by Sharan123
[7 replies] Last: Thnaks for the link so do you think Julian Assange did the wrong thing... (by Sharan123)
by daspropisan
looping menu with some functions for array
[3 replies] Last: What do you mean, "didn't want to process data"? Can you please expla... (by MikeyBoy)
by Michael37
VS2013 to CD Only?
[4 replies] Last: However, when I double-click on this file, the only thing that happen... (by Catfish4)
by billbarr
Dot product assignment... error checking
[14 replies] Last: It's seeming like this code is turning into one step forward, two ste... (by cire)
by newlearn33
e^x=1 + x^n/1!....question - please explain so I can understand.
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> // std::cout #include <iomanip> // std:... (by ShodanHo)
by sea711
expected primary-expression before
[4 replies] Last: I'm compiling correctly now, thank you for your help. (by sea711)
Class related short question |
[7 replies] Last: Board is a class. Classes have constructors. Constructor initializes ... (by keskiverto)
by Jaycs
trying to find largest int
[9 replies] Last: He said that he has fixed that. If so, then there is version control i... (by keskiverto)
by smdtherock
not calculating?
[3 replies] Last: thanks a lot guys! yeah I fixed the y,n and it worked, but then when I... (by smdtherock)
by sakonpure6
Overloading Operators
[1 reply] : Can you show some code so we can clarify what you mean ? (by nvrmnd)
by DrZoo
SLNode Class operator<< help
[2 replies] Last: Wow, I knew it was something small that I was over looking. Thanks Nor... (by DrZoo)
by epicblue
Array Help.
[6 replies] Last: The number of input doesn't have to be 50 ? The problem is in the con... (by nvrmnd)
by prettyknitty
Geometry Calculator with functions
[1 reply] : For one, displayMenu() needs to return a value of type int. Two, you n... (by Ispil)
by ShLuBsTeR
How can i write a program that will delete a certain file or set of files every time i run it?
[1 reply] : you can do something like this : c++ version : #include <cstdio> #i... (by nvrmnd)
by KvltKitty
istringstream question
[11 replies] Last: Hmm so while (getline(inf, s)) essentially executes a getline command ... (by KvltKitty)
by jforest02
C++ Input flushing and other problems.
[5 replies] Last: Could you show the updated code? Possibly, your program still keeps th... (by Kikiman)
by binso
increasing or decreasing array prblem
[14 replies] Last: Never mind, figured out the problem. Had to be <= in the if statement... (by binso)
by nadeali
Card Game
[no replies]
by GokuK97
Need help on this program of data structures
[1 reply] : what have you got so far? (by mutexe)
by nadeali
Bubble sort
[2 replies] Last: Oh, that was a really stupid mistake :p Thank you @manga :) (by nadeali)