Beginners - October 2013 (Page 41)

help understanding instructions
I have an assignment but I am confused about what is being asked. Can anyone explain? Create a source file that has the following functions: i. a function ...
[1 reply] : Do you have a code of what you have done so far? Only so can anyone he... (by condor)
CRC program
Here is my assignment: CIS 215 C++ Programming Programming Assignment #2 Due Date: 10/21/13 The Cyclic Redundancy Check is an algorithm that is used to f...
[3 replies] Last: I have 2 text files that the professor wants us to use as the test fil... (by NSWhitmore)
Trouble with inFile and do while loops and functions
I am having some trouble with my functions. Here is a list of my errors. I am at a loss and I could use some insight. Z:\CS 150\Project2\SmithD_Prj2 v1.cp...
[2 replies] Last: Fix the first error and usually lots of the others will disappear. Z... (by vin)
by jcrose
Please help me!
My code is supposed to prompt the user for how they are feeling. If they say "good", "great" or "well" it is supposed to respond with "Super! Tell me more." ...
[1 reply] : #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> /* the code starts here */ int... (by Yanson)
Optimizing a sort using std::set
Hey everyone, I have a small segment of code that is designed as a sorting algorithm using std::set. The goal is to sort the dictionary file and, using set, ...
[2 replies] Last: Indeed, I would follow norm b' s advice and use std::sort in combinat... (by cire)
by srowe2
Need help with homework assignment!
I barely know where to begin! Can someone help me? The most I know is how to set up the program and declare variables!! Anyway, this is the question to number ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for catching that sig, I rewrote what he was trying to do and c... (by offshoreworker)
Cannot get program to compile
I'm trying to compile a basic program and I keep getting errors that cout is an undeclared identifier. The relevant code is below. I'm working with "Beginning C...
[3 replies] Last: Yup, took seventeen Google searches to find my missing iostream. I cha... (by railsetc)
by toast9
starting over if statements
I ask a person to enter in if they're male or female by typing m or f, but if they type something other than M, m, F, or f I want and an error message to happen...
[17 replies] Last: ok that make sense, thanks. (by toast9)
by sig226
Operating with Files
I am writing a payroll program that pulls information from a file, calculates pay and taxes, and outputs that information to the console. For some reason I cann...
[6 replies] Last: Awesome, I really appreciate all the help that you've given me when yo... (by sig226)
Renaming a file to .xlsx then exporting to .csv
I have a file when extracted from a piece of equipment that has the file extention .001. Is it possible to have filename.001 changed to filename.xlsx and then ...
[no replies]
User input of file name to open
Have a project I'm working on in my free time offshore that I'm sure I'll be here quite often. I can get access to the file and have it print to the console ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Chervil. Now I'll work on marking it as solved. (by offshoreworker)
How exactly do I go about doing this?
Write a program that takes a non-negative long as input and displays each of the digits on a separate line. The program output should look similar to: Enter a...
[4 replies] Last: You can safely ignore my previous reply. Reading your original post mo... (by Catfish4)
Help with arrays
I get errors on the lines where I'm attempting to multiply elements of the arrays. It says "expression must have arithmetic or unscoped enum type". What's wrong...
[2 replies] Last: Oh wow. Thanks (by ccwtree11)
Crash. Problem possibly with wrong usage of Arrays or String code.
Hi. I'm trying to make a program that helps you to learn foreign language words faster. By asking you them. This is only the beginning part of it, but yet it cr...
[3 replies] Last: Or simply std::vector< std::string > words(size); (by ne555)
Calling Functions
Hey I really need some help with studying for a Computer Science exam that's tomorrow. I know how to do loops, functions, etc but there's a section on one of ou...
[3 replies] Last: List the ones you don't understand and explain why you don't understan... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
by Keppit
Need help with Phone Number Program
Hi! I'm taking an intro to C++ class. My professor has assigned a problem where you have to take a phone number with words in it, and convert it to just digits....
[9 replies] Last: @cppbegin. Hi. I wrote an entire program in C++ according to his assi... (by closed account E0M1hbRD)
convert random string data to int value then into ascII
I need to take a line from a .txt file like 63g-8h6i 24-\pdfh r random sentence and somehow take 63 from the 1st part and make it the ascII character for 63 whi...
[1 reply] : something like this: ifstream fin("input.txt"); int a; f... (by Chervil)
I am having quite the difficult time making functions work. This is kind of a mess I just need to know how I can get it working. #include <iostream> #in...
[1 reply] : Line 10,31: You can't declare a function inside another function (cho... (by AbstractionAnon)
Can anyone help out with starting an Array that would do the following? 1. Load a single dimensional array of size 100 with a random number 2. The random nu...
[3 replies] Last: Any luck? (by igoyee)
Different header files for different OS
Hi, I just started learning cpp, this is my first post within this site. In case I did anything wrong with this posting, forgive me and instruct, please. If th...
[4 replies] Last: Yes. On Windows, you need to use LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress ht... (by Duthomhas)
October 2013 Pages: 1... 3940414243... 86
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