by kathay14
Keeping high score
[5 replies] Last: use fstream. and write the score to a file then use that file as input... (by coltehrman)
Need help with this program |
[4 replies] Last: I think Linda is being dishonest. So she wants to mark up prices and t... (by tipaye)
by vishnu123
on type casting
[1 reply] : The void pointer doesn't carry any information about what type it poin... (by Peter87)
by pdf0791
Help with a C++ rainfall program
[1 reply] : I think you used month .lowTemp instead of months .lowTemp You mis... (by tipaye)
by itninja
Help loading class objects from file input
[8 replies] Last: you pass it by reference. example function process_vector(vector<Pri... (by rafae11)
by doc17
Storing outputs
[6 replies] Last: thank you for the suggestion is does make the code more simple or user... (by doc17)
by billyb29
C buffer overflow not working
[2 replies] Last: It worked fine when I overflowed buffer_one, and the value in buffer_t... (by billyb29)
by spring2014
How can I add loop to read 5 numbers from text file?
[6 replies] Last: someone gave you an answer on the other thread. (by fabtasticwill)
by knownone
Array stack, sorting HELP
[7 replies] Last: is this correct? line 13 - void sort(); line 52 - sort(stackNum, N);... (by knownone)
by wanchiz
trying to find largest and second smallest number in several inputs
[1 reply] : hello anyone here? i need help please! (by wanchiz)
by Binary91
Benefits of enum (1,2)
[20 replies] Last: Named values. Names for values. class car { static const int foo... (by keskiverto)
by kathay14
Guessing Game
[no replies]
by specter113
The highest Mersenne Prime? (hw part 2)
[2 replies] Last: Wow got it in 5secs...... thanks for the tip! (by specter113)
by Engin007
How to start a digit recognition program using MNIST in c++ ??
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot for the answer! looks exactly like what I've been looking... (by Engin007)
by Binary91
getting child class pointer via dynamic_cast
[5 replies] Last: hi So compiler starts with base class and then, searches downwards b... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Cadis
Basic sales + inventory code
[1 reply] : Here's a start. Use while instead of the call to main(). You should be... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by JayJay007
Help with a program
[1 reply] : Start by writing a program that reads one set of input, calculates, an... (by keskiverto)
by rdevivo93
Counting specific character in multiple strings
[5 replies] Last: >_> This is exactly the same as a for loop: int i = 0; while(i<max) ... (by poteto)
by spring2014
How can this code get 5 numbers and calculate 5 times
[3 replies] Last: Yes to for-loop, no to arrays. Your loop, btw, iterates 6 times. Thi... (by keskiverto)
by DiegoConD
What's wrong with my code?
[1 reply] : All for (int i=0;i<5;++i) loops are missing curly braces. None of y... (by coder777)