conversion for each Celsius entered. ( my formula ...
[2 replies] Last: Hello tiareharo, Please use code tags. It makes your code easier to r... (by Handy Andy)
No idea how to properly read object into Constructor or Function
Howdy, so I'm created a class and I either want to have that class constructor take in that an object that was created in another or one of its functions take i...
[5 replies] Last: @MikeyBoy @AbstractionAnon The Relationship looks like this. I have a ... (by archidit)
Need a function to read a file and set it as my sudoku board.
I'm in a very beginners C++ class and we're just getting started on arrays and up to now everything has gone great but arrays baffle me. So in this homework we ...
[5 replies] Last: If your instructor requires you to produce a 9 * 9 matrix (const int S... (by gunnerfunner)
Outputting Certain Attributes of a vector
I am currently unsure how i can output and display a certain attribute of a vector, like x. Please help i am totally new to vectors and i can't seem to find an ...
[1 reply] : Why are you getters for x and y returning vectors? x and y are ints. ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by mrsh
Matrix cannot read last element in double array
I run simple matrix ,however when i increased the size of matrix, for example 3x3, the element in 3x3 cannot be read ,it happen also when i try 4x4,it seems tha...
[3 replies] Last: many Thanks!it work,i just copied the code from a book and try to play... (by mrsh)
Printing distinct enum values using voidPtr
I'm trying to figure out how do i print a distinct enum value by using a conditional statement in my construction of array. I have a enum declaration en...
[1 reply] : > And i construct my array using a voidptr Why voidptr? Use an array... (by JLBorges)
October 2016 Pages: 1... 910111213... 51
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