Beginners - October 2014 (Page 33)

by NOD32
Can someone explain how to fix this loop?
I want to validate the user's input. The if statement is working exactly how i want it to and the parameters accept the right variable, it's the while loop mes...
[6 replies] Last: yup (by NOD32)
Multiplying Dynamic Arrays
This code will compile and give my results, although I don't if this is correct. If I make the array 2X2, and I make each matrix: 1,1 1,1 2,2 2,2 I ...
[1 reply] : Interesting. When I run the program, I'm getting the correct result of... (by TheKingOfTyrants)
How to find an especific element on a queue?
I'm really newbie in c++, and now I'm trying to find a specific number in a queue, but it doesn't work, It never show the position. Please, can you tell me wha...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much!!! It works. I was doing my fuction really wrong I r... (by emilianSD)
by anup30
Compile without IDE
how can i compile with gcc without IDE? (so far i have compiled using DevC++ and Visual studio 2012). D:\codes\hello.cpp #include<iostream> int main(){ st...
[1 reply] : got it (by anup30)
Help with sorting program
Hello, So I have to write a function called sortMe that sorts the elements of an array in numerical order from highest to lowest values (descending order) or v...
[5 replies] Last: Got it! Thank you so much! (by ezmesori)
How to clean up this code?
I wrote a program where the computer will guess a random number between 1 and 100, and then it will play a guessing game against itself to try and guess that nu...
[1 reply] : My question is this: I'm using a goto statement in each "if" stateme... (by jlb)
input/output files please help
I have to write a program that reads in a large amount of data (7 columns) and then calculates the virtual temp for each data line using three data points (colu...
[1 reply] : You never read any data in from your file which I believe you meant to... (by TheKingOfTyrants)
by ci one
interpolating vector indices algorithm
Hello, What I try to accomplish seems difficult to explain in abstract terms, so I'll jump right into the practical application: Imagine a vector of colors ...
[no replies]
How do I work out the range of user input? (min/max)
I am trying to extend this piece of code I have written by also working out the range of the 6 numbers entered, unfortunately I don't really know where to start...
[2 replies] Last: What you just typed means nothing to me, guess I still have a long way... (by SgtSilock)
by Nebur
Question about data container 'map'
Don't you need to set the size of the map? I saw a code where typing m would create the element whose key was k and at the same time access it, how is this ...
[1 reply] : Map's operator will actually create an element with that key if it d... (by Disch)
Classes constructors and getter and setter
I tried to create an example to practice classes and I am a little bit confused. As I understood: Constructor are used to initialize classes. And the get...
[4 replies] Last: Yes it's obvious protected: int health in c++ instead of what I wrot... (by Victor89)
file reading doubt
i am going to be searching for a record in seven different .dat files is some thing like this possible fstream f2; char record_name ={{"Flight_RecordSun...
[8 replies] Last: yep the errors occured as both had the same name added an 's' and the ... (by bilgramiraza)
File handling problem
Write your question here. Hey Guys I am Atta. Please help me. My program is about file handling In this program i am 1- creating a file then 2- op...
[2 replies] Last: ok Thnaks, I'll check and tell you back. (by Atta Ur Rehman Akbar)
Hello, I had this exercise: Read a sequence of doubles into a vector. Think of each value as the distance between two cities along a given route. Compute and ...
[10 replies] Last: OS makes no difference. It seems like you type the g++ Look up... (by keskiverto)
Representing "word" as hexadecimal
I have a homework assignment where i am meant to write a function based on the code below, that prints the hexadecimal representation of word using bit operatio...
[2 replies] Last: std::ostream is the standard write out character stream in C++, in y... (by megatron 0)
by ferrad
Bit masking question
I have a 32 bit status flag. The first 8 bits (0-7) signify a warning if any are set, while the higher 24 bits (8-31) signify an error if any are set. I wro...
[2 replies] Last: ok thanks (by ferrad)
by ferrad
string copying
Could someone please explain why: errormsg = "error loading dll"; makes a copy of errormsg? (not what I want) Here is the function. I want e...
[1 reply] : Could someone please explain why: errormsg = "error loading dll";... (by MiiNiPaa)
My program won't calculate the average.
So my teacher gave us this assignment today and he wants us to use functions to be able to pass values through. I thought that I had everything correct ,but whe...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks a ton kemort and keene! Something so simple that just slips thr... (by rddscalif)
Why does my calculator code work when I run it improperly?
Write your question here. I was trying to make a calculator program, and while this code works when I run it the way it's supposed to be run ie: I input a numb...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for your help guys. Any suggestions on how I could make the pro... (by Jansel3)
Smallest & Second largest
I want to write a program that prompt the user enter a number continuously, until the user enter zero or a negative number.And how can I find out the smallest &...
[12 replies] Last: oh men, theres a lot people commented in this thread (by xenovia12)
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