Beginners - October 2013 (Page 77)

singleton class
I want to initialize MsgQ object with argument as some message queue name. One soloution i have is to declare MsgQ *msgQ; and do a new wherever i want to use b...
[5 replies] Last: Master& Master::GetInstance(const string& Qname){ static Master sin... (by irfan2266)
How to pass a numbers from a file to a function?
Hi ive been searching google for quite some while now and i cant figure out how to use the function getFile to return the whole file back into the main function...
[9 replies] Last: gonna work on this tomorrow and turn it in late lol.. (by luv2program)
by amc246
Help:The for loop-sum of cubes between 2 and n!
Okay I need a program where the user chooses a number greater than 2, then the program gives the sum of the cubes of all the even numbers between 2 and n, print...
[13 replies] Last: Hi there, Please wrap your code in [cod e] -tags, it makes it much m... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
Using functional decomposition
I have this question thats bothering me and Ive been working on it for the past 2 days and its due midnight. The temperature should be printed to the left of...
[1 reply] : Please, explain lines 14 and 33. (by keskiverto)
Need help with function
Trying to find the output off the statements cout << secret (3, 6) << endl; cout << secret (5, -4) << endl; The function given is int secret(int m,...
[7 replies] Last: Rephrased: I have this piece of code. I have these input. I cannot t... (by keskiverto)
[COM] CreateObject equivalent in C++ 6.0
Hi all. I'm a beginner in C++. Is there any well documented way to call COM objects in VC++ 6.0 (not .net) for example instantiate "scripting.filesystemobjec...
[2 replies] Last: Wrong place... and wrong year. Right place is: http://social.msdn.mic... (by Catfish4)
Variable "--" being used without being initialized
Im trying to have the output display message saying "Your score was not a perfect score" If the average is below 100 (entering numbers such as 1,2,3). When I tr...
[1 reply] : There are several points here. First, when a variable is not initialis... (by Chervil)
Type Casting
I've been reading through the first chapters of my C++ text book and I don't understand Type Casting. In one of chapter 3's checkpoints, I am to give the result...
[8 replies] Last: Oh! Ok! Thanks for explaining. I really appreciate it. (by xswtnsour13x)
Who's C++ tutorials should I be watching?
Lately I've been watching TheNewBoston's C++ tutorials... But I have some problems with it. He seems to lack the professional attitude that I learn well from...
[9 replies] Last: Okay. I seem to have gotten everything working. Thank you everyone. :) (by Pmiccich1)
by ivan1
Shift the elements of an array
Hi all, I have a function that I found on this forum: This code writes the array on the same array as I unders...
[3 replies] Last: yes, it does shift the elements but it updates the current array No i... (by MiiNiPaa)
First Time Using C++ ( High School Student) (1,2)
Hello, I am currently enrolled in a college course at the community college I attend to, which I'm a Middle College Student currently enrolled in the 10th grade...
[27 replies] Last: Thank you all for taking the time to help me. I would like to get tha... (by MathNerd)
while loops and reprompting user please answer
Hello, I am trying to make a program and so far I am having bad luck. How do you make it where if the if statments are not met, they will reprompt the use to en...
[1 reply] : std::cout << "enter values"; std::cin >> values; while(values < senti... (by MiiNiPaa)
Using a loop to get sum of integers? Help
I did some more research and found a way to solve for the sum thanks! #include <iostream> //For cout and cin #include <conio.h> //for getch #include <iomanip>...
[1 reply] : You don't need to use the formula (except for purposes of checking the... (by Chervil)
Replacement Strings help
this is a homework assignment using replacement strings. When the code is ran BEFORE making corrections, it will ask for first and last name. The OUTPUT after t...
[3 replies] Last: First, read this: Then let... (by LB)
Ignoring spaces with string
Hello there, Sorry if this has been asked before, but I cannot find an answer for this anywhere. I am taking my first C++ class and this problem came up which m...
[2 replies] Last: [quote=Yanson]you need to follow that statement with a call to cin.ign... (by MiiNiPaa)
advise on how to create a specific game idea
Hi guys. Ive been messing with c++ for a bit now and making games in the console window. Now i want to move on to making real games in 3d. Actually, I want to m...
[5 replies] Last: i asked for advise on what sort of software would be best to learn for... (by MarketAnarchist)
by ivan1
Assigning arrays to other arrays
Hi all, I have an array of numbers whose size is 15. Say, array . At some point, in my code, I want to assign array2 to array by: if(value1 <= value2) ...
[3 replies] Last: I don't know, the syntax is correct and it compiles for me: http://ide... (by LB)
Selection Assignment
Write the program convertChar that will read in one character (type, char) and then if the input is uppercase, print the lowercase letterif the input is lowe...
[4 replies] Last: Write the program calculate that will read in two double values and th... (by mathman23)
extra line being read from file
I'm making a banking program for my algorithms and data structures class. Everything is working fine except for this bit where even though I used while account...
[6 replies] Last: By the way, where did you come by this whole "while ( (by Cubbi)
Advice for begginer making a Calculator
hello buddies sorry im bothering you but im a starter and are making a prog that calcs Areas of Circles, Triangles and Rects. The question is what method shou...
[2 replies] Last: thank you i will :) (by segurivirix)
October 2013 Pages: 1... 7576777879... 86
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