Beginners - October 2014 (Page 46)

[1 reply] : I believe you're going beyond the bounds of the array, and the program... (by TheKingOfTyrants)
by akai09
quick questions
hello everyone, i've got a quick questions to ask. assuming a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4 if d='4' is it true is d='4' and d=4 the same? without ''? and if !(d...
[9 replies] Last: the !(d = 3) won't work. if (d != 3) better. d not equal to 3 is tru... (by closed account 1CfG1hU5)
Initializing struct in class
Hello, Having issue initializing a struct inside a class. I believe I'm doing everything correctly, but the program isn't compiling. Code and compiler error: ...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry, fixed those mistakes. I didn't want to post the entire code bec... (by hyperfine)
How can I have multiplication table, in txt output?
Dear Friends, Would you please help me why the txt output is not in table shape? But the compiler screen show is in table shape? #include <iostream> ...
[2 replies] Last: Lots of thankssssssssssssssssssssss (by spring2014)
Beginners linked list
Hey guys. I made a linked list. I would like to do threw the entire list and add all the data. Any ideas? #include <iostream> #include <string> using name...
[2 replies] Last: Why do you need line 1 and line 5? Can you explain to me what they are... (by Rashad2)
Basic type misunderstanding in OpenCV programs
So I'm pretty new to OpenCV and I keep running into programs using casting from int to (inputarray) or other opencv classes. Here's an example: DLLIMPO...
[no replies]
Why the txt output is different that compiler screen?
Dear Friends, This codes read 9 numbers from a .txt file and writes the results in another txt file. ut I do not know why the what compiler show in screen in d...
[no replies]
& pointer operator help
So heres this line I have: try { warpPerspective(*((oclMat*) src),*((oclMat*) dst),*((Mat*)M),*((Size*) dsize), flags, borderMode, (Scalar&) borderValue) ;}...
[4 replies] Last: thanks again miinipaa (by DaGoblin)
* question
So I know *a is "pointed to by a" and int * a means a's type is a pointer to a int value. So I came across this: DLLIMPORT int lv_FeatureEvaluator_create(in...
[2 replies] Last: that helped thanks (by DaGoblin)
How to sort 3 integer
I'm studying C++ by 3 weeks and I'm reading : programming priciples and practices using C++.At chapter 3 I have to write a program for this problem : ...
[4 replies] Last: Yes you can. I put the if-statements there as a generic method for sol... (by Smac89)
Homework Question (Program posted)
Hello, I'm in a C++ programming class. We were given the assignment to "Write a program that asks the user for a positive integer value. The program should use...
[3 replies] Last: Also, try sum += x; in your loop. At the moment you are adding your in... (by Charles1992)
Why canot this code read and write txt file?
Dear Friends, I want this code get "t" 9 times from input.txt at desktop and save the acc(t) results in array forms in output.text file in desktop. But whil...
[14 replies] Last: Have you enabled C++11 support in the project properties? Try this l... (by Tom56785)
User defined function cosx
So it gives me pow no overloaded? Does that even make sense? It's also giving me a few syntax errors but i can't see why double on the first line of defining th...
[3 replies] Last: I have no idea what you mean. Can you please start again. Assume we ... (by kbw)
hi everyone, i want your help on some questions and i will appreciate your responce so much, well i have been wondering for sometimes and i still don't underst...
[5 replies] Last: so you mean when I run a program the exe object is run? Yes. I... (by AbstractionAnon)
Looping Question
My question is: How would I just loop the output of (cardB == cardA)? Let's say for example, if the outcome was a tie, hence cardB == cardA, how would I add a l...
[1 reply] : All you have to do in this is to add a "do" loop around the code you w... (by Tom56785)
Unresolved External Symbol Error
Solved. Due to protect my code from plagiarism.
[2 replies] Last: Thank you I did it but I have another error now. Unhandled Exception. ... (by onefourseven)
can constructors prevent instantiation?
I would like my constructor to validate the passed parameters. If the parameter values are not valid, I would like to refuse the instantiation of the object. Is...
[6 replies] Last: ... First of all there are things that just can’t be done right wit... (by JLBorges)
Hello, I can`t get this code compile #include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> #include<cmath> using namespace std; //compute mean...
[3 replies] Last: I fixed line 27: sort (temps.begin(), temps.end()); (by pacman169)
program with while
Hi guys. I need some help. I have a program to write, but i have many questions. program is: I need to write program who counts total of "a". a=m*m/(n-m) "m"...
[no replies]
display a string for 3 seconds and then redirect
If the user enters a wrong password I want the "wrong password" message to flash on the screen for like 3 seconds and then direct the user to the access() fun...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks! (by omkarborkar95)
October 2014 Pages: 1... 4445464748... 70
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