Beginners - October 2015 (Page 26)

Issue with my linear search program
This linear search program is suppose to say if the account number is valid or not and it does it job until you get get past the second number in the first row?...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you guys for the quick response! I switched it to: #include <... (by C0D3FR3AK)
depcrated convers str to char*
I made several examples to learn about function overload. Next example compiles, but with a warning: $ g++ overloadF.cpp -c overloadF.cpp: In function ‘int ...
[3 replies] Last: You can copy a string literal into a non-const character array , bu... (by LB)
input being skipped.
when im entering data to this part of the program it runs fine but after i enter the vehicles rego number it will skip input for the fuel level. but if i enter ...
[1 reply] : found my error: cin >> temp.regoNumber ; (by learningcplusplus898)
Game wont loop to resart
I built a high low game that includes functions and levels. I have it almost completed but I can get it to restart. Thank you for your help. //Includers...
[8 replies] Last: Another 4 variants to consider (make sure you include <cctype> ): w... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Searching 2d array for row and column
I'm trying to search a 2d array for a row and column entry. The array is arrayShots and the rows would be characters and the columns would be numbers. The con...
[12 replies] Last: BS_GRID_ROWS and BS_GRID_COLS are initialized in another place. Kevi... (by rapalabrowns)
by Butch
need help with this question
I need help with what this code would look like, if someone can write this out for me that would be awesome! Thanks! Prompt the user for a number x and out...
[8 replies] Last: Yep Gauss n*(n+1)/2 if I am not wrong (by Ericool)
[18 replies] Last: To give a value to coinToss, you need to use an assignment operator. F... (by Kevin C)
please help me
Write your question here. The following pseudocode computes the square root of positive numbers using newton’s method. Convert it into a c++ program. 1. ...
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main (){ double x; b... (by zhengakers)
Reading Custom File Structures
I've been trying to figure out why cout won't print if in a while loop. I already know that the file is being read, and cout works outside of the loop. I need h...
[10 replies] Last: Never say you're dumb on a c++ board, it'll come back to haunt you... ... (by pearlyman)
Hopefully a simple understanding question
My question is, why can I use the variables first, second, and third for numbers in a file? What if I wanted to add the second, third, and fourth numbers? Why/...
[4 replies] Last: You can name any of them anything you want, as long as you have consis... (by pearlyman)
vectors inside classes
[15 replies] Last: Solved (by helloworld135)
Weird characters in code
Hello, I am currently working on a lab assignment and when running the program, I get multiple weird characters within it. Is there something that I am missing...
[5 replies] Last: I was able to get this now. Thank you! (by EdWar82)
Homework task
I missed some lessons and I have no idea how to do my homework. Can someone help me with this task? Task 2: Terminal master Write a shell (terminal or cmd...
[3 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by Gector
Morse code translator
If you could tell me everything I'm doing wrong and tell me why it doesn't output the morse for each letter... That would be great. #include <iostream> #inclu...
[3 replies] Last: Wait... To-upper... Thanks. (by Gector)
by st4evr
C++ Loop Outputting Average From Set of Numbers With Decimals
******See code update in one of the posts below. Any help greatly appreciated!******* Hello, Beginner C++ student here, first programming class. I am trying t...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you so much for you help. Working code: #include <iostream> ... (by st4evr)
by Dazzer
Overloading unary operators
Hi folks, This from class Point { private: double m_dX, m_dY, m_dZ; public: Point(double dX=0.0, double dY=0.0, double dZ=0.0) { ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! Yes indeed, i'm still struggling to call things by the right n... (by Dazzer)
by Jon15
Adding values within a loop
I am writing a program that will calculate how much some selected foreign currency would cost in us dollars. I am having trouble getting started with the loop t...
[7 replies] Last: Good deal! (by chicofeo)
by hanest
Using ofstream in function and in main
Hi all, I am trying to write a function that writes data to a txt file but my main program also needs to write to that file. The way i have tried to do it is hi...
[1 reply] : Your function should accept a std::ostream by reference, and main sh... (by LB)
Question about printing number
Hi, i have a question about printing number. The print function should display the output 10 primes per line if the input is more than 200, display on sc...
[1 reply] : I have no idea how to print the last 100 number. Can anyone help? (by kkl19880913)
help with undefined
for some reason my printResult(result) at the end is undefined i need some advice as to what i did wrong code: #include <iostream> int getNumber() {...
[5 replies] Last: @chicofeo, I agree with you, I will keep using return 0; as well my... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
October 2015 Pages: 1... 2425262728... 57
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