Beginners - October 2013 (Page 29)

a problem (with file organizing?)
Hi. I'm having some problems with my code. Please, could you correct it? Ex21.cpp: #include <iostream> #include "Point.h" int main() { Poi...
[5 replies] Last: The compilation must first generate object file from each *.cpp file a... (by keskiverto)
by enemy
Please, any shorter way to write this?
double a1, b1, c1,d1,e1; a1=a*100/s; b1=b*100/s; c1=c*100/s; d1=d*100/s; e1=e/100/s; Many thanks!
[2 replies] Last: Anytime you're doing the same thing over and over, it begs the questio... (by AbstractionAnon)
how to pass pointers
I am sure this is a super rookie problem i am having but I have been stuck for a very long time, and i cant find a simple explanation on the web or in my textbo...
[2 replies] Last: thanks a bunch! i did what you put here and now it compiles without e... (by density)
Some newbie help!
Why won't this cout << card .name <<"\n"<<card .value<<endl; hjärter 1 1 output this? Sorry, I am new to programming and the sulotion is proba...
[4 replies] Last: Oooh yeaa, thanks guys! This is basiclly blackjack I am trying to cre... (by AverageMike)
Help with variable storage and scope (and other beginner things)
I need to write a program that will ask the user if they want to convert a fraction to a decimal, add, or multiple two fractions. i am supposed to create one fi...
[15 replies] Last: [quote=jon smith]How would i read in the numerator and denominator? ... (by Chervil)
Cardlayout in wxWidgets. How?
Hello. I am beginning to learn wxWidgets (on Code::Blocks). What I intend to do is to have an application with several panels that include multiple components o...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for your help! (by igorland)
by nhix
Print array in reverse order using pointer
I have the necessary knowledge and code to successfully print an array in order however, I'm getting my butt kicked trying to get the same array printed in reve...
[2 replies] Last: Oh my gawd... I really want to slap myself. I tried that very same thi... (by nhix)
What are C++ libraries?
#include <cmath> I know that compiled object files .o, can only be used on the machine which compiled them. So what are libraries. Are they some kind of sp...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks. (by vasilenko93)
Problem with 2d array (as argument type)
can anyone help me to look at the code and what is the problem is???? No output at all! #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #incl...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you cire.... I solved it with u code. Output can see right now... (by MaggieLow)
What am I doing wrong?
Clark’s Cafe pays its employees time and a half for every hour worked over 40 hours. a) Write a program to calculate gross weekly wages (before taxes) given ...
[1 reply] : "NO TAXES DEDUCTED" will be printed no matter what the user enters as ... (by mutexe)
Need help fine tuning multiple errors.
Hey guys. new here, trying to debug this code and i keep getting this 1>------ Build started: Project: Project 2, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1> proj...
[5 replies] Last: sweet. thanks a bunch (by smexy1904)
A value in my array is getting reassigned and I'm not sure why
I have no idea how the value of time1 is getting reassigned when I assign a value to time2 #include <iostream> using namespace std; void display(int x ) {...
[3 replies] Last: Oh yeah, I feel dumb. thanks guys (by halpmepls)
by BC300
Can't Compile Program Control/Specific Task Function Program
I have to make a program with program control and specific task functions. I'm supposed to call 2 specific task functions to my program. I wrote the code for th...
[17 replies] Last: My code works after making the change and I'm getting the values I'm s... (by BC300)
Display first name only
If I were to enter a name with first name, middle initial, and last name, how would I get it to display just the first name using members of <cstring>? #inc...
[3 replies] Last: Yay it works! Thank you for your help! (by Lindseybb)
hex, binary, octal, and decimal conversions
im having a problem with this assignment, i already did the first part of the problem which is Take a byte, an 8 digit binary number as input, and output th...
[2 replies] Last: this was the first assignment so we still didnt take anything about lo... (by allenanaima)
Checking for Palindrome
I cannot figure out how to compress my sentence to one word in lower case. I was able to make the sentence lower case but do not know how to compress it to one ...
[2 replies] Last: After cin>> choice; add this line: cin.ignore(1000, '\n'); ... (by Chervil)
Using Do While loop
I am using a do while loop in a program that checks if a sentence is a palindrome. The program works fine when compressing the sentence and reversing it, but do...
[2 replies] Last: this is the issue I am having now (by billet07)
by tce19
What will be the output of this source code? They are asking as to find the output but is it depends on what the user entered, so it can be any words. I'm c...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you LB for explaining it (by tce19)
Can't compile a income tax related program.
I'm writing a program that computes federal income taxes. It checks for four different filing status's then asks for your taxable income. After this all the cal...
[2 replies] Last: I'm sure I learned that but forgot it, I'll fix all that up. Thanks fo... (by WillX47)
Trouble reversing sentence
I need to write a program that figures out if a sentence is a palindrome or not. I was able to get the program to take a sentence and compress it to one word ...
[1 reply] : Please do not post more than once: (by LB)
October 2013 Pages: 1... 2728293031... 86
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