Beginners - October 2013 (Page 44)

lvalue problem
Hi guys, I'm getting the error: 30:80: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment I'm not sure why this is happening as surely my char poi...
[1 reply] : IMHO you are assigning 3 times in line 30 where comparing is expected.... (by cppbegin)
Binary SHift
I'm trying to figure out the left binary shift operator (line 40), but what I understand is when I shift it to the left the compiler automatically adds a 0 onto...
[7 replies] Last: yes (by giblit)
by giblit
Is this how the STL containers look?
Is this how the STL containers look? #include <iostream> template <class T> class Container { public: Container( void ); Container( const int S...
[19 replies] Last: Thanks for the explanation on operator delete I see now. Also it sound... (by giblit)
Singly Linked Lists
Alrite, where can I find examples, you know practice questions of Linked Lists on the web Thanks
[no replies]
by Lynst
Decimal multiplication with variables
So for some very odd reason, if I want to make a variable that holds (.03*100) it equals 2, which is wrong; however, if I simply print out (.03*100) it comes ou...
[1 reply] : You've encountered one of the problems of dealing with floating-point ... (by Chervil)
Need help with Code
Hi, I'm writing a program that will test integer values to find out its factors and whether it is prime. It will run a batch file with 3 integer values as data ...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks so much for you help. It is compiling but my output is not what... (by JWonder83)
by f19l
C++ Quantitative Finance Courses
Hello, I currently work in finance and do a fair amount of programming in Visual Basic. I would like to expand my skills set by learning C++ but with a focus...
[no replies]
CodeBlock Build failed,from where I can change the build dependency??
I want to build the default "Win32 GUI" code via codeblock. I am getting the build error that Builder is unable to find some file.Is there anyway remove the fil...
[no replies]
Save and Load data not working properly
Hi, I've done this before but I can't seem to make it work now. I think it's because my load function is returning a struct now. Does anybody have an idea on...
[11 replies] Last: That's where I initialized them, at the struct. I don't get it. I'll p... (by colinjames12)
counting hyphens/dashes
I am trying to create a code where you input a social security number (with dashes) and it tells you whether it's legal or not. My problem is that i need my cod...
[1 reply] : Ask yourself: What is the return value of the checkDashes()? (by keskiverto)
string.substr call leads to hung program
Hello! I have a code which takes an original string and and then breaks that string into chunks based on the presence of specific characters (I am taking a s...
[10 replies] Last: Glad you got it updated. One point, in C++ the proper include should... (by Chervil)
Question: When I run it, it put green line and it say lldb. (By way I am using xcode) Here is part of my program cout << "Please enter the time in HH.MM...
[no replies]
Help with random numbers.
So I am currently taking a computer science 1 course and I am having some problems with an assignment. My problem is basically this. I need to generate a ran...
[2 replies] Last: Wow, thanks. So easy... My Professor would have had us do some time of... (by EvanWeaksauce)
Using void to send an error message
So for a project I am needed to use a void function for when the file is asked for the user inputs the file name and the void function then checks to see if the...
[1 reply] : Well I fixed all but one error so far with moving one of the brackets ... (by sparky1337)
Help with "for" loop
Hello, I am a beginner in C++ and I was looking at a problem involving a "for" loop. I do not understand how to get to the answer. I've successfully compiled...
[2 replies] Last: The way I do it is i starts 1, than gets brought up to 2 since 2 is s... (by cire)
Only accept positive integers
I need this to only accept positive integers. so if I enter a negative or something with a decimal it won't take it. This is what I have now. I just need help w...
[8 replies] Last: I didn't consider a file stream and cin was used in the example. I als... (by admkrk)
Good SDL or SFML tutorial
can anyone tell me where i can find a good SDL 2.0 or SFML tutorials? would really appreciate it thank you.
[2 replies] Last: Thanks ;) didn't know about (by LeonSken)
Help with for loop.
I need to write a program using a for loop that displays a 2% increase over a period of five years. It must display the new amount for each year. Any help or gu...
[2 replies] Last: You run the loop 5 times, but you perform the same calculation every t... (by booradley60)
Homework help
Can someone tell me what is wrong with my code? The instructions are included in the comments. What keeps happening is that the program loops correctly, but for...
[5 replies] Last: Shouldn't you do endAmt = startingAmt + increase instead of just en... (by Annatar)
October 2013 Pages: 1... 4243444546... 86
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