Beginners - October 2014 (Page 70)

by davez
having troubles with multidimensional (1,2)
We were assigned to declare a two dimensional array to store name and grade. The program should not stop in accepting array elements until the user entered 'N';...
[20 replies] Last: Too easy - phew. (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Matrices Multiplications input problems
I wanted to multiply two 3 by 3 matrices A and B, resulting in matrix C. C= A*B Cij= Sum(Aik*Bkj)(0<=k<3) Let prompt user input matrices A and B for 3 by 3. ...
[no replies]
by deruku
Match Three Game help.
So, i am making a match three game in c++ and i need help with creating a matching function to check if three or four pieces are together. I am using classes, ...
[7 replies] Last: what do you mean try and make it work. ? you mean main() ?... (by shadowCODE)
by Cush
How do I read certain parts on certain lines in a text file?
So basically I'm trying to read everything from day 2 on 1.0m and then the same with .5m and .25m and add them up and provide an average. Same with day 3. Wha...
[4 replies] Last: The logic for extracting the data of interest could be something like ... (by JLBorges)
Integer division
I'm sure this is pretty standard, but I need to make a program that uses user input to perform a selected calculation. It has multiple files (this is the functi...
[10 replies] Last: The spelling errors are for the same reason, I am just typing out the... (by admkrk)
Menu (1,2)
Hey I'm new at coding and I have a project where I need to create two games and have the user pick which game they would like to play. I already have the codes ...
[20 replies] Last: // Pick a game menu #include<iostream> using namespace std; void pl... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
My first RegExp
Hello! Why doesn't my program search "Ben"? #include <regex> #include <string> #include <iostream> int main() { std::string s = "Hello, my n...
[5 replies] Last: JLBorges, it works fine in VSC++2010! Thank you for showing mistakes a... (by Observer)
using new and delete causing program to crash?
Why is this code causing my program to crash? Also, if anyone could clarify how do I use new keyword with functions that return pointers? I am trying to und...
[4 replies] Last: Okay my friend, thank you so much :) (by bryan177mcsc)
No instance of overloaded function and cannot convert argument 2 from int * to int
Hi, i'm currently in my 2nd computer science class in college. I have been writing a program that is supposed to give a menu for the user to choose an option 1-...
[5 replies] Last: Yeah, you still haven't got it. All you need to do is replace 3 lines ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by c00012
Invalid Null Pointer
Hello Guys, First of all, I'm glad to meet you in this forum. I wrote a code to input name in while loop and print the content of character pointer array....
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for all suggestion. I'll do as you guys suggested and I'll let ... (by c00012)
by Jon15
Leibniz series with newton raphson loop
I need to write a program that asks the user for the desired accuracy that they wish to calculate pi to. I am stuck on how to use the newton-raphson technique a...
[2 replies] Last: Oh, how do i apply a series to the equation for pi? (by Jon15)
Prime number program with a given interval issues
nevermind, got it.
[2 replies] Last: you should leave your post alone next time you solve to save it as a r... (by novellof)
How can print list link
i have a program about list link, but after input data into a Node, then i can't print data, that i just input. This is my program #include <iostream> ...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct Node { int info... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
How I got MySQL Connector to compile statically on Debian
I spent an entire day getting the flags right, mostly because I didn't know about some of them. This is here as a reference to others just starting out and want...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. For me, pkg-config has suspiciously few packages in its list;... (by nan0hard)
Operand >> illegal
Trying to find which section has a higher average from 2 existing files (notepads)then writing the result to a third. However i'm getting that last 1,last 2, fi...
[4 replies] Last: Never mind, i got how to solve it (by jado765)
by f8al
C++ Substring
Hello, thanks for the pervious help in the past. You guys helped me so much I am trying make a algorithm if it can determine of string1 is a substring of anot...
[3 replies] Last: The one you use is size_t find (const string& str, size_t pos = 0) co... (by Smac89)
Help with roguelike Game
I have a function that is supposed to check whether or not the character can pass through a point on the map. I have the exact same code as someone has in their...
[1 reply] : bool isPassable(int x, int y) { int value = map map is probab... (by Disch)
October 2014 Pages: 1... 686970
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