Beginners - October 2013 (Page 30)

EOF assistance
Can someone explain to me what EOF is? And how it works?
[3 replies] Last: "File" in this case refers to some external data file being accessed b... (by Chervil)
Function templates and passing arrays as arguments
Hey, I've been writing this program that is suppose to sort an array of elements. The elements could be of type int, double, or char. So, instead of writing thr...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your help :D (by BIgna20)
counting SINGLETONs
This question comes from myprogrammming lab . "Consider this data sequence: "fish bird reptile reptile bird bird bird mammal fish". Let's define a SINGLETON to...
[1 reply] : A equals A Of course `A equals A', it is obvious, it doesn't need to b... (by ne555)
Bank Account C++ Help
You have been developing a BankAccount class for Parkville Bank that contains several fields and functions. Add arithmetic operators that operate as fol...
[7 replies] Last: Compiler errors? Sure most of the time they say exactly what is wrong ... (by giblit)
Loop Menu
I have to create a program that will loop a basic menu prompting the user to enter a menu selection. I can not figure out why the program is not looping. I am...
[2 replies] Last: return 0; in your main function should come after the end of your lo... (by DAZXT950)
Investment program help
I do not fully understand where to go with this program. please help with this assignment: " Write compile and run a program the calculates and displays the...
[1 reply] : per=+.01 to per+=.01 (by Bourgond Aries)
Need help
It's a money changing program. For the first part, it gives me the best possible way for the change. It works, but not for $1,2,5,10,20,50,100?? It gives me the...
[1 reply] : Okay, let's break it down into a couple of pieces. In your main functi... (by Polaz)
Question about Arrays
Hi everybody. I have a question regarding the use of arrays. I would like to create an array where the users input numbers until a certain character is input. F...
[2 replies] Last: Ok I will look into it. Thanks for your advice. (by Sean TMD)
vectors and iterators
I'm reading through this beginner's guide to c++, and right now I'm on the chapter that explains how to use vectors and iterators. So I'm trying to write a pro...
[6 replies] Last: we can subtract one iterator from another to get a count of elements ... (by Explodey)
file problem
Hello i have a problem in reading more than one character from a file it reads just one character only #include<iostream> #include<fstream> using nam...
[no replies]
check input string with other inputs?
I'm in a rush for time for this, so any help would be greatly appreciated. The path I took on a project has led me to now have to check a string entry with prev...
[4 replies] Last: I would do this: When you get a book entry,convert to uppercase or low... (by Superdude)
by JK pc
Sudoku generator
Im trying to make a sudoku puzzle generator.. my logic is this- make a 9 by 9 array and a single dimensional 9 by 1 array. iterate through 00 to 88 (row wi...
[2 replies] Last: I solved the sudoku problem using backtracking... If you want to also ... (by threeright)
Simple Dice Game Syntax Errors
hey guys thanks in advance. I am trying to simulate two dice rolls, and compare the results. I am getting some kind of error at line 51, with my if statements....
[1 reply] : Where did you define aiRollResult ? I only see it in the airoll fun... (by LB)
by jwilt
i/o files with arrays (1,2)
i'm supposed to input a file of numbers into an array and I get an infinite loop of "<<<<<<<<". How do you read the numbers into the array? #include <io...
[21 replies] Last: i want it to only receive negative numbers and return them as positive... (by jwilt)
by Anontk
I've finished the documentation, what now?
Hello, just wondering if anyone could give me some advice. I've finished learning the documentation on this site and I think I have a good understanding of it...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot. The tutorials look really intersting. I'm going to give ... (by Anontk)
What does my error mean?
Hi, I'm new to C++ and this website. I have come here before for help with my coding but I could not find the answer I needed for my current problem. I am recei...
[4 replies] Last: Ahhh, thank you so much. That didn't even occur to me. I still have a ... (by Sean TMD)
Skip every two numbers
Hi, I was wondering how to skip every two numbers read from a file? For example I have a list of integer values (from a text file) say, 100 90 80 78 67 56 20...
[6 replies] Last: Google search: (by LB)
Error in my "for" loop
Hello - I am new to C++ and working on a random generator to create 5 numbers and place them in my populateLottery Array. For some reason, the only subscript/...
[4 replies] Last: OK. Sorry...I understand now. I removed the ";" from my "for loop" a... (by BeginnerSuz)
How do I call a binary searchin a loop
How can I loop through a data field with a binary search, looking for multiple values? Please, I don't want to know another, more efficient way, I want to do it...
[no replies]
Problems with codeblocks
I have a problem with compiling a project. I made a template in codeblocks to save some time when I'm making projects for the same kind of stuff but when I comp...
[2 replies] Last: Wish I would've known that before (by bacondude95)
October 2013 Pages: 1... 2829303132... 86
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