Beginners - October 2015 (Page 23)

How would I use a for loop in this situation?
How would I use a for loop when I need to write code that will compute the result of an int raised to the power of another int? Does that mean I'd have to make ...
[3 replies] Last: I think mutexe has answered that quite clear. But if you really need s... (by liuyang)
When I execute my program, a blank command window pops up - no syntax errors?
There are no syntax errors in my program, but whenever I run it, nothing is shown in the command window. Why? /*This program calculates inventory data*/ ...
[5 replies] Last: I would guess that you want this: while (inFile >> tool >> numberOfU... (by coder777)
Caesars Cipher
Hi, I am stuck on my Caesar's Cipher program, I would appreciate if anyone would take time to look over the following program and see if any improvements cou...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, didn't really understand it but I have got the jist of it, ... (by gibbsy619)
VS 2013 to 2015
I finished my code a while ago, but my computer had to be fixed and they reset rhe OS. Although, I was able to save all the data before it was fixed. I had the ...
[11 replies] Last: I'll make a few changes but it might take a while. Thanks for the help... (by miguel96)
force correct input
in my county registration number, consists of 6 charaters( numbers/letters ) trying to force correct input so will allways exit function with total of 6 cha...
[3 replies] Last: reset values? why should i do that? Because the program logic requir... (by cire)
Caesars Cipher
Hi, Don't have a piece of code because I don't know how to do it, I am just asking if someone could help me by putting a very Simple piece of code for a Caes...
[1 reply] : (by MiiNiPaa)
by Ch1156
How do I dereference a pointer to an array (1,2)
I have a pointer to an array and when i try to do: std::cout << *arr << std::endl; but that just crashes the program. #include <iostream> #include <stri...
[37 replies] Last: #include <iostream> void Pointer(int *arrP) { for( int i = 0; i ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Inventory program
I made an inventory program, but I'm having trouble having it display the COMPLETE TOTAL. How would I get all the values to add up to the complete total? this...
[1 reply] : 62: completeTotal += totalValue; (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
[1 reply] : HW Question help List of question numbers followed by the letter of t... (by TheIdeasMan)
Polygon Class, help much appreciated!
Hey Guys! I am trying to create a polygon class, but I've come across a few errors. The first is that I am supposed to provide summary statistics for all the ob...
[7 replies] Last: Hi, Maybe the interpretation of the assignment is a little off becaus... (by TheIdeasMan)
[Win32 API] Set text and background color of static label?
Did some reading but am so far unsuccessful. I am trying to set the background color and text color of a type "STATIC" window. Below is the code and what I've t...
[3 replies] Last: All the reading I've done seems to suggest WM_PAINT but still nothing ... (by CGunn86)
Need help with classes
[8 replies] Last: Solved (by helloworld135)
How To Make Program Detect When Certain Letter Is Entered?
Hello I'm writing a program that only starts when the user inputs the letter P or anything that starts with the letter P. How would I go about doing that? Tha...
[1 reply] : depends on input.. or you could use a switch.. cout << "enter lette... (by learningcplusplus898)
For loop will not accumulate correctly
I'm trying to design a for loop that makes a calculation, stores it to a value, and then does the same calculation again given a set number of times. It's for a...
[7 replies] Last: Yeah I thought that might be the case. Stick with what you had but the... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by isom03
Fibonacci Lab
In my class we were asked to create a program that outputs a whatever fibonacci number the user wanted. Then once you have a program that gives the user a corre...
[1 reply] : Boolean is true or false... So you can make a bool variable and defi... (by pearlyman)
help with 2 counters for class assignment
I had to create a automated highway patrol system for my class and I am stuck with the counters. I have to create 2 counters one to count number of vehicles and...
[15 replies] Last: You need one more function in this program... line 73 add: CheckPlat... (by pearlyman)
Need help with sentence printing in Special characters
C++ I need to know how to print a sentence out with special characters so if I was to enter "How are you", it then would print that sentence out with a charact...
[7 replies] Last: Are you provided with a template for the letters? (by cire)
Int Validation
When utilising ifstream how to I check if the right integer was input? (ie. the input has to be an int but there are letters instead) Then I would skip over th...
[2 replies] Last: gets (by hdj)
cant find problem
hi i cant seem to find what the problem with the code below is i keep getting the error that i'm missing ';' before type at the first for loop. #include <...
[2 replies] Last: You did not supply data.h, so it is impossible to duplicate your probl... (by AbstractionAnon)
Simple inventory program - no operator matches these operands
Hey, I'm trying to make a simple inventory program, but whenever I run it, it starts to say no operator matches these operands. I'll upload a picture of the err...
[1 reply] : setfill << (' ') setw(15) One of these things is not like the ot... (by LB)
October 2015 Pages: 1... 2122232425... 57
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