Beginners - October 2016 (Page 10)

Need help with this code
Hello, It's my first time in here hopefully I could get some help with this code. I am supposed to input 2 arrays A and B, and then get the elements are in A bu...
[3 replies] Last: 1. To keep things simple (at least in the beginning): An array can be ... (by Nico)
how to read the input word in if statement
i want to make a program that asks the user if he is old or young and depends on the answer the program will go in a certain route using if else-if. #in...
[3 replies] Last: thanks , i program works now :D (by justauser)
by ka5k
Trivia Game using classes
I am working on an intro C++ project and need a little help with my code. I am new to learning classes and am struggling a bit with getting them to work. I am...
[4 replies] Last: Your code tags need work. They should be your code here Ple... (by AbstractionAnon)
Loops - Drawing a Tree (c++)
Hi! I'm having trouble with this problem. (1) Modify the program to ask the user to specify a number of tree trunk levels (“Enter trunk height: “), then use...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you so much! It makes more sense now (by student2019)
Unique_ptr error
Hi I am currently using unique ptr for my vector and i keep hitting errors when i push_back an object. use of deleted function 'std::unique_ptr<_Tp, _Dp>::...
[1 reply] : ShapeTwoD::getVector() returns a copy of the shape vector but the prob... (by Peter87)
string from vector and seperate in to char?
Is there a way to grab a string from a string vector and split it in to individual character so i can check weather they are numbers or letters? I want to do ...
[6 replies] Last: Can you explain to me which part splits the string in to individual ch... (by Austin Patton)
how to use the counter from a do while loop and use it in a for loop
hello I'm currently trying to set up Russian arithmetic for an assignment I have. to do this I first need to halve the number given until it reaches 1 and then...
[14 replies] Last: True: cannot use static array. Use vector. That is the "easy option" f... (by keskiverto)
understanding +=
I am doing a test that help me understanding some concept of c++ I need to write the output of the following code. #include <iostream> using namespac...
[1 reply] : I recommend you to run your program through a debugger. Set a breakpoi... (by ne555)
by kmce
So i am trying to understand pointers, and failing slightly. So hoping someone can help me clear it up. So if i declare a pointer and an int int* pScore...
[2 replies] Last: Ok I think I am getting it now. Thanks :) (by kmce)
Feeling overwhelmed!
Not really a coding question, but advice? I'd consider myself a intermediate/advanced beginner in std library c++ coding. But off course I realize this is jus...
[9 replies] Last: What I meant to convey is just like programming is structured, learnin... (by SamuelAdams)
by sheel
Double free or corruption, double linked list
Hello everyone. I am writing a program where I am creating arrays with new and pointing to them using pointers. I know, most of you would suggest me to use vec...
[6 replies] Last: This is gdb output. Please help me understand this. Program received... (by sheel)
Hi I am attempting to populate a map with a word count and a list of words, based on an input string. For example, the string "great expectations! great news",...
[3 replies] Last: Why not put the entire line in a string stream You will have to do t... (by gunnerfunner)
Anyone have an answer to this chegg question?
I've got an assignment that uses part of this question from chegg and I don't know how to go about this.
[5 replies] Last: Yeah I solved it anyways but it's good to be wary of these kind of peo... (by iwasherenotyou)
Class initialisation list problems (actually it's probably a variable scope problem)
Hi All I have a class called GameManager and a class called Player. The GameManager class has a method called gameLoop and within this gameLoop I'm instan...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by keeps21)
For Loop: Less Than or Not Equal to?
Should I use a less than symbol: for(unsigned int rep = 0; rep < 5; rep++) Or a not equal to symbol? for(unsigned int rep = 0; rep != 5; rep++...
[4 replies] Last: is there any performance difference? Nope. #include <iostream> in... (by integralfx)
Unable to program PIC10F204
Write your question here. I am making a capacitive touch sensor board like microchip's demo board.
[no replies]
Function is not executing
I'm just starting out learning how to code. I can't figure out why the function doesn't execute. #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <string...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! (by Zerdalias)
Help with my code. (1,2)
How can I display Error for only a specific case in case either 1) If the input 0 was wrong. Only display "Invalid major code" 2) If the input 1 was wrong. ...
[20 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(... (by lastchance)
Random numbers not acting random, any help appreciated
I'm writing a code which will get random numbers and apply them to 15 different variables within a struct array. However, the output looks like this "Trash pi...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you kindly! Works like a charm now, have a good evening. (by arowsmitt)
Selectively read text file using keywords
I am attempting to make a program that reads an STL (stereolithography) file for its facet coordinates. A typical block of an STL file looks like this: facet n...
[8 replies] Last: It works! Can't believe I got a problem solved in a single night, than... (by mistertilapia)
October 2016 Pages: 1... 89101112... 51
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