by merdasss
problem with a function in my class
[2 replies] Last: thank u sir that worked fine!! (by merdasss)
by DDomjosa
Function parameters in an if statement
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, that is what I was looking for. I'll go figure out how to u... (by DDomjosa)
by rorschach14
Filling up array type char*
[5 replies] Last: args is array of arrays. No it is not an array of arrays until you ... (by jlb)
by sme97
[1 reply] : Your sort algorithm is not implemented correctly. Is there some reason... (by LB)
by sme97
[1 reply] : Please do not post more than once: (by LB)
by RichHoang
loop from input text file
[no replies]
by CrazdKC
Structure troubles
[3 replies] Last: and the reason that you get negative numbers when you pass the data by... (by dhayden)
by esolve
multiple definition of variables in global.h
[4 replies] Last: if I should not use global variables, then what should I do? Make th... (by jlb)
by ianheinze
Multiplication table
[5 replies] Last: If you're truly lost, and can't even figure out how to start, here goe... (by Michael5)
by TGreenfire
undefined reference issue
[4 replies] Last: return a reference with the operator + . add the member to this memb... (by dhayden)
by peterbaaij
const vs. #define
[17 replies] Last: Your code on line 1 is invalid. (by LB)
by footpot
Text output not in rows
[4 replies] Last: Thanks alot that was very useful (by footpot)
by Calpernicus
Reading a file and outputting to new file
[3 replies] Last: stupid me that uses stdin/stdout the_input = open('input.txt', 'r') ... (by ne555)
by jhsyber
Not sure if i nailed it
[1 reply] : [quote=jhsyber]What am i doing wrong? Please explain what makes you th... (by LB)
by IcedKayTea
Visual Studio (C): Debug Assertion failed; .exe has triggered a breakpoint
[9 replies] Last: I get compile errors with what you posted. Lines 10-14 all need to be ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by ianheinze
Making a multiplication chart/table
[3 replies] Last: I'll give that a go, and also thank you for the tip! Didn't mean to ma... (by ianheinze)
by phatboy
I'm having a problem with my HW "Dice Roll"
[13 replies] Last: You've mentioned it only once. Sorry. You did have multiple messag... (by AbstractionAnon)
by C0UG3R
C++ Class Constant Defining
[4 replies] Last: as long it is not static you can. (by Ericool)
by Dazzer
General question about operator overloading
[4 replies] Last: Hi, Surely you can figure that out ? Given a function add (a, b) w... (by TheIdeasMan)
by CrazdKC
Inventory Class returning a negative inventory
[9 replies] Last: I know I need to call the setTotCost function, this is why the TotCos... (by cire)