by GuruMan94
where's mistake ?
[5 replies] Last: I've changed cin to cout, but it's not working still, what else i need... (by GuruMan94)
by nou
kriptographie mit elliptischer kurve
[1 reply] : Look at this: (by coder777)
by zkyzky
Need Help Urgently for project
[3 replies] Last: float computeCivIndex(ci); 'ci' is not a typename. Use of code tag... (by keskiverto)
by leetoranges
Total Calculations not right
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Ispil, i figured it out after you said that the code was goi... (by leetoranges)
by cgamer
Need help outputting data for this program
[1 reply] : Before printing out, where do you store the data? Your current line 5... (by keskiverto)
by iamtheodork
Copying and Displaying an array from text file
[3 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using names... (by iamtheodork)
by justinweq
My program is not working please help!!!!
[1 reply] : Hi! The problem is that you make a mess of format specifiers in scanf... (by rodiongork)
by Tooflyforyou
In need of some help, student grading.
[1 reply] : Write a C++ program Since you are told to write program, it is bet... (by rodiongork)
by iTechHD23
output never stops repeating [ Soda machine simulator]
[1 reply] : Of course it could not stop. You ask to enter letter and then you e... (by rodiongork)
by MaggieLow
Incorrect value in array
[1 reply] : If you are trying to process data in the part of array which was not i... (by rodiongork)
Double to Fraction. |
[1 reply] : I'm not sure if this is the best approach but one method would be to f... (by giblit)
by zakelong81
extra qualification error in C++
[7 replies] Last: I told you already, remove the `Time::' in the declarations. class Ti... (by ne555)
by Stremik
Dereferencing Arrays
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Now I will not be trying to do something that's not doable s... (by Stremik)
by Frank Stolfi
Converting String to Char (1,2)
[22 replies] Last: Ok, I think I'm going crazy and over analyzing all this. I figured it ... (by Frank Stolfi)
by nikkoNIU
What is a good book for Programming in C++ for Unix/linux
[1 reply] : The POSIX functions you are seemingly using are already extensively do... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
by mccor013
Simple User Login Program
[4 replies] Last: @ Mats - Question, I compiled and ran the program without the <string>... (by mccor013)
by Oalvarez
do-while loops trouble
[2 replies] Last: wow! facepalm. haha Thanks a lot. (by Oalvarez)
by halal
inventory system
[4 replies] Last: [quote=halal]I mean..the explanation about the program... If you read... (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
by pewing33ny
having issues with a "find lowest number" using an outside function/parameters
[2 replies] Last: what do you think that line does? Honestly, no idea. Right around t... (by pewing33ny)
by ldelsignore
Expected Identifier Syntax Error
[1 reply] : if (temp >= 60) && (temp <= 90) should be if ((temp >= 60) && (temp... (by Yanson)