by xcleonardo
Calculating Rate of Shipping Company program
[1 reply] : I have no idea what you are doing wrong either, excluding your origina... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by Edgy
Comparing Integers to Same Array Twice
[1 reply] : See line 82 and comment on line 81. (by helios)
by brownjas
Error C2679. Need help fixing it.
[4 replies] Last: Sorry I called the function wrong. So this is it: int main(void) { ... (by brownjas)
by Rhenzo51
C++ errors
[6 replies] Last: How, in the generation, can I exclude the previous outputted numbers? ... (by Rhenzo51)
by bigjes
using enum indexed array
[4 replies] Last: My fear is that he may think that I've "stolen" the code. However, if ... (by bigjes)
stack |
[2 replies] Last: Thanks so very much. Sorry for the delay (by The suffocated)
by dvarona1
Switch Statement Won't Run?
[2 replies] Last: Ahh yeah my professor did say something about Case C not going to be n... (by dvarona1)
by jolley1002
PayStub Help
[5 replies] Last: Thank you for the help kbw. I am sorry it did work. (by jolley1002)
by cpluswut
For Loop Confusion!
[3 replies] Last: @zacklucky: actually I wouldn't have the asterisk printing code inside... (by LB)
by if314058
Help me, to search factor O(log n)
[1 reply] : just adapt it to consid... (by ne555)
by CJM0929
[4 replies] Last: You've made Q templated on int , so Q->dequeue() is going to retu... (by MikeyBoy)
by CJM0929
[2 replies] Last: Line 81 (ImageComponents): here will never be NULL while x might b... (by coder777)
by GaryWalker96
How can I delete a node from anywhere in a linked list?
[10 replies] Last: Change line 27 to check whether removeAge is the age in question. Als... (by dhayden)
by primedata
How to exit when different data type is entered.
[2 replies] Last: Also, is there a way to do multiple assignments within one loop, for ... (by coder777)
by rabster
exception not working
[7 replies] Last: It makes no sense to throw and catch within the same place. why not li... (by coder777)
Trying to compare two files, each with two datasets, line by line to look for similarities in one dataset [Homework] |
[1 reply] : You can solve that with stringstream: (by coder777)
by NewProgramma
Question: Prompt user for a list of numbers.
[1 reply] : Something like this? #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include ... (by Ch1156)
by b29hockey
loops, arrays
[2 replies] Last: Wow, thank you! (by b29hockey)
Creating a class - code won't compile |
[7 replies] Last: Hi, What does putting the semi colons in front do? I know it's meant... (by TheIdeasMan)
by RandomGeek
What is the purpose of bool?
[1 reply] : This code hasn't been completed nor is it close to, compiling will sup... (by Radar)