Beginners - October 2015 (Page 5)

Need help shifting array 2 spaces to the left.
My code is set up so that a user enters however big they need an array to be and can then choose from characters letters or special symbols. It then takes that ...
[4 replies] Last: It said invalid conversion from char to constant char. Is it Because I... (by DARK BUGABOO)
reading through text file
I need my code to read an example of "string:double" but reading through my code it'll give me the string but it also says it cannot be found. i can't figure ou...
[3 replies] Last: I need my code to read an example of "string:double" You are using... (by pearlyman)
by kbza94
Need help with pointer and bidimensional arrays
Hi, im fairly new to c++ programming and programming in general. That being said, i recently got into pointers and arrays as arguments in functions and i ran in...
[4 replies] Last: Wow, your help is really appreciated. But now i came across another p... (by kbza94)
i need help, my teacher hasnt really explained how to do this, but i want extra credit! please help, i dont know how to start or even make variables for this, t...
[1 reply] : You can't figure out what variables you'll need??? How about length, ... (by cnoeval)
Bool Camparision
Why d return true but e return false? int main() { bool d = .06 == .2*.3; bool e = .3 == .1 + .1 + .1; cout << d << endl << e; }
[3 replies] Last: Not necessarily, perhaps on your system .2 and .3 have opposite but eq... (by jlb)
Help counting occurrences.
Hey, im supposed to make a program that makes an array list of 1000 random numbers between 1 - 100 then find a way to count how many times each number shows up ...
[4 replies] Last: I mean all you need to accomplish this is 2 loops. #include <iostrea... (by pearlyman)
Hello. I'm required to sort two parallel arrays, first one regnum which is of type string and the other array extraWeightOverload which is of type doublet. ...
[3 replies] Last: I'm sorry. It's my first time using this platform. My million apologie... (by PhillipK)
I'am student in the univercity my qustion is how can i initialize stds array to print the information of all student .. i have to buld this function on cas...
[1 reply] : ما في فايدة ههههههههههههه انا سيف هههه... (by saifk)
by nut
Need help with if/else statement formatting
So basically, I am trying to write a program that calculates the price per unit and percent off per unit of software sold. The program is supposed to calculate ...
[3 replies] Last: Well, it works... until you input 9 or less... :) (by pearlyman)
Hey guys, need some help with code. Have to print "error" if user inputs float/double number instead of int. example: if users inputs 5 its ok, but if...
[1 reply] : What have you tried? Show us some code that illustrates the problem an... (by jlb)
can someone give me some questions on loops?
i need to practice "while loop" and "for loop". can someone give me around 10-15 questions? please do not give a lot complex questions.
[2 replies] Last: Make a mastermind game. Create 4 variables that represent 4 colors. ... (by pearlyman)
delay program
how to use delay in c++ ?
[no replies]
View string from a certain offset in a file
Hello everyone, I been practicing with the filestreams in c++ and I can successfully get the string within a binary file to show on screen. However, the issue I...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you once again :) Marking as solved. (by Hcode91)
by iR3MiX
Need Help w/Return Value Function
Hi, I'm trying to write a program that basically rolls some dice "behind the scenes" and outputs to the user the desired die to roll, how many times to roll it,...
[7 replies] Last: Wow thanks for all the help everyone, and for the comments! I get why ... (by iR3MiX)
I need to create two functions, the first one must sequence a number. Ex n=6, output 123456.Right now my program outputs 654321. Second I need to create a funct...
[1 reply] : Hi, Can you explain why your code produces the numbers in reverse? W... (by TheIdeasMan)
Adding Constructors using operators overloaded
SO i want to add the default constructor and the generic constructor or at least keep changing the values as i either add or subtract the values. it prints ...
[4 replies] Last: ¿why do you have both `cf' and `a, b, c'? > (+=) not sure how to use... (by ne555)
Help with a password validator.
In writing my code for this function, the password always returns as failed-- so it's looping infinitely. If I attempt to follow the pwFailure variable in my he...
[9 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int hasUpper... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Theatre ticket codes
hello i m writing basic theatre ticket program. While writing now i can't solve one problem. When program ll print seats turning symbols to ascii. Because used ...
[1 reply] : Use a char arrays instead of an int arrays at lines 14 and 19. line 1... (by dhayden)
Need help stopping a while loop
So I am reading in a file with a while loop. at the end of the file it reads END. My while loop prints it and for the love of god I can not figure out how to co...
[4 replies] Last: @Ericool Don't loop on EOF! The flag isn't set until you try to read s... (by TwilightSpectre)
can someone give me detailed explanation on the while loop?
Don't explain "For Loop" and "Do While" loop. Just need an explanation on the simple "While" loop and how to use counter
[11 replies] Last: sorry for the late reply, i did figure out how to solve it :D (by kamilhassaan)
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